United front

I had to attack now! It was for the best. Griffins were day predators, so they just began to wake up now. No other griffin would be outside of the nest at this time. As for Yvenna, I just would have to adjust to her fighting style and lack of stealth by approaching the nest first and blocking the exit. It was only about three meters wide, and me alone would be enough for it, until Yvenna comes by.

"Alright, Yvenna," I whispered to her. "Sit here, quietly, until I call for you. Then you rush into the fight and help me kill the griffins. Got it?"

She nodded. Her eyes were a bit too wide for my liking, and her muscles a bit too tense, but… I sent her a narrow-eyed look and inspected once again the forty meters I would have to cross to get to the nest.