thiccc judge and the loony bin

20 minutes later

I open my eyes, I try to get up but it was to no avail, I look around, I was inside an empty white room the only things here we're a door and a large which I'm confident is in fact a one way window since I had watched movies before and because I could sense six presences behind the 'mirror', I am lying on a metal table while all four of my limbs are bound with thick military grade thick cuffs, there's also a blind fold on my eyes, they seem to have figured out that some of my power is related to my eyes, but I could still see through the blind fold with my Sharingan

after a few minutes the door opens and in comes in a man with a police uniform, and holy ravioli my mans is thiccc I mean damn, he grabs a chair, lumbers over and sets it down next to my table and sits down, I swear I heard the chair screaming in agony when he did

"here you lay across a cold metal table, chained up like a rabbid animal, the plaza destroyed, lives in ruin", he then grabs my collar and lifts my head from the table and starts shaking me while saying, "and 5 thousand civilians and heroes killed and devoured by you and you alone to strike fear into the hearts of mortal men, what say you demon, devil conceived by the bleakest womb, what say NOW!!!!"

"Amaterasu", I say slowly, and with that he lets go of me and starts screaming, but before he could stop, drop, and roll he already turned to ashes, with the black blind fold on my face doing the same [A/N: yes, I did steal, I mean make a reference to team four star's Hellsing ultimate abridged]

as soon as he turned into ashes all might bursed through the door like a normal person, he seemed completely healed probably recovery girl gave him a quick fix, he towered over me and said, "Uchiha shonen, you promised to cooperate", I look at him straight in the eyes and say, "I did, but I'm not gonna tolerate some fat fuck who reeks of corruption and sweat grabbing me and screaming in my face as if he were my superior, just because I'm chained up doesn't mean I'm powerless, now bring over someone else, and make sure he's not someone like this clown", I could feel him getting quite agitated, not knowing how to deal with me

he then leaves and comes back with three people, they were night eye, nezu and a young aizawa, as soon as they enter aizawa activates his quirk on me but as soon as he does my abyssal ability also activates which results in his quirk getting deactivated instead, seeing that he looks at nezu and shakes his head and said, "it seems my quirk is ineffective on him", he then pauses for a second and looks at me and continues saying, "no it's not ineffective, it's as if he used the same quirk on me which resulted in my quirk deactivating", night eye then said, "if that's true then that would mean that he might have used the same ability to avoid being caught by us, when I used my quirk to see his future, he was also able to see the future which allowed him to counter us", nezu then nods to him and turns to me and smiles in a friendly way, "Uchiha kun could you please tell us about this ability of yours", I look at him with unamused eyes and say, "hmmm why would I do that?", "well, if you do then I will remove those restraints on you, they don't seem very comfortable, and I'll even allow you to keep these", he then brings over a big jar from Jashin sama knows where and puts it on the ground, inside it were my beautiful red butterflies, seeing that, I have no choice but to agree and so I reply, "it's my second quirk, when certain quirks are used against me, it allows me to use the same quirk on the person using it, I call it abyss", he then nods and thinks for a few seconds, then he asks, "why do you call it that", I smirk and activate my eyes and say, "that's because if you stare into the abyss then it will stare back", hearing what I say they are all silent, then night eye asks, "we will be asking you some questions, so I hope you will cooperate, although we can't promise that you will get out Scott free but you can at least get a better sentence by cooperating", I look at him and nod, "that's fine", nezu then as per our deal grabs a key and unlocks my restraints, rubbing my wrists, I get up and sit down on the table I then proceeded to crack my neck and shoulders

night eye then grabs a note pad and clicks his pen, "ok first question, could you tell us of the amount of people you have killed and consumed", 'i've waited my entire life to say this line', I point to my mouth and say, "how many breads have you eaten in your entire life", hearing my answer all might seems like he wanted to cry, while aizawa smacked the table and said, "how could you take so many lives and act as if nothing happened", I look at him dead in the eye and release an invisible aura of pressure and say, "oh get your head out of your ass and look around, can't you see, we live in a society where those without quirks are seen as second class citizens, one where those with so called villainous quirks are discriminated against even if they are meer children, all the while fake heroes abuse their status and authority while committing crimes worse than those of villains while calling themselves upholders of justice"

night eye fixes his glasses and says, "could you give us an example", "sure, I once saw a hero in an aly talking to a little boy, he was giving him a gun and telling him to go to a nearby grocery store, point it at the people there and tell them to give him their money, all so that he could get a bit of Fame, he wanted to use an innocent child just to further his career, seeing such a thing sickens me to my core, but that's just some third string hero, another example of this is the second ranked hero, endeavor who used his influence to marry Todoroki rei, he then went on to have four children just to produce an heir who would be strong enough to become the rank one hero, not only that he also abuses both his children and wife"

"those are quite the accusations you have there but without evidence they are just that, accusations", said night eye, he then continued, "anyways let's get back to talking about you", he then went on to ask various questions, some like why I ate so much, to which I answered that I simply needed to, he also asked about my black flames which I just ignored after that they took me to an empty holding cell probably worried that I might kill others, I just laid on the bed and went to sleep


for the next two weeks the internet and media were lit ablaze due to the battle between all might and Sasuke Uchiha, the black flames that burned endeavor, which were only extinguished after burning for an entire week, the transformation that Sasuke used to fight and injure all might to such a degree made them have nightmares, and the lightening dragon that was able to repel all mights strongest attack, also the fact that by the end of the fight all might had only managed to make one attack which seemed to do no damage while Sasuke managed to make many deep cuts on all might and only lost to exhaustion, the fact that such a young child could push the symbol of peace so far in fight, many people wanted him to be put down after all who knows how strong he might become in the future

but then a certain video appeared on the internet by an anonymous user, it showed how Sasuke Uchiha was chained up and had a blind fold on his eyes, it showed how the interrogator physically assaulted Sasuke and screamed at him, this made many people question the polices actions, it then showed the way Sasuke Uchiha described the current society and the way it treated people, the video also showed CCTV footage to back up his first example of a hero abusing their authority, it showed the hero giving a gun to seemingly 4 year old child, and also showed how Sasuke Uchiha who was called a monster by many people took the hero somewhere else and came back to comfort the child and took him to his house before leaving, this made many people wonder if he was truly a monster or just a lost child who is able to see the corruption behind the Vail of peace, there was also evidence provided of how enji Todoroki also known as endeavor used his influence to marry his wife, but no concrete evidence of abuse was found, this caused waves in the public, but then the attention around Sasuke Uchiha would slowly die down after he was sentenced to be put in a mental rehabilitation center, with the last thing people discussing about was how he asked the judge who could be discribed as corpulent, quote "are you deaf as you are thick"

[A/N: hope you enjoyed the chapter, had to cut this one short but the next will be soon, btw next chapter is probably start of the canon, well c ya]