"There've been rumours, Rogues, about all kinds of dissidents amongst mortals. Well, you know these rumours—they always here. Heretics, adventurers that use their divine power on other humans instead of monsters… You sure know how much of truth and lies there are."

God of Rogues nodded, confirming that yes, he knew better than most that all that mortals at their best were creatures prone to all sorts of debaucheries that they, of course, hid from the eye of officers of law and order. Sharing with him, though, was a completely different matter. He was a rogue himself, one of them.

It's alright to share with one of them. He would understand and help to hide the body. Or at least, his priests would—God of Rogues had more interesting things to do. But in the eye of a common man, there was not much difference between the priest and the god, and his donation went to the temple, anyway.