
"You see," I continued, grinning wildly, "I'm going to kill the bastards that call themselves gods. While I grow in my power to do the killing, you will do what you can to help me with that. Gather information on my opponents, help me pick targets… Your Bishop will be the one to direct you on that." I patted him on the shoulder, leaving a bloody smear on his robe. "He led you pretty well all these years, and I expect him to keep the same way."

"I'm most grateful to have that praise, my lord. I won't rest until your way to the goal is clear!" With a blaze in his eyes, Bishop knelt like the rest of the cultists. Then, he reached for the smear I left on him and with shaking, gnarled hand spread that blood over his lips like some weird lipstick.

I hoped he would dim on that reverence when we would be out of the cave again, because it was one thing to bask in it occasionally, and another to work with someone who, what? Baptised himself with leftovers of your dinner?