Good old hand-to-hand

"Bring it on! I am bound to kill at least something today!" the girl snarled, swinging at me with her dagger.

I dodged mid air and landed a few steps away. Since I couldn't fly upside down, I had to in order to fight her, or I'd just be giving this girl free shots at my legs.

I felt the battle trance descending on me again as I measured my opponent. She looked young—younger than Rosha, though older than Risha. Thick winter clothes hid a lot of her figure, but there certainly were curves under all that fur and protective leather. Despite them, the girl's movement didn't seem constrained. They were jerky, but quick, as she turned towards me and pointed with her dagger at my chest.

She bared her teeth, and I bared mine right back. With my left hand, I pulled out a dagger and made a couple of trial swings in the air. Then, as if by a signal, both of us rushed towards each other. Even with the battle trance clearing my head, the frustrated anger still bubbled in me.