How to make a girl happy

I remembered what Pest told me. His magic abilities were awfully expensive, and useless without heavy investments. Heavy for my younger standards, that's it—right now I could afford to pour a couple hundred thousand EXP into him. At the very least, it'd be better if he could suck out my abilities faster.

'Pest, had you levelled up your EXP sucking ability yet?'

'Yes, yes, yes. Do you want anything else removed?'

'No, but suck on my,' the desire to say "dick" was almost irresistible, but I held myself. I wasn't a child anymore, 'EXP and level up the sucking ability as soon as you could until you can, hmm…' I made some calculations in my mind. 'Until you can suck thirty-two thousand EXP per hour. How much EXP that will take for you, do you know, Pest?'

'I can calculate. Just give me time!'

'Go on.'

It took Pest a dozen minutes. 'Should cost me just a little less than half a million EXP.' His voice was hopeful. 'Can I proceed?'