WENDIGO. Live fast, die young

Blood rained, and I laughed. Worthless humans ran like the worms they were. She'll send them all to Hell, where its flames sort them on weak and strong.

Master sent me and my squad first—another show of trust. I only wished Sin could see it—then I'd be able to laugh in his face. But he still didn't return from whatever hole Master threw him into, and that must've meant that he was finally sent to his reincarnation. If so, then that was a pity.

He was strong, after all. A worthy servant. His final death would've been a waste.

But these thoughts didn't hold in my head for long, because I was going to the mortal realm!

It was everything we were told about and more. Clear air, warm, if terrifying, sun, food that simply grew under our feet. The temptation to stay where we ended up and simply let myself and my warriors enjoy ourselves was great, but the fear of my Master's wrath cleared my head, cloudy with the scents of this place.