
He wasn't smiling after I presented him the prototype of the magic flight device I made together with Pest in an hour. Well, he only enchanted the flight rocks—I bound them together with webs, as well as balanced the ballast in the web basket at the bottom. The basket was only big enough for a single person, but a single person was all that we had, anyway.

"You want me to fly up and down the Abyss in THAT?" The Master of Sin's eyes flickered between me and the flight device. No amount of composure could hide his anxiety at the moment. "For something that… unreliable, there had to be a test. I will order someone else to try it out."

"Whoever gets in needs to be powerful enough to thwart attacks from birds, at least. My webs are strong, but what's the point if you get torn apart in the air? Besides, there's no sense in sending weaklings to Limbo. Don't you know what a chaotic mess of a constant carnage it is?"