Chapter 1 - New Path, New Powers And New Problems...
- Inner Mind -
{Power, energy, infinite amounts of it emanating from everywhere, making its way into every part of him. It gave him the energy to keep on running for as long as he needed to, as long as he wanted to, and he never wanted to stop. In his current situation he saw no need to stop the running. Although he was uncertain of how long he had been running, he was certain that this was what it meant to be truly happy. To truly be free, to run infinitely, that's what gave him happiness here.
He felt infinite as he ran, there was no end or beginning to this, it felt as if he had been doing this from the moment that he had been born, the moment that he had become aware. The power was simply something that gave him some sort of meaning, something besides the quickless nature that he'd been born into. The nature that had given him nothing but grief from the very start.
As he looked around himself, he took in the space occupied around him. His surroundings were the most beautiful thing that he had laid his eyes on. It was as if all the energy in the world turned to color, every single color in existence. These colors spread to take up every cubic centimeter around him, and it was spectacular. This was a state that felt pure and it was what he was certain death felt like….but he wasn't dead. Was he? Of course he wasn't! He was simply...he didn't even know...
He remembered going to school to clean up the mess caused by the sudden storm. The mopping of the water had been a very annoying chore, but he remembered doing it. Afterwards...he went into a separate room in order to put away the mop, it was filled with all the chemical that the students used for chemistry labs. He remembered a bright light followed by a cackling noise that could only be lightning. When he turned his head slightly he felt an immense feeling of power coursing through him. Besides that, there really wasn't anything else to remember. That was the last memory that he'd been able to recognize before all of this happened. He had been in this state of perpetual motion and he would keep going until it was all over. He would keep on running till he had something to draw him back...}
- Real World -
Izuku's eyes shot open as a doctor drew blood from him causing the doctor to yelp in surprise and drop the needle. His eyes turned from side to side as he sat up and attempted to take off the several monitors that he had all over his bodies. The monitors began to increase in numbers as the young coma victim slowly came to be aware of things around him.
The startled doctor, recovering quickly, pulled out a flashlight from his pocket and attempted to examine him to ensure that he was sound in the neurological department. Izuku was unable to use his voice at the moment as it hadn't been used in quite a while. He also believed that the light that was being shined in his eyes seemed to be quite annoying.
"Well...son, how does it feel to be part of the 90 percent of people who have survived a lightning bolt to their person?" Izuku gave a look of confusion to the doctor who only gave him a smile as he checked his chart. "It appears that all your vitals are within normal range...we should be able to check you out within a week after we make sure that you are in tip top shape."
The green-haired boy was finally able to clear his throat to get the attention of the doctor who slowed down just enough to give him more attention. His vocal chords hadn't been used in close to a year so he spoke quite slowly as he asked his question.
"Would you mind telling me exactly what happened? I'm not sure if I remember everything correctly…" The doctor gave him a short nod as he put his flashlight back into his pocket and kneeled down to pick up the needle that had been dropped earlier. He scratched his head and racked his brain as he tried to recall the events of the past.
"Ok, about eight months ago there was a sudden lightning storm which caught everyone in the area by total surprise. There were a few people that reported lightning strikes near their areas but you were the only case of someone actually being hit by said lightning. All you need to know kid is that you were struck by lightning, doused with enough chemicals to start your own pharmacy and then thrown against a wall at such a force that you caused a human shaped dent. In summary, you've been in a coma for about 8 months and have been unable to move, eat, or even react to the most basic of interactions. Overall, you are lucky to be alive, but on the bright side the lightning gave you abs which we are still trying to figure out how that works, just think of it as silver lining."
Izuku gulped at the thought of that, "lucky to be alive" was something that shouldn't be taken lightly. He looked down the inside of his gown and was surprised by what he saw, it really was something that he never thought would happen to him, ABS. His hand shook slightly for no apparent reason but the doctor paid no attention to it, instead he was busy updating his simply relaxed against his hospital pillows, trying to process everything that he could, wondering exactly how much he had missed over the the time that he was out.
Without warning, the door to the room burst open and in came his mother all worked up. She had tears in her eyes as she saw her son's eyes open once more, the green orbs starting into the other green orbs. She ran over to him and gave him a tight hug with strength that rivaled that of All Might's, her heart full with an impossible amount of warmth to have her son all right once more.
"Oh Izuku, I knew that you would wake up I just knew it. I never stopped believing that you would wake up." The boy hugged his mother back with tears in his eyes as well. This was a reason to stop running, a reason that he needed to stay. There were still people who cared for him and who needed him in their lives. He was glad to finally be back in his mother's life, so very glad...
After a week of tests, exercising muscles and catching up with the general news of the world, Izuku Midoriya was released from the hospital and allowed to go back to school to live his regular life. This however was a problem much bigger than he had thought to be in the beginning.
Apart from being in a coma for 8 months….no that really was it. Having missed that amount of school had been harmful to his goals. Today, Izuku accompanied by his mother would have to go talk to the principal to see what the possibilities were for him. Whatever they were, things would not be easy for him to get through…
Inside the principal's office, Izuku and his mother sat across from the principal with his hands in his lap. They shook slightly, a shaking that had been there since he had woken up, but he couldn't get rid of it. His mom's hands also shook, but for a comepletely different reason, probably from anxiety. He was trying his best to pay attention to what the man in front of him said, yet it seemed slowed down, distorted to a point that it was difficult to do so.
"Well you see Ms. Midoriya, Izuku has simply missed too much of school to be able to finish alongside the rest of his grade. Eight months of material of any subject missed would be enough to cause a retake, Izuku missed every subject. The only course of action is for him to redo the grade entirely and graduate in the year following to this." The principal had been pretty blunt about his answer to the duo, not wanting them to leave thinking that he could do it. He also had a small biases against the quirkless boy simply because of his nature, something that Izuku had no control over.
Izuku looked at the principal with his hands clenched into fists at his sides, but he didn't look the man to see them in the possibility that he would taker his opinion as less. He was angered by the fact that he would have to waste another year here, another year that his father's killer was still out there. He had to speak out here and now or things wouldn't be able to be fixed.
"Pardon me Principal sir," Izuku spoke up before his mother could with his head bowed in the direction of the school official. "I can't simply let another year go by to be wasted. I know that I am far behind the rest of the class and that the chances of me passing are slim. All I ask for is a chance to take the final exams alongside the rest of my peers. If I pass then I believe that that is sufficient proof that I am ready to deal with what comes next..."
The younger Midoriya remained with his head bowed, staring into the ground hoping that he had done enough. The two adults were silent at the sudden outburst from the so often quiet boy. Inko Midoriya had read that some victims from lighting strikes suffered from personality shifts, this looked just like what she had read about. The silence remained for a few more seconds before it was broken by the throat clearing of the principal who looked baffled by the sudden outburst. He straightened his tie before turning to the still bowing student.
"Umm….Mr. Midoriya….would you mind going outside and wait in the courtyard while I have a private conversation with your mother? We'll only take a few minutes and be right out."The green-haired boy straightened himself from the bow and walked efficiently out of the room with hints of tears in his eyes.
God sometimes I get carried away with my emotions. Why couldn't I keep it contained like I usually do? Does this have anything to do with that bolt of lightning? Why does it all go back to that one bolt? Why does it always have to happen to me? Couldn't it have hit some other person at some other school?
As he mumbled his thoughts rapidly, the green-haired, lightning bolt survivor was unaware of his one former friend walking towards him with a scowl on his face. The openness of the courtyard was seriously a place that wasn't one to be alone with him, memories of previous bullying experience came to his head. He heard him much before he saw him, the sounds of his signature explosions causing an a ruckus that echoed around the open yard, someone besides him must've heard it as well. The blonde flew towards him, propelled forwards by his quirk with a maniacal smile on his face, this was just like all those previous times, no one here to help him either.
This was just like so many other times before, except that it wasn't. The closer that he got to him, the slower and slower that Kachan seemed to get. Seeing the slowly moving "King of Explosions" coming towards him, Midoriya simply chose to walk out of the way as Bakugou pulled his right hand from behind and aimed it to where he had just stood. All of his actions seemed to be exaggerated, it was like watching a video while it being at quarter speed or even slower.
This all happened as if he had slowed down the world around him, except for the fact that he couldn't have given his quirkless nature. Perhaps this was all just a bad dream that he would wake up from and realize that he was still at the hospital. This theory would be quickly dissolved in the coming moments.
"Fucking Deku!" The blonde screamed loudly as a huge cloud of smoke rose into the air blocking him from vision. "No one told me that you were awake and running again. Do you know how boring class was without having someone like you there?" The destructive teen looked down and realized that 'Deku' wasn't on the floor in front of him crying like he usually was. "What the fuck Deku! How did you manage to avoid that explosion? You were like ten feet away from me and there is no way that 8 months of lying in a bed made you capable of avoiding my attacks!"
"Kachan please stop!" The panicked teen yelled out wondering what in the blazes was happening right now. None of this made any sense to him and yet it still occurred. He had just come to get his school situation cleared up and had instead found himself knee deep in trouble.
The blonde heard the green-head yell out and aimed a powerful explosion to where he had heard it. The blast hit the shorter boy in the chest and knocked the air out of him. Additionally, the blast proppeled him away from the explosion creator. This sent poor Izuku flying into the air and against a pillar where he landed at an off angle effectively spraining his left wrist, at least he hoped it was only a sprained wrist. It wasn't the worse injury that Kachan had ever given him, but that didn't stop it from hurting any less.
He clutched his left wrist with his right hand and his breaths became shallow and quick. He for sure hadn't expected to suffer from this type of pain on his first day back. Trying his best he attempted to hold in the tears but ultimately failed to do so. No matter how much time had passed, there would be no escaping his one friend turned bully.
"Well look at Deku, can't do anything right and now ends up with a broken wrist." He used a baby voice to make him feel worse about himself and to inflate his ego even more. "Deku are you just going to lie there and cry or are you going to pick yourself up and go to the nurse's office like you always do? Maybe I could give yo a hand if you want, just like old times! " His sneer was simply adding insult to injury and pushing things over their limit.
Izuku grit his teeth, from the pain, from the anger he felt towards Kachan, the anger he felt towards himself for putting up with this for too had allowed himself to be run over by this boy for far too long, all becasue of some feeling of respect that he once held for him. Their friendship had been so long ago, he didn't know why he even allowed himself to see the other boy as what he used to be. This was going to stop now.
Neither of them were sure exactly what happened next, but before Katsuki Bakugou could blink he was lying on his back unconsciously grabbing his face in pain. It was something that had probably never occurred in his lifetime but right now was the first time. Someone had stood up to the ruthless Bakugou and had pulled the rug from under his feet to show him that he was an equal, nothing more than another student. This someone was none other than Izuku "Deku" Midoriya who was still clutching his left wrist after using it to punch his former friend in the mug.
Midoriya looked down to his left hand in awe, still shocked that he had been able to do what he had just done. Bakugou looked similarly in shock at the fist that had finally knocked him down. For several seconds both boys looked at it till the one of the floor came to his senses and bellowed at Izuku as loud as his lungs could yell.
"Fuck You Deku! Fuck You and your quirkless ass!" The boy still held his hand to his face as he approached his newly created rival. "You just think that because you survived a lightning bolt to the the face that you can come back and challenge me? You are dead wrong! You hear me Deku?"
Using his left hand, Bakugou began creating an explosion that brought shivers down the other boy's spine. He took a single step before something occurred that made him regret taking that step. A flash of light occurred and Izuku stood over Bakugo 's fallen body once more with a look of anger, possibly also some satisfaction.
"No more, no more bullying, no more Katsuki Bakugou! Your days of being an asshole and bullying me are over. No more!" Izuku took several deep breaths and looked up to see the principal talking to his mom, who had smile on her face. That probably indicated that everything had gone well.1
"Young Bakugou what is the meaning of this?" The principal demanded for the explosion quirk user to answer his question. Unable to come up with a solid answer he was forced to mutter "bathroom" while staring angrily at the younger of the Midoriya's. "Well then continue on your way, then off to class." The principal said it as more of a suggestion than an order which made Izuku's mother visibly upset. It also made it increasing difficult for the boy who had been bullied to keep his emotions in check.
After the spiked blonde left back to his classroom, the principal turned towards Izuku and gave him a grim look. It was the look that he gave him when he told Izuku to not attempt to pursue the heroics course do to his quirklessness.
"Young Midoriya...I have spoken to your mother and we came to an agreement."A small smile broke out on the young boy's face as he realized what exactly that meant. "You will be given the chance to take the final test with the rest of the grade in order to prove that you are capable of going on to High School. However, since this is a test of what you know, you will not be allowed to receive any outside help and must thus do it all on your own. Additionally, you will have to complete all course work that you missed by the time that the test are to be taken"
Midoriya nodded towards the principal, he was filled with joy at being given the opportunity to stay on track, so much so that he disregarded most of the Principals conditions. He bowed to the principal once more as a gesture of thankfulness and felt as the principal smiled slightly.
"Thank you for this opportunity sir, I promise you that you won't be disappointed by this decision!"
The grown man nodded and walked back into his office before closing the door behind himself. Izuku now had large amounts of hope of being able to do what he had wanted to do since the beginning.
Upon arriving at home, Izuku immediately went over to the curriculum that he had picked up from his teachers on everything that he was expected to know for the upcoming test. The list was extensive and he knew that to accomplish such a feat he would have to do so on a full stomach, and also probably an annoying amount of sleepless nights.
This led him into the kitchen where he helped his mother chop the vegetables at a faster speed than even she could pull off. He took zero notice of the fact that his wrist had seemingly healed itself. It was as if he never had the injury in the first place, but that would bes illy & impossible. His mom took notice of this but remained quiet as she continued stirring the dish that she was working on. Her son looked happy, that what mattered the most to her.
When the two sat to eat their dinner, Inko Midoriya was utterly shocked by how much her son was capable of eating. She often made a little extra since she knew her son was fond of having a midnight snack but this was unreal. He ate with his usual table manners but just the immense quantity was astounding. Since her appetite wasn't as big, she gave him her portion as well, but it still didn't seem to be enough.
"Izuku….Sweety are you feeling well?" The hungry teengaer looked at his mother with a mouthful of food and a cocked head. He swallowed his food before responding to his mother.
"Yeah mom, I just felt a bit hungry that's all." The older woman nodded nervously at this unsure of what to say. After that bolt hit him, her little Izuku had changed quite a bit. Some changes were more obvious than others, but he was still the same Izuku that she had raised...the one that had wanted to be a hero...
That night, Izuku Midoriya found himself unable to sleep for whatever reason. He attempted several times to slumber but was practically incapable of doing so. After being allowed out of the hospital he found himself to be filled with energy that came from nowhere and also went nowhere. Wanting to try something new, Izuku got up and dressed in a forest green hoodie before going outside to see if he could rid himself of this extreme energy, exercise had always been an activity low on his attention list.
Quietly, the boy made his way out of the house through his window, trying to not fall towards his death. After a few minutes f shimmying his way down a wall, a task he didn't know was actually possible. As he touched the ground, the energy he had seemed to increase ten-fold, almost as if the ground was giving him the energy needed.
Putting headphones into his ears, and then his hoodie over them, he began to slowly jog in no particular direction. Allowing the music to flow through him, he continued to jog, increasing his pace every few seconds, seemingly he couldn't get tired. Izuku wanted to test how much energy he had and how much exercise was needed to rid himself of it. His pace began to increase, slowly at first then faster.
The world once again became distorted like it had earlier in the day when he had been confronted by Bakugou. Noise, motion, everything slowed down to as far as he could see. A cat falling out of a window, moving only centimeters from its original falling point. A man with a briefcase tripping and in the process of dropping a coffee on himself, except it was occurring too slowly to be considered normal. Grabbing his hair and turning around to look at everything, Izuku wondered how any of this could happen.
A moment later everything returned to normal and time traveled normally once more for the green haired boy. Unsure what to do, he ran and ran. The wind howled as he ran at a speed that should have been impossible.
This is crazy right? This shouldn't be happening to me, it just shouldn't? My wrist….it was sprained a few hours ago, why isn't it now? Now I'm positive that this all leads back there, to the night in the….
Lost in his thoughts the newly established speedster rammed face first into the glass showcase of a jewelry store triggering the alarm and giving him a splitting headache. He tried using one of the stands to get up before it fell atop of him. This dropped a pair of reflective dark green glasses onto his face. Combined with the hoodie this did a good job at hiding his identity from the cameras and from anyone's who might have been watching.
He tried once again to get up and managed to do so after a few failed attempts, along the way he stepped on a few pairs of glasses and crushed them. Looking around he saw the mess that he had made and mentally cursed himself for not being more careful. There truly was nothing that he could do in this situation. The alarm had been triggered by his entrance and the police would be here within a matter of minutes, he needed to leave immediately.
As he made his way to the exit, while crushing a few more pairs of glasses, a shadow descended rom above and fell in front of the way he had come through, blocking his way out. As if a light had gone out, ther boy began to panic within his head. Oh no, this is not happening not today, not ever. Why do we I've in a world where anything that can go wrong will go wrong? WHy does everything happen right after I wake up from a coma, does the universe hate me?
He could tell that it was a hero, probably one of the more street level ones given how he didn't recognize him. On his neck appeared to be an intricate scarf and on his face were a pair of odd golden goggles. An unshaven face looked at him and a large mess of black hair was atop his head.
"Hello villain, you can come peacefully or you can make my night a little more difficult which I wouldn't appreciate." The man said with a bored and almost uncaring tone. "So what's it going to be?"