Chapter 8 - Enter Captain Cold, Leonard Snart...
5:12, first attack will commence in the southern part of the city upon the Happy Dow Bakery. I was able to recruit a person with control over yeast which should prove to be most useful in this scenario. There will be massive destruction upon the building and kitchen, but there will be no deaths in the matter. The bakery is one of the major companies so this won't even harm them. The average hero response time is estimated to be within two minutes and 37 seconds and this will be held like a deep treasured gift. At two minutes and twenty seconds the first member will leave the area and escape through the sewers. They will leave the city for several hours and return to the predetermined location after final objective is complete.
5:15, two separate attacks will occur at two separate locations in the northern part of the city. Desired targets are the two small town construction companies that will be harmed by the attack and so will their machinery. The immediate danger of the damaged equipment will keep the officials at said locations. Quirk that will be used in the first location is the one allowing her to heat up metals to extreme temperatures. This should allow the damage to nearby building projects and result in the timely response of a hero. Second location will will have the quirk user of control over copper wiring. This will allow for the damage to sensitive machines and draw the attention within five minutes. Both subjects will need to leave within a minute and forty five seconds as activity in the northern district is more than the south. Escape route will be to continue on to the next city over as the police won't follow. After first operative returns, the next two may come back.
5:20, fourth and final location will be completed by the replacement of an old colleague. His control over fire will be needed in the destruction by fire of three adjacent buildings within the eastern part of town. All three are in the process of being renovated but the crew in each of the buildings should have left by 4:15 and no people are expected to be anywhere near any of the locations. The three extreme fires will be of most interest to the police and fire department which will take care of the quirkless officials. Due to its presence near a high school, operative should be able to blend in with the students around the area and allow the police to look over him. Should stay around the school children for at least an hour before making any attempts at heading back
5:23, with the heroes of the area and police force occupied, this is the ideal time to put the rest of the plan into motion. The last part of the plan will be carried out by a quirk user with the ability to unlock anything, another who is able to cause bright flashes of light which should be able to stun the guards for a moment, and lastly myself, the quirkless head in charge of making sure this plan carries out to maximum perfection.
Who am I? I am the oldest of two children born to a father who was quirkless by nature and by choice he chose to make the lives of my sister and I the worst.. A few years back he was sent to prison and in the end made the lives of his children much better. My sister is currently living at home while attending school like any normal kid would want to do. I decide to pull heists in order to show that a quirkless man is capable of pulling more than that of the quirked population.
Who am I? I am Leonard Snart, a man who is quirkless by nature but uses that to fuel me and my wit. Never before has the world known what the quirkless are capable of when they fight against the powers that be. Who am I! That question is very simple when you think about it. I am simply a man who is about to rob this bank...
Izuku was currently waiting in line to be attended whilst reading the syllabus that he had picked up from the classroom earlier in the day. His mind was elsewhere at the current moment from the general fatigue that he had accumulated during the day. He wasn't really used to sitting in the classroom for so long after being hit by lightning and having his brain altered. On the bright side, he got to run really fast on top of having his brain act like it was on drugs every minute of the day.
Sitting through an English class now seemed to require an immense amount of added work on top of the regular amount that would be required pre-accident. Bonus, he now knew the answer ages before everyone else in the class did. Negative, he had to wait all those ages for everyone else to reach the same conclusion as he did.
Another bonus of being hit by the lightning, his interest in finding out heroes quirks had been relit and he had even dug out some of his old notebooks. When he opened them he was instantly hit with nostalgia and a small sense of grief. There were crude drawings of heroes on every page with words that seemed to differ in size and meaning every few centimeters. On the bottom of each page there was the small neat script that his dad had used to add content to his notebooks instead of having them be plain.
He was planning on getting a new notebook after running his current errand in order to pass over all the information that he had collected previously. There was also all the information that he had yet to collect when he thought about it. With a new class of eighteen other kids and the one person that Aizawa mentioned which he had met during lunch, there were so many new quirks that he had yet to delve into.
His to-do list at the moment was quite large at the moment as he had to go over to Cisco's home later. Even though the two had collided in the morning, Cisco held no grudge against him and simply desired to put everything behind him. Heck, both managed to become friends with each other by the time lunch rolled on by.
"I wasn't even suppose to be at the front gate," he explained to him during lunch time when he chose to sit next to him. "I simply forgot that I dropped a project by mistake and I needed to go back before it got destroyed by some rogue speeding object." Izuku had no idea what he had meant in the moment so Cisco decided to take it a step further and show him what he had been working on.
"Well you see, this morning after I was running to school I got this idea of what to do if I needed to get to school in an instant so I started mingling with the concept of teleportation and put it into my USB drive." He then pulled out a simple cube of metal that was miniscule in size. Izuku picked it up gently and looked at it carefully.
"So is this you USB drive or is it something that teleports you or can it get you somewhere faster or how exactly does this work." The goggled wearing scientist smiled and plucked the cube from his new friend.
"It is none of those things. This is my Inertia cube which when complete should negate the effects of resistance and allow for an even faster course of travel for many modes of transportation." Izuku allowed his mind to go at faster speeds so that he would be able to understand what Cisco just said while not having to wait all century.
"Ok so what does that have to do with friction?" Cisco's eyes lit up as he found someone else who finally talked like him.
"Well right now I'm working on this special gel at home which makes anything that it is placed on extremely resistant to friction. It's still experimental since I haven't yet gotten something fast enough to find its upper range "
"Wait! You have something that can make my shoes resistant to the effects of friction as in they won't burst into flames each time that I go for a run." The speedster was getting really excited at finally finding something that would be able to help him greatly.
"Yes I think that's what I'm saying….Yes you can be the Marty to my Doctor brown or something along those lines." Izuku was greatly confused by 'Doctor Brown' but tried not showing the large amount of confusion which he held. "Just come to my house later today….I think that if you want at seven I should have everything that I need rigged up and ready to go."
"I believe that this is the start of a beautiful friendship Mr. Ramon…" The black haired boy nodded at this as he pocketed the cube.
"I have to agree with that Mr. Midoriya, I have no other choice than to agree…" There was a laugh from both boys that was cut a bit short by the sudden appearance of a sullen boy who-
Bang! Bang! Izuku's memory train was tossed completely off the tracks as bright flashes of light made the room turn into a big ball of white light. Hitting him directly in the face he truly has no other option than to clutch his eyes and go down onto the floor. He pulls his goggles down over his eyes hoping that the green tinted lenses will at least make it more bearable for him to see. He pulls his hood out of his bag and puts it over his head and over his face making sure to not allow any light in.
What now? I'm pretty sure that I did nothing this time to incite an incident or anything of that sort. My eyes at the moment are pretty messed up but they should be fine in a second I think. Now to stop whoever this is just like I've done already. You know I think that I'm getting pretty good at this hero thing, I may even be able to skip this school thing if I want.
Rising to his feet and supporting himself on a column, Izuku surveys the scene trying to figure out what is going on. He sees three blurs heading in the direction of the cashiers but he can't be completely sure if they are people considering how bad his vision is at the moment. Taking one step forward, he instantly collapses unable to get a clear footing of the ground as he is unable to see where to step.
Oh this isn't good, my vision needs to get better fast or things will go south. I also need to figure out how to call a hero if ;possible if anyone else already hasn't done so. There is the chance that the silent alarm has been triggered and that some form of protection is on its way. Just have to hope that it occurs soon.
Midoriya watched, or not really, as one of the three blurs no shades put their arm onto the handle and opened a door and then another. His vision improved bit by bit as he crawled on all fours in the direction of the three robbers. Okay let's go with my best plan that I've been able to come up with in the last few seconds, run and push people into walls before running away again before being spotted.
At this point Izuku's vision had cleared up to the point that he could make out the general shape of a person. There were some colors but it wasn't enough to get a full description. At best he would probably be able to say the number and the approximate he wasn't going to be giving the best sketches, he could surely run at them and put a damper on their day.
Okay let's go after the one on the right who I think might have blinded everyone here. Finding the straightest path possible, Izuku ran head on into the figure which stood before him. He reminded himself that the speeds at which he traveled weren't safe for passengers and let go hoping that he wasn't a murderer. Hearing a low moan emerging from the figure next to him he was quite glad. One down two to go, kinda meeting all the people today….
"Hello would you happen to be Izuku Midoriya?" The boy in front of Izuku and Cisco looked a bit like a ghoul if both of them were honest with themselves. His eyes looked to be tired or bored maybe both. His face looked very relaxed, almost lacking emotion. His hair and eyes were both purple in color bringing Izuku's mind to the name that Aizawa had mentioned earlier.
"Y-y-yes that would be me. How can I help you?" His tone was usually nervous when it came to talking to new people of all sorts. The corner of the boy's lips twitched upwards and remained there bringing Izuku to a state of slight ease. He was a bit like Eraserhead who had the tendency to hide his emotions.
"My name is Hitoshi Shinsou and I was told to come to a green haired boy who goes by Izuku Midoriya during lunch by Eraserhead." He put his hand into his pocket before pulling out a note and handing it to Izuku. "He also told me to give you this note and talk to you about whatever is on the note.
If you are reading this then the kid has done his job and he has gotten passed the interview with Nezu and myself. The entrance exam is almost always a failure when it comes to picking up a wide variety of quirks since most of them end up being offensive rather than anything else. I know personally what that feels like so I gave that seat behind you to the purple haired one who brought you the note. You should probably also tell him that he got in so he knows where to go after lunch.
The note was unsigned and done in the messiest handwriting that Izuku had seen in quite some time. It was probably do to the fact that his teacher was just tired or didn't care too much for neat handwriting.
"Ahh, so I am told by Aizawa Sensei that you went and had an interview conducted by himself as well as headmaster Nezu. Shinsou nodded, letting his hopes go higher than were safe for his own good.
"Yes they interviewed me a while back about what General Studies would mean in the long run of things and of how heroics was very difficult to get into. They wanted to know more about me and of what I could do." Okay I have to explain to him that he got in because apparently my homeroom teacher isn't capable of doing that simple task.
"Oh ok…..SO…...according to this letter by Eraserhead….you are… the heroics department as of after lunch." The other kid's face went slack and a bit pale, which at that point someone should have called a doctor. He coughed and took deep breaths making sure that he had heard the right thing.
"A- ARE you sure about this?" The boy's monotonous voice had disappeared and had gone up a few octaves. Izuku nodded vigorously letting him know that this wasn't just his imagination. " I mean are you completely certain about this, if this is some long thought out prank…"
"It isn't at all" Izuku handed him the letter before he continued explaining. "My homeroom teacher just likes to keep all the students on edge for his own amusement sometimes. So are officially in the heroics department…."
Izuku turned and looked at the two remaining figures in front of him. One looked to have an object in his hand while the other had some weirdly shaped hands, kinda like keys. Both he assumed would be extremely dangerous and should be taken care of as soon as possible. He readied himself and went straight for the one with oddly shaped hands, his quirk was unknown but it was probably him who the operation laid on.
Rushing at the figure, Izuku threw a punch at the stomach in hopes of knocking out the breath of the person before coming back for a second round. Right now he was incapable of throwing any good punches without endangering the same lives of the people he would put a stop to.
Looking at the other man for a second, Izuku went in and swept his leg in order to give himself the upper hand in this fight. With his speed it did seem highly improbable that he would lose such a fight. He allowed himself a slight chuckle before he realized that he made a grave mistake.
"So are you playing hero or something like that kid." The man that he had knocked down was now pointing the item in his hand at him. This made him realize that more likely than not, it was a gun. "I'm pretty sure that no registered heroes have super-speed as their quirk which means who are still in training and that is why my plan took a fall for a lack of a better word." The speedster looked at the gun wondering if he could dodge the bullets at the distance that he was away from the man. He'd been able to stop the last bullets from hitting Momo because of the distance that he had but here it was anyoone's guess.
"I am curious as to how fast you are exactly… Let's see" Without warning, Leonard Snart turned around and instead of firing at Izuku, he aimed at the incapacitated security guard. Izuku ran past him without even thinking about what dangers this could pose to himself, that was another large mistake on his part as a hero in training.
Snart Continued firing his gun at other beings within the building, none able to do anything because of their blind state. The green speedster ran at breakneck speeds trying to catch each and every single one from hitting any of the civilians. He was unable to get anywhere near the gunman due to the rate at which he fired at civilian and the location at which he fired. The newly UA student was unable to keep up with all of this, it was simply too much for him.
He was use to running at fast speeds but even he had a limit of how much he could do it. Eventually, there was a point where he began to slow down and his movements began to be more and more predictable. He saw this in himself and so did the armed assailant. Smiling at this, the newly made bank robber fired to where he would be in a few moments. Izuku, while speeding towards another airborne bullet, was hit in the leg and sent flying.
He watched in horror as the bullet got closer, and closer to a person. He was powerless to do anything about the matter as the piece of metal entered his leg and put him out of commission. He collapsed at the insane speed in which he ran and started rolling till he hit a column. The boy groaned in pain and tried his best to cope with the intense pain that he was beginning to get accustomed to. The bullet then just flew harmlessly past the person which he had assumed would be hit.
"Well kid you know what they say….You snooze you lose…" Izuku looked upwards to see the butt of a gun coming towards him. Had he not been in the pain that he was, there would have been an almost certainty that he would have dodged the hit and captured Leonard Snart. That however wasn't the case and he was knocked unconscious to relive the rest of the events having occurred earlier in the day. All this went by as the rest of Snart's crew completed their given tasks and began taking the money out of the safe.
After the introduction of Shinsou, the rest of Izuku's table was filled with the presence of Iida, Ochako and Momo. They all introduced themselves to Shinsou and Cisco wondering how it was that Izuku was able to make new friends so quickly.
"So Shinou, since you're going to be in heroics with the rest of us. Would you mind clueing us in on what your quirk might be. You know since we are going to be classmates and all." This was Ochako who said that in her apparently usual happy tone. The purple haired kid awkwardly started scratching the back of his head and a light blush began to creep its way onto his face. The topic of his quirk had been a sensitive one as of the last few years and he was always worried about what people would say about it.
"Umm well, my quirk is called 'brainwash' it allows me to tell people to do whatever I want them to after they've responded to me…" He tried wording his quirk as best as he could in order to avoid the usual 'that sounds like a good quirk for a villain' response that he usually got when describing his genetically given gift.
"That's a really useful quirk! Imagine how useful and handy that could be for when a villain starts monologuing. It can put an end to hostage situations in an instant." The brown haired girl saw the bright sides of his quirk instantly without going to the generic villain response. He smiled at someone finally seeing his quirk as something besides a tool of evil.
"What about the rest of you what are your quirks?" Shinsou who had not been a part of the quirk apprehension test had no idea what any of his peers were capable of.
"Ooh I'll go first! If I touch something with the pads of my fingers I'm able to cause it to lose its gravitational pull and float as a result of this." Ochako neglected to tell them the drawbacks as to not gross them out too much.
"I am able to create anything from which I know the composition of." This was Momo who proceeded to create a russian nesting doll which popped out of her hand and took a seat on the table. Hitoshi nodded as he turned to Iida wondering what his would be.
"My engine is a mutant type quirk which causes my calves to take the shape of small engines and increases my running speed to that well above a regular human." Iida also left out a few facts about what else his quirk was capable of in order to have something for the future.
"I think that my quirk is pretty self-explanatory with it being super speed. It allows me to move at extremely fast speeds and sometimes think at those speeds as well. Sadly it also gets away from me and I have to deal with a lot of time in my hands." He didn't tell them about the test because of obvious reasons and because he didn't want to sound snarky.
All of them turned to Cisco who had begun fiddling with the Inertia cube. He was unaware that they were waiting for his response till Izuku poked him, oddly enough discharging a bit of energy onto his hand.
"Yow alright I'll tell you mine just don't shock me!" Everyone looked confused unsure of what happened. " My quirk is something I like to call Vibe since it allows me to see images and entire events after touching something. It also gives me a certain feeling about something." This overall was the most confusing quirk out of all the ones that had been given today.
"Okay so I'm seeing that no one gets it so let me explain it another way. Let's say that this russian nesting doll was used in a crime." He picked up Momo's creation in order to make his point solid. "If that were the case then this doll would put me in the scene and it would play over as if it were a dream. Got it!" Everyone nodded at a much clearer explanation….
Izuku groaned as his eyes opened and he looked around the room that he was in. He could assume that the man that he had faced off against was gone as well as his accomplices. He looked as the rest of the people in the bank rose in confusion, some others stayed on the floor and he assumed were unconscious.
Izuku Vs his first group of villains what a title isn't it. Well this didn't turn out how I thought it would. And my leg, oh GOD! Why is there a piece of metal in my body again!? Well it looks like I'm about 5 minutes away from the hospital so let's go…..owww this is going to hurt. Agh, this isn't just painful for my ego or body...if Aizawa hears about this….I would never hear the end of it so hopefully my face was covered the entire time and nothing bad will happen tomorrow morning...