Break inner

As soon as the bugmen—bugwomen?—were free, they lunged at me in unison. I didn't expect them to be grateful for being saved, but damn. Even after so much time spent chained, even while being pregnant, they were awfully fast. I dodged by a hair.

"Ungrateful lot…" I grumbled. "Get out of here and wreak havoc on someone else, dammit!"

I enforced this notion by getting out of the house. Outside, I heard someone's shot of alarm, and knew that I was noticed. But how much? I didn't wait to find out and instead bolted upwards, to the ceiling, which was high and dark here.

Then the bugwomen got out too, and everyone's attention, just like I expected, switched on them. My path was clear, for now.

I dashed towards the centre of the village, where the stone dome that hid the source stood. When I came at it with my claws, I put not just the force of my hand in it, but the force of magic in my wings that charged me towards it.