A revelation

The magic force seared through me, shredding my flesh just slowly enough that it glued back together instead of splattering all over the place. This was what meat felt when going through the grinder, and my already low HP took another blow from this.

My malleability had its limits, and it took them at being mincemeat.

But despite all that, I didn't let myself fall back, or even stop. I was still alive, and even as my skin tore into pieces only to be gathered back, I pushed forward. My world narrowed to Goddess of Wizards's face, to her eyes, widened with surprise and fear.

A few of my teeth lost consistency and dissolved in my boiling-hot saliva. I grew new ones just as my hands, all four of them, grabbed for Goddess of Wizards. One found purchase on her shoulder and began to slowly burn through cloth, one caught her arm, and two wrenched her blasted book away.

Then my jaws opened wider and closed on her face.