On the second day of my stay in the cave that was the secret shelter of Devourer's Church in the wilderness between the Blue Mountains and the city of Tinaris, a member of the church reported that there gathered a search party. A serious one.

And fast, because just a couple hours after he ran to the shelter with that report, templars and guards with search dogs spread out of the city.

"We can't stay here any longer. We need a better shelter… elsewhere." Bishop stated the obvious, wringing his hands.

Everyone's obvious lack of desire to lose this place, too, was written on their faces. There were a dozen of adepts besides the people I mentally put into my hand-picked elite squad and Bishop, who was in his own category with his organisational skills and the knowledge of his church.

His only problem was the poor performance when under stress. Thankfully for him, I was there, so I began to bark orders.