Chapter 2 - Confrontation with Eraserhead...
It had been a pretty quiet night for the hero known as Eraserhead. So far he had stopped two separate muggings and a duo of men from breaking into a home. Both had been quite annoying, but ultimately very simple to deal with something that he liked about street level crime. This had been early on in the night and now, towards the middle of his shift, he looked around for any sign of crime, not finding any which was amusing.
As he crouched atop of a bakery, he thought about how things were and of the incoming school year that he so often slept through. Well it looks like this year we are going to be having the Symbol of Peace himself come and teach at our school, that'll be a day for the media, not so sure about the staff though. He scratched at his beard slightly watching a traffic light turn to red, still nothing occuring. Deciding that this area had no criminal activity at the moment, Aizawa Shouta stood up and began to move across the rooftops, the crime would just have to be elsewhere, it was always somewhere else.
After a few blocks, the Erasure hero turned around to look down the long street, something was coming. A flash of green caught his eye, or at least he thought it was green. Since there was no crime in the immediate area, he crouched once again and watched this green blur for a while. Another wanna-be hero it would seem, or maybe a villain perhaps?
The older hero continued watching the blur's activity, wondering what exactly it was doing. The more he watched it, them more that he realized that it wasn't paying attention to what was in front of it. That was the conclusion he reached as the green blur ran straight into a jewelry shop head on, shattering the front window display. Well there goes my peaceful evening, time to get to work, make it three for three.
He jumped gracefully down from the rooftop, using his scarf to slow his descent, he promptly landed in front of the hole caused by the would be thief and stared at him closely. A green hoodie and glasses to cover his identity but this obviously was a kid that he was dealing with. The structure of the boy wasn't that big, a bit scrawny if he was being honest, and a plain look on the portion of the face that he could see.
"Hello villain, you can come peacefully or you can make my night a little more difficult which I wouldn't appreciate."He tried telling him in this in his most bored and uninterested voice so that he could cause him to be on edge. Most villains that he came across tended to be frightened by his mere appearance, this kid wouldn't be an exception. He shook very much, almost as if he was on a sugar high, except this one was probably from fear "So what's it going to be?"
At that very moment, everything that Izuku had thought to be true went out the window. At school they covered the basic things such as math, history, science. The hypothetical question of "What to do when confronted by a hero in the middle of the night after running face first into a jewelry store?" had never been covered, at least not when he was there. It was probably a topic that he had missed while in a coma.
He racked his brain trying to look for which hero this could be. In his younger years he had catalogued several heroes and their quirks. He use to pride himself in knowing exactly how their quirks worked and of being able to regurgitate that information on the spot if that was ever necessary. Ever since he gave up on his dream he had simply stopped it with the practicing and had similarly stopped trying to remember that information altogether. His brain was literally going at a thousand miles trying to figure out what ways he could get out of this situation.
Okay, okay what do I need to do in order to not get sent to prison? There is no way that I can fight a hero head on without suffering from a disastrous defeat. Let's see...he has goggles with thin gaps instead of just being completely solid, this must mean that his quirk must revolve around the usage of his eyes. His scarf must have more purpose than simply for fashion. I need to be careful about that and wait to see what he does. I can't make the first move here, I need to get him to leave that entrance open for me. Okay I think I have this, lets hope that this works out in my favor.
Although the thoughts going on in Izuku's head seemed to have gone by over the course of several seconds, in reality only a moment had passed since the hero had last spoken. Izuku looked at his surrounding to see if there was anything here that would help in his fight against what he assumed to be an experienced hero. The two looked at each other with caution before Eraserhead made the first move.
He activated his quirk and stepped inside the store, not yet utilizing his scarf in hopes of this being a quick and easy capture. His eyes started to become irritated from the constant usage of his quirk but he managed to keep his eyes open. At this point in time, the kid is simply another kid at the wrong place with the wrong hero around. With his quirk erased for the moment there wasn't any reason for this to be harder than it needed to
"Kid…. I'm going to have to ask you to wait here with me till the officers arrive in one or two minutes. After that you'll be taken to the station and processed." Izuku gulped quite loudly knowing that he wouldn't be able to go ahead with the hero's intended plan as it would likely result in massive fines that he rather wouldn't have his mother pay, not that they could pay. On top of that he would be charged with breaking and entering or some theft charges which he rather not have on his record if he had any chances of going anywhere.
"I-I-I didn't mean to fall into this was a mistake I-I-I'm sorry…"He was trying to be reasonable, trying to be as reasonable ass he could with a hero not exactly known well for that.
The green speedster took a step back, trying to put more distance between both of them, not wanting to be taken by this hero just yet. After the first step backwards, he tries for another, but, without realizing it, steps on what can only be assumed to be a pearl necklace. The round nature of the pearls cause him to fall backwards annd cause the initiation of Izuku's first fight against a hero, or Eraserhead as he was known.
As the green-haired boy fell backwards, Eraserhead attempted to catch the boy with his scarf, doubling as capture gear. Although that was what the real intention was, Izuku took it as something else entirely. The assumption was that this was probably an attempt to capture and detain him. like any other reasonable person in the world facing the hero, he panicked and acted purely on instinct
Izuku wasn't quite sure how he did it, but he tried willing himself to fall faster, believing that it would somehow work. The plan was to run and get out of there as soon as humanly possible. His body responded to him and so he did end up falling at a much faster rate than gravity should have allowed. Well this is new, I will have to look into this later on after I find a way to get out of here.
Still defying the laws of physics, Izuku rolled forward and began his way carefully to the exit, avoiding the dangerously round objects on the floor. He watched the hero react slowly in confusion as he himself started to wonder when his quirk would be put into use. Normally a hero would have used it already so it was quite confusing when this one stood still and merely blocked the exit partially.
The Erasure hero on the other side of the spectrum had a mere second to realize that his erasure quirk wasn't working on this would be villain for whatever the reason. Seeing that his usual tactics wouldn't work, he threw tacks from his belt pouches onto the floor without a second thought. If he couldn't nregate his quirk the lest that he could do would be to keep him here till the police arrived with more quirk negating technology that would surely be of use in this situation.
As he ran towards the exit, the speedster put almost no attention to the tacks that were tossed onot the floor. Due to the lack of attention, the boy stepped on one of the metal tacks and yelled out as it went through both shoe and skin. With this large amount of pain sprouting so suddenly and his movements hindered for just a moment, the Erasure hero grabbed the boy's arms. Using Midoriya's own momentum the hero tossed him onto his back, using the most simple maneuver that he could. The blow knocked all air out of Midoriya's lungs and prevented him from thinking straight for just a moment. He bounced once off the ground and with this the scarfed adult made his move to capture him once more, this time he wouldn't be surprised by the capabilities of the young person.
He made sure to tighten the area around the boys legs and tied his arms behind his back for good measure. In the distance Aizawa could hear as the sirens got closer signifying a job well done. As he looked at the boy, he brought him closer to himself in order to examine him, trying to see what made him different. Somehow he had been able to negate the effects of his quirk which shouldn't have happened. There was something about this kid that just didn't seem right, something that could turn into a real issue. Whatever it was, he needed to figure it out to make sure it didn't happen again.
All the while, the now incapacitated boy was thinking of all the possible escape plans that would get him out of his curent debacle. Hey Mom! I'm sorry that I can't go to school today because I've been arrested after I fought with a hero, right after running face first into a jewelry shop, right after I discovered that I did in fact have a quirk which I can almost bet my All Might backpack that it came from that bolt of lightning which I've already blamed too many times. Wait what's he doing? Why is he bringing me closer? Is he trying to figure out who I am? Can't let him see me clearly, this can't go down like this. Use your head Izuku, come up with something….wait!
Without warning or grace, the entrapped boy reeled his head back as far as he could and shot it forward. His forehead hit the hero's nose and, in a moment of shock, the the scarf around him came loose. Not hesitating for a second, the younger of two came into a crounch and swept his opponent's feet from under him. At that moment, Izuku didn't look to see if he had hit the floor but simply ran towards the exit not wanting to stay any longer.
The wind rushed past his ears and caused his hoodie to blow off. He quickly sidestepped to avoid running into an oncoming emergency vehicles which turned out to be a police cars that was most likely heading to where he had just left. He laughed at this, regretting it immidiately as he felt something enter his throat that was quite small. After this he remained with his mouth closed till he reached his home in the most unpractical form possible. He tried skidding to a stop but the speed that he was coming at was simply to much for the soles of his shoes which began to heat up and….
"Ah! No! No! This is not happening! Not with the day I've just had! Just NO!" He yelled out in frustration as his shoes began to catch fire which he was quickly able to put out.
He ran his hands through his messy hair unsure of what to do with tonight's recent developements. Leaning against a wall, he slid down till he was in a seating down position. The speedster rubbed his forehead, feeling the pain that was originating from the center of his forehead which he had used to strike the hero. At this point he simply wanted to sleep in order to get a better understanding of this in the morning. He picked himself up and headed back inside into his bed in hopes of a quiet. If he had looked at the clock on his desk, he would have seen that only maximum of ten minutes had passed since he had left to go on his run, a very interesting ten minutes.
Waking up in the morning, Izuku felt an intense hunger coming from his stomach that was attacking the rest of his body. Thinking with his belly, he rolled of his bed and walked over to the refrigerator. In the course of ten minutes the boy would make his way through two boxes of cereal without even batting an eye. Following this, he proceeded to make himself a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in attempt to satisfy his hunger, a hunger that he had yet to acknowledge its origin.
When Inko Midoriya walked into the kitchen she had to do a double take just to make sure that she was seeing correctly. Her son had currently made his way through two entire boxes of cereal and an entire loaf of bread without seeming to be anywhere near an end. He seemed to have developed a black hole for a stomach recently and this would be a problematic thing.
"Umm Izuku Dear?" The boy looked at his mother with a mouthful of bread currently being chewed. "Are you alright? Recently you've changed and I'm not sure exactly what to make out of it." The young Midoriya swallowed the sanwich before speaking back to his mother.
Oh...crap does she think I'm doing drugs orr something because of my behavior. Does she have something to say to me because I've been acting so weird
"Mom, you know how I was struck by lightning 8 months ago?" His mother nodded in response to the question. "Well... that bolt of lighting changed me and I think you'd like this particular change.."
His mom gave a look of confusion towards her son. Izuku carefully grabbed the plate that he had been using to eat cereal and threw it as hard as he could in the direction of the furthest wall. He ran towards that same wall and snatched the plate gently out of the air in a split second. This was followed by his immidiate crash into the wall as he hadn't thought of a poper way to slow down yet.
This caused his mother to shriek in fear at what her son had just done, thinking that he had destroyed a plate for no reason. After showing her the plate in his hands her brain began to form the bigger picture of what she had just been shown. Walking over slowly and quietly, she put her arms around her child and began to cry from the happiness that she was experiencing
"Oh Izuku….I should have never stopped supporting your dream to be a hero without a quirk...I should've kept supporting your dreams. I'm so sorry…I'm so sorry" Izuku stood on the receiving end of the hug as he waited till his mother calmed down. "You can be a hero if you want are capable of being a hero...just like you wanted..."
He thought of what she had said and of all the possibilities that were now open to him because of this new quirk that he had been given. He'd been given a gift, a quirk via bolt of lightning. He'd been given a second chance, a chance to be better than he had been in the past. This wasn't something that he could let slide by, he needed to figure out what he could do and he knew of just the place to do it...