The Birth Of A Hero...The Birth Of A Legend...

Chapter 3 - The Birth Of A Hero...The Birth Of A Legend...

Okay Izuku….just calm down slightly. You've discovered another aspect of your quirk, now think about all of this critically... what in the world did you do to trigger all of this? Just take a few deep breaths and relax for a few seconds before trying to go any further with all of this...

...You started doing your missed school work a few minutes ago in hopes of being able to knock some out before going to the principal and trying to talk to him about this new ability of yours that came up so suddenly. It was to talk to him about what would change now that you have a quirk. Also to see if there was any leeway around his high workload.

Oddly enough, you were somehow able to finish a solid eight months of work from a single class in just over two minutes. Not saying that I'm overpowered or anything, but its just a bit excessive how much work there is for any one class. There were stacks of homework, class work and projects that needed to be done here, none of this should have been done this quickly. I should have been dying to complete even a fraction of the work, certainly not going through it as if it were easy...

Now, with this in mind….what can be better than this? I can actually finish this year early instead of being stuck for another entire year! Now that I think about it...I can finish the entirety of everything that I need to learn before the end of the year. Maybe I can even go talk to the principal on Monday and ask him to take the test right there and there…

The boy laughed to himself at the thought of figuring out this new ability, and what he could do with it. This would probably be the most useful thing for him, seeing that he was a person who thought very much, sometimes a little too much. This is going to be very fun, isn't it...

It had been just after lunch when Izuku discovered that he had also been given a quick mind which made his life a whole lot easier. While completing his missed work for history, the boy quickly found something to be severely wrong with his surroundings. As he looked down to his pile of homework… Wait where'd it go?

He looked at the clock in his room and saw that only 2 minutes had gone by since the last time that he had stared at it. He put down his pencil and walked over to his bed before sitting down on the edge. He was shocked to say the least, and that was putting it very mildly.

Now that he had this new ability on top of his already incredible speed the possibilities were truly endless. This was something that he could use to make his life much better, much faster. Well right now he just had to finish his eight months of work….with his super speed and faster than computer mind. Oh Principal, just you wait for Monday to come around, eight months of work, i think I'm going to need to bring a wagon with me, crap!

It was obvious how he had been mentally and physically affected by the bolt of lightning, his completed work was a sure sign of it. That had been the mental part of his new abilities, now he was attempting on seeing just what he could do on the physical side of things. Shorty after managing to finally stand up to his childhood bully he felt that he might as well see just what had made him finally go for it.

After purchasing himself a tracksuit and some goggles (both green of course), the green speedster made his way down to a rather isolated track in order to test out his abilities. By "make his down" the speedster was actually just running from corner to corner trying to avoid any person dressed in black in case he were to run into the hero from the incident. Reluctantly he grabbed his same shoes from the previous day not wanting to tell his mother about the condition of his shoes as it would likely lead to last night's "activities".

Apparently there was yet to be a brand of shoes that was resistant to high amounts of friction which was exactly what he needed but couldn't quite get. The only places that one could acquire materials of that caliber were the hero schools that often tried equipping their students with the best that they could. Not that he didn't want to be a hero, just that it was something that didn't quite line up with his goals of being a forensic scientist. If it had then he'd probably at least make an attempt at it, if he could be given the chance...

After arriving to the track, Midoriya began setting up several things in order to see how fast he truly was and what other aspects of himself had been altered by the speed. Some hurdles here, a timer over there, a speed reader that he had bought which said that it was fast enough to see the speeds at which All Might himself traveled.

He did some quick stretches in order to prevent any unnecessary injuries to himself that he was sure he could heal but he really didn't want to try it right now. He remembered once in his childhood that he'd pulled a leg muscle and that had been quite painful for him, he did not want to repeat that experience, or the sprained wrist from the day before.

After turning on the speed reader and wedging it in between a few bricks to prevent in from flying off, Izuku lined himself up at the starting line. Both hands on the ground and his head down, waiting to hear the beep from the speed reader.


His head shot up and he ran as fast as he could around the track which appeared to be in quite a bad shape. Pieces of garbage and bits of broken glass scattered across the track. Once, twice, three times. Round and round he went, increasing his speed little by little. He was careful not to step on anything that could potentially injure him.

In this state of being he was able to make out a bee in the distance slowly flapping its wings. The dust that he had kicked up upon his start was still making its way into the air and would appear to be a brown snow. There was no noise as he ran, all was quiet not a single sound wave could enter his ears as he was in this state of complete and utter focus. The only thing that he was aware of was his beating heart and his shallow breaths. This was certainly a new experience for him and he wasn't going to allow it to be thrown away...

Each step was calculated, every foot had its place on the ground, every single arm stroke had a purpose. This was a good feeling for him, a feeling of control even when control should have been surrendered. In this state he was truly the master of his own fate his own thoughts. This version of Midoriya was one that he enjoyed, a version that could slow down the world around himself by being faster. This way he could see everything that was….

He felt an enormous wave of shock being exerted from behind him and wasn't able to help but look backwards to see what had occurred. This drew attention from where his foot went for a mere second, he stumbled slightly but his momentum didn't let him regain his footing. As he lost control he heard what appeared to be a very loud crack. The area where he had been just a moment ago kicked an ocean of dust and he continued to trip.

At the speed that he was going there really wasn't a way to slow down properly and he just had to hope for no permanent injuries. When he tripped it had been at the beginning of a curve but now that he saw where he was….well he was on the turn after that one. That was a tad bit painful, or more like extremely painful.

Note to self: Try, Try not to break the sound barrier ever again. It hurts so much and I'm not even sure if this is going to get better by the time dinner comes around. Also maybe look forward at all times so this doesn't happen again

At the moment it appeared that he had simply dislocated his shoulder which was pretty painful for him but there was a bright side to this. If his sprained wrist had healed in a matter of two hours there was a strong chance that this slightly more severe injury would also heal in some time similar to that.

After a few more moments of laying on the ground, Izuku picked himself up and headed over to the speed reader to see how he did, it was more like a crawl but he was able to get there. He could feel the muscles in his shoulder slowly knitting themselves back together, slowly but he could still feel it. He pulled his phone from behind the reader in order to record his results via audio file which he would pull up later.

"Ok so here I am on day 1 of training my quirk. Today I'm going to be putting it into practical use and the average speed that I am able to sustain is 770 miles per hour! Well that is actually amazing, it's unbelievable, just Wow! that's going to be the baseline that I'm going to have to work towards improving. Also for future reference, attempt to maintain control after breaking the sound barrier to reduce the amount of pain that you will be put under from injuries. I will make another entry later on for the rest of the results from today. End Entry." `

Putting down his phone, Izuku sat down under the shade of a nearby tree and drank some water. He allowed his shoulder more time to heal by leaving it to its own devices. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off into a nice and pleasant nap. It was something that was just needed, a momentary break before he got back to…

"Excuse me sir, Sorry for the interruption but are you alright?"Izuku opened one eye and saw a general shadow of a person due to his eyes still adjusting.`In one of his less brilliant moments, Izuku responded with something that was less than smart.

"What!" Izuku opened his other eye and slowly he was able to make out the general features of the boy, or he tried to at least.

"I was around the area when I heard a loud sound which I presumed to be a sign of danger and I wanted to make sure that there were no injured civilians in this area." The boy used his hands to emphasize his points, bringing his right hand to his glasses after he was finished talking. Well this guy is interesting, lets see what he has to say.

The newcomer took a look at the green-haired boy before his eyes stopped on his left arm which looked severely injured and in need of medical attention due to its odd angle. He knelt down next to the boy and took a look at his arm which surprised Izuku by quite a bit.

"Your arm appears to be hurt, and you seem to require medical attention!" Once again his hands moved in straight and precise motions bringing a sense of urgency to everything that he said.

"Yeah I was testing a few aspects from my quirk and I wanted to push myself beyond my established limits...but I tripped and injured myself. It's alright, I should be healed in a matter of hours due to my quirk." The boy gave Midoriya an odd look then nodded at the mention of a quirk.

"I see, I too am training my quirk to be better so that I may pass the UA entrance exam." Izuku noticed that he said so with a sense of pride and duty. He was glad to see that other people wanted to go there besides his childhood friend. "If you don't mind me asking, what is this quirk that led to your injury and will lead to your speedy recovery?"

He coughed at the forward question still not really sure about the full aspects of his quirk. He could probably get away with calling it a speed quirk and leaving it at that since having a speed quirk wasn't too rare to see.

"Well my quirk makes all of by bodily functions go faster. This ranges from my metabolism, to my running to thinking and also extends to my naturally healing process." The blue haired boy nodded as he smiled, having found something in common between the two of them, though it wasn't much.

"I too have a speed quirk of sorts! Although mine makes my legs be more like engines and is a mutation type quirk, I think that the basis is the same" After having this conversation for the past five minutes, Izuku more or less wanted to know who this guy was.

"Not to be rude or anything, but who are you exactly? I mean like name, since we've been talking for a few minutes and I still don't even know that much." The other speed quirk holder held his right hand up and put it to his chest palm down before introducing himself properly.

"Apologies for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Tenya Iida, and what may yours be?" He offered his hand show his interest in the answer and also to shake his hand. He sure does use his hands a lot does he not?

"I-I am Izuku, Izuku Midoriya,"he took Tenya's hand in his own and shook it. "It's very nice to meet you." The older of the two nodded with a small smile on his face.

"So Midoriya, would you like to have a race to see whose speed quirk is superior?" The engine quirk user said this out of curiosity, wanting to learn more about other speed enhancing quirk.

"Sure why not?" Izuku said this with a shy smile, not yet wanting to show another being of the true speed that he could achieve. Right now this was something that he wanted to keep to himself so that he would be able to grow. Showing it to others certainly wasn't on his agenda at the moment, at least not for a while.

Both boys walked over to the starting line, kneeling as they prepared to run off. The shorter of the two made himself a makeshift sling with his jacket in order to keep his arm from moving too much. The other boy removed his coat and did a few stretches to make sure that his legs were nice and warm.

"Ok Izuku we will go on three and complete a lap around the track. Sadly I only have time for one small race before I go. Are you ready?" Iida watched curiously as the boy placed a pair of goggles over his eyes and gave him a nod. Instead of crouching besides him, Midoriya continued to stand with a slight tilt towards the line. His arm was in a sling but he still continued onto with the proposal he had made.

Well it appears that Midoriya is going to race me despite his injury Even then I have to show him exactly how fast I can go. Run every time to your fullest and you will win. His smile was replaced by an expression of grim determination as he readied himself for a quick departure.

"One!" Both boys dug their feet into the ground ready for a quick takeoff . "Two!" Iida's engine legs began to roar as they readied themselves to go all out on this. "Three!"

Iida's legs pushed themselves off the ground and ran at their limit. Of course Iida wasn't going to cause is legs to go to their maximum, that would put him out of commission within seconds just before he could finish the race. He ran straight forward, not looking to either side or even backwards. His attention focused completely on moving forwards without any distractions.

Since Izuku's new friend hadn't put any attention to him, he was able to slow down time around himself by running slightly. Like this he would be able to study Iida's form of running and apply it to himself. He saw all of his movements in slow motion and recorded his findings in a journal for future use. There were a handful of times when Tenya returned to his regular speed and he was forced to run once again to create the slow-motion effect once more. He definitely needed more practice figuring out how that worked in order to better apply it to the situations that he needed.

After collecting all the results that he needed, Izuku slowed himself down enough to look like he was running extremely quickly without giving himself up. It probably wasn't the best thing to do a person, tricking them into thinking you were a lot weaker than you actually were, but he needed to keep this a secret for just a while longer.

To Tenya Iida what had just occurred seemingly happened in an instant. One moment all that was ahead of him was the finish line, the next it all disappeared. Through the corner of his eyes he was able to see as Izuku ran swiftly and effortlessly next to him for a few seconds and then sped off to claim victory. How he did it was a complete mystery to him, well not really. His quirk was seemingly more powerful about how much speed it applied to him, it was simply a stronger quirk. There wasn't anything to be angry about, it was just how things were.

Iida being a person of honor, went over to Izuku and offered him a hand. He wanted to congratulate him on his victory and for showing him that there were still room for progress on his own part. Izuku turned around and smiled as he saw the glasses-wearing boy offering him his hand.

"Midoriya, I have to thank you for showing me that I still have a large way to get to UA and I'd also like to congratulate you on your victory." The victor smiled at the praise that he received from the other boy. "I must go now but with your skills I doubt that you will have no trouble getting into UA if you did apply." Wait What!? When did I mention wanting to get into UA?

Before he could respond to him, Iida took of with his coat over his left shoulder. This left poor Izuku slightly confused and frankly just more confused. He wasn't sure when he had uttered a word about UA but apparently it had been heard by Iida. His original plan to test his limits had been put on hold after meeting Iida but he was sure…..that his stomach growled like a beast from the nether world. Possibly the only negative side-effect that he had found from his quirk was that he needed to consume a massive amount of calories in order to function.

He went over to the shady part of the tree and took out a handful of granola bars from his backpack. Enjoying them greatly he decided to check his phone for the time in order to make sure that he wouldn't be late for dinner. After all, his mother would be making katsudon in celebration for him acquiring a quirk and he certainly wouldn' want to be late for a meal like that.

He packed all his gear into his backpack, before putting his hoodie and goggles back on. He was still pretty paranoid about running into Eraserhead again and he just didn't want anyone to recognize him if he did slow down enough to be spotted. He placed his backpack where it belonged and began running, his arm now in a much better condition than it had been much earlier. Sadly for the boy, his sudden take off would result in his phone making its way out of his pocket and onto the foot of the shady tree where he had been sitting.

While running, Izuku decided to stop by the store in order to get some chocolate which he believed would be beneficial to him later on, in the rare case that he should become hungry and wish for a meal that wasn't completely healthy. After all, there certainly wasn't a better way to regain lost energy than to eat chocolate in large quantities. He placed two boxes on the counter and saw as the cashier gawked at the amount that he wanted to purchase, it certainly wasn't imaginable for one person to eat an entire two boxes on their own. Smiling at their expression, he tossed all the bars into his bag except for one which he began to eat as he exited the store.

He simply enjoyed the flavor of the candy after such a long day of hard work. Not only had he told his mom about his quirk, completed every last piece of work that had been assigned to him, but he also managed to make a new friend, something which he could not have said a few months back. Life was looking pretty great now that he wasn't in a coma, now he could use the gift that had come out of that and use it for some good for himself and others.

Wait good? As in hero good, or just not evil? Iida said that I could get into UA, the hero school which people fight their way into. Can I really join the school? I haven't been interested in being a hero in a long time, but that was before I had anything unique about myself. Now I can run at speeds that break the sound barrier, before I could barely run away from my oppressors. If one person believes that I can become a hero, should I try and become that hero?

Lost in thought, the boy didn't notice a man walking past him with a gun in hand, or slightly concealed more like it. It was a quirkless fellow who had just had enough of pretty much everyone. The people with quirks making those without feel like they were less. It made him feel like he was less and he just wasn't going to take it anymore. Someone was going to pay for all that had happened to him and that someone was walking home by herself isolated and carrying a handful of books.

The man walked up to the girl that looked to be about high school age and put the gun to her back. He leaned in and whispered into her ear.

"Scream and I'll pull the trigger you quirky freak!" The hate could be heard in his voice and the girl froze up as she felt the cold metal press against her back. "Now just take a walk into the alley and we'll have a chat." Reluctantly, she walked into said alley, her brain completely freezing from the suddenness and seriousness of the situation.

On the other side of the street, Izuku realized that he had been given too much change and when he went back to return it he saw a man a girl that seemed around his age walk into an alley. He found this to be very strange and instead of calling a hero, he went in to investigate himself. Most alleys led nowhere and he was pretty sure that this one was the same. Whatever was occurring here couldn't be normal.

What are you doing legs! Why are you moving? You shouldn't be moving by yourselves, I'm the one who's suppose to tell you where to go. Well there isn't any more time, this man could be dangerous and the girl seems terrified.

Izuku pocked his head into the alley just to make sure nothing was going on, instead he saw the man holding a gun aimed directly for the girl's chest. The girl in question had dropped her books in horror and looked to be frantically looking from side to side. She looked to be quite tall with a black spiky ponytail which was besides the point. She needed help right now and Izuku was the only one who could give that help at that moment. Both parties were about ten feet from each other and

He began to run in an attempt to help, in an attempt to do something, anything at all. He tried running towards the man, to put a stop to this before it all began. If he could disable him and take the gun away then he could possibly neutralize all danger to everyone there. BANG! BANG! BANG! His plan went out the window right away and he instead headed for the girl. His little experience with his speed would make it likely that he would overshoot the bullets or that he would be too slow. The only certainty was to try to tackle the girl out of the way.

He ran more or less right into her, grabbing her and realizing the proximity of the bullets. He was just too slow to tackle her so the bullets would hit him instead. To make this not hurt him more than he needed to, Izuku twisted himself and the girl sideways. A bullet went cleanly between the two of them while the other two hit him in his left bicep, embedding themselves into the muscle.

At the moment of contact his concentration broke and all motion returned to normalcy which he did not appreciate in the slightest. First he went falling towards the ground which he hit in a pretty bad fashion that actually made him wonder why he just didn't stay down. Second, apart from suffering the force of falling down, he also had someone else fall atop of him which could've gone better. Third, he had just been shot in the arm! Fourth, His arm had just been hit with two bullets! Fifth, the guy who had shot those bullets, which were in his arm, still had a gun and he wasn't in a position to do anything.

He groaned in pain, obviously the only thing that he could do at the the moment. The girl, who was currently laying on top him at the moment, reacted a second right afterwards doing something that Izuku hadn't expected, which was to say a lot. The more proper phrasing would be, something he hadn't expected to happen so quickly.

Out of her hands she produced a staff and threw it with deadly accuracy at the gun man knocking the gun upwards, away from both teens. This caused him to fire another two shots into the air, luckily there were no flying heroes at the time going over the area. She then produced another staff which she then brought down upon his gun wielding arm. The man cried out in pain as he tried raising his hand at the girl who was causing him massive pain. This didn't happen in the slightest as she used the butt of the staff to knock him upside the head,causing his immediate collapse onto the ground. The gun clattered to the ground along with his body, ending the threat to the quirked individuals in the area.

The staff-wielder panted heavily, having taken down a gunman took a lot out of a person. She looked wildly around her for a second before she realized that Izuku was on the floor bleeding from his arm. She dropped her staff on the ground before rushing over to the boy who had saved her life.

"Are you okay?" She asked him created bandages and began applying them on his wound. "How did you do that?" Izuku fought past the pain before attempting to respond to her question.

"Well two bullets isn't enough to kill least I think so." He chuckled a bit which he shouldn't have done. The girl smiled at him, wondering how he would joke around at a time like this. "My quirk allows me to move at fast speeds so I was able to get in the way on the bullets instead of letting you take them. I'm Izuku by the way, Izuku Midoriya." After tightening the bandages fully she introduced herself.

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu with the quirk of creation as long as I know its chemical makeup. I'd also like to thank you for what you did. It's something a true hero would have done. Now lets call the police and get you more professional help." Her voice was very shaky as she spoke but evened itself out as she continued with the sentence. She helped prop him next to the wall and tied up the gunman with rope she procured as he called the police all while thinking.

'It's something a true hero would have done' Am I capable of being a true hero? Can I bring back to life dream long thought dead? If I'm able to do good like this then I would be able to help more people as a hero. I just never thought that would come to be, but it's a chance I'll have to take...