Universal values

The stick wasn't doing it. What was there besides the stick? Right, a carrot. Enforcers worked for the Master of Sin (and by extension, me) because he fed them and hosted them and cared for the comfort of their living, so they didn't have to.

Meanwhile, I kicked asses of the demons who thought that in the absence of the Master of Sin, they could try to sit on his throne. Which was mine now, for as long as I stayed in this wretched place. What there was in my hands that I could offer to Enforcers?

I scanned their thoughts for an answer. While being let into the mortal realm was just as enticing for them as for any other demon, their knowledge of it was so blurry, and their imagination so bleak, that they knew nothing else about it but that everything is absolutely amazing up there. Even the existence of it was such an abstract concept for the quartet that they had a hard time truly believing in it.