Death clutch

I could hear Goddess of Wizards's thoughts, ranging between "yuck!" and "what is that?". I didn't wait for her to free herself from the web and seized the moment by rushing outside. At the same time, I gave Pest the command to enhance me with spells, as I had instructed him before.

The spells in questions ranged from the stat buffs that would sum nicely with the increases I got from my abilities to more utilitarian spells, like the dark cloud that would hide me from the enemy. But they would take a while to prepare, and I hoped to not make that fight lost this long.

Time wasn't on my side here. After all, my opponent also used spells as their primary attacks. And contrary to Pest, she didn't need to spend minutes on casting each and every one. I remembered our last fight like it was yesterday. With the help of her magic book, she cast spells in instants. Taking it from her would make the divine bitch, if not helpless, then much weaker.