Just a theory

Bishop pulled one of his books and opened it on a bookmarked spot, then turned it to us to see. There, a woman whose only resemblance to Goddess of Wizards was the magic book in her hands and her gender was descending in the rays of blue light towards a hunched old man.

"The historical accounts say that Goddess of Wizards berated Willorio for trying to touch knowledge that shouldn't be touched by mortals, and when he tried to attack her with the magic he learnt, killed him with a word. A tragic fate… such brilliant mind destroyed with so little care." Bishop put the illustration down and shook his head. "But the goddess didn't destroy Willorio's research—not all the copies, at least. There's a lot written in his books about the nature of magic, and in his research journals he writes about all the ways he tried to achieve eternal youth. One of them was moving directly into Heaven or even Hell, bypassing Heavenly Judgement and keeping his power and memory."