There are ways

It was like suffering from a mantichora's venom again, but this time, instead of making my muscles go lax, the invisible force that was the celestial's spell made me freeze on the spot, unable to move at all. I couldn't relax, nor I could tense. It was like my mind became disconnected from my body.

The woman floated towards me with a smile of a victor on her face. "Not so fast now, are you?" She circled around me. Her wings, like mine, appeared to work by pure magic and not by any laws of physics, because she didn't even beat them.

"Well, well, well, what a specimen. No, I can't just turn you over now. I must do extensive and thorough research of you first. Only then… Like that, you will me of the most use to me."

I couldn't reply if I wanted to, but right now my focus was on other thing. The woman thought that she won, but I was intent on breaking free from her spell, preferably now that she was only a step away and at her most vulnerable.