Chapter 9 - Starting With The Basics...!
"Midoriya, may I speak to you for a second briefly…?" Eraserhead asked him this before he could enter his class that morning. It was the day following the whole bank fiasco and Eraserhead was shocked to have heard about it from the police. Apparently many of the witnesses, who had not been blinded, recalled seeing a green blur running around attempting to stop the bank robbers. When Aizawa heard of this he knew that there was only one possible being who this could be.
"Umm sure….What do you want to talk about Aizawa Sensei?" Oh he's onto me, he knows where I was yesterday. Just got to play it cool and hope he wants to talk about something else.
"Midoriya, last night I was around some officers who wanted me to look into a bank robbery which occurred earlier in the day." He knows….I am dead. "The witnesses described a green blur flying through the room at speeds that should have been impossible."
"Ha...are you saying that it was me in the bank robbery last afternoon?" He tugged at his collar nervously trying to appear innocent though it was quickly becoming harder to do so. "Because that would be….untrue and just...I...can't think of a scenario where I would be there."
"Well since you weren't there…."He narrowed his eyes at the boy, making him sweat a lot more than should've been healthy. "Than it looks like I have no one to say good job to." His eyes went soft again and he walked back down the hallway away from Izuku.
The one time that I should've taken credit for something that I actually did do. I'm just going to go to class now and cry on the inside after failing to get his approval...Why must he be such a complicated instructor?
Heading inside, Izuku saw that he in fact wasn't late as he had assumed but was getting there. By his seat, Momo and Shinsou talked about what was to be expected of the day given that today was suppose to be combat training. Shinsou though only a day late to the mix, had not been seen by the rest of his classmates in matters of capabilities. To them, he was a blank slate which should be watched with caution and treated with the utmost carefulness.
"Hey Momo! Shinsou! How are you guys doing?" Izuku entered the conversation as he placed his backpack in his chair. His two friends gave him small smiles seeing that he had arrived on time, Shinsou's was barely visible but Momo's was more obvious.
"Quire fine Mr Green Blur." Well, it looks like another person knows about my activities. Then again I'd be surprised if Momo hadn't figured out that was me. The teen wasn't able to respond and could only cough in order to communicate. His face showed a bit of color not really liking having the spotlight being directed to him.
"So it was you Midoriya, I did wonder who else it could've been." Shinsou smiled thinly leading Izuku to believe that he was plotting something just by the way that his face formed.
"Umm...well you see...I was...and then there was….and yeah it was me…" Izuku was a tad bit embarrassed that he had been unable to hide who he was better. His face had steadily increased in redness and was now nearing the color of flames.
"So what did happen? Why were you there in the first place?" Momo smile was replaced by a look of slight concern that Izuku's mom had shared the previous night when she saw him with a hole in his leg. That had been specially difficult to explain and he had been forced to go with the most simple explanation 'I fell'.
"Well you see...I kinda had to run some errands and then some people decided to rob a bank...I'm not sure why there were no heroes who showed up since it was in a pretty popular area of the city…" He zoned out as he began to form explanations in his mind, some more bizarre than the others.
The man who robbed the bank appeared to not have exhibited a quirk of any sort when he attacked...What exactly would he be capable of doing if he did show his quirk and if he actually did want to hurt me….
"Midoriya!" Izuku's head shot up from his hand where his chin had been resting for the past few seconds just lost in thought. He looked at where the voice had come from and saw that it was Iida.
"You are suppose to be in your seat as of now, class has begun and our instructor should be here at any moment." The rest of the class had taken their seats as they were suppose to which made Izuku feel a bit self conscious. He too sped into his seat and not a moment too soon…
"I Am Here! Walking through the door like a normal person!" Had the speedster controlled the beating of his heart consciously, he would probably have been dead due to how shocked he was at the moment. His idol and inspiration for the longest time was standing in the front of the class about to give a lesson. His idol was going to be his teacher! All Might, The All Might was going to be the hero for this period which he never thought would be possible.
Ok, you can breath now if you want to Izuku. He's just another hero like all the ones that you've been analyzing in the past few hours. You can breath now, this is your brain who is lacking oxygen and is asking you to PLEASE give it some much needed oxygen. Oh well if you don't give me oxygen then you will pass out in front of your idol, your choice.
Hesitantly, Izuku decided it was in his best interest to start breathing again before he went brain dead. As the air returned to his lungs, the green-haired speedster was able to look at All Might with more attention. His current get-up appeared to be that of the silver age which he wore when he had made his debut.
"Foundational Hero Studies! In this class we'll be building up your hero foundation through various trials" The hero pulled a block off the desk and showed it to the class to emphasize what he said next. "Let's get right into this! The Trial Of Battle!" The block which the mucled hero held in his hand also had the word Battle which didn't sit too well with the speedster, fighting that is.
"And to go with your first battle…." The wall on the side of the room began to slide out into view allowing the students to see the numbers corresponding to the seats that they were sitting in. "We've prepared the gear we had you send request in to match your quirks." Izuku vaguely recalled having designed his outfit after a tiresome session with Aizawa, he couldn't exactly remember what he made it look like. "Get changed and we'll be ready to go! Everyone gather at ground B! The garb you bring into the battle field is virtually important, Boys and Girls! And Don't Forget...From here on out you are officially heroes. "
Izuku had picked up the box reading 18 and and carried it down into the locker room with care as this was his very own costume. He chose an isolated corner in order to be able examine all the aspects of his suit with the minimal amount of distractions from his other classmates. He just hopes that the company that had made his suit had not altered the design too much, at least the design he had thought of while being half lucid…
Opening the large case, Izuku saw several components to his suit neatly placed in separate compartments with a note laying atop of his actual suit. Just by looking at it, Izuku could tell that his suit had been made green and that they had made him another pair of goggles which he was grateful for. He picked up the note from the case and read it within a second.
Hello Young Hero,
We here at the support company were tasked with the creation and maintenance of your hero suit. After we were informed of the incredible speeds that you are capable of running at, we had to make your suit extremely durable as well as keeping it lightweight for you to use. We have made your suit out of a leather/textile combination and had it lined with white dwarf star alloy in order to keep you from burning up once you reach higher speeds. Your goggles should also be to your satisfaction as they serve both as binoculars, thermal sensors and overall protection for your eyes while you run. The last bit of your suit was thought of by some of the new talent Hartley Rathaway who created a monitor that should be on your left arm. It will keep track of your vitals as well as the current speed that you are traveling in order to keep you aware of your limits. This note has become too long but we wish you the best and PLUS ULTRA!
Izuku whistled as he read of what his suit was capable of. He set the note down on a bench and picked up his suit, holding it up in front of him. The boots as well as the sides were black, covering his arms as well. The center of his suit going down was a dark green hue that went down his front and into the interior of his legs. Between these two colors, a thin lightning bolt like pattern in a lighter green separated the two. His mask was covering his chin and the area around his eyes leaving his mouth and hair exposed for world to see. His ears appeared to be covered in some sort gold decorations that also had a bolt of lightning. The last touch, which he loved, were his goggles that were tinted a darker shade of green than he was used to but also brought him a more calming feeling.
Realizing that he was the last person in the locker room, Izuku changed at top speeds and allowed himself one look in the mirror before running of to meet with the rest of his classmates. This new suit immediately felt good on him, allowing him to run without the wind resistance that his other clothes had. The suit clung close to his body like a second skin which felt less cumbersome than everything he constantly wore. The goggles also felt quite snug and comfortable around his face. An added bonus was that now he wouldn't have to go through shoes like crazy if he could replicate this on his….wait he was late. He didn't have time to think about what he could do with his shoes in the future.
Reaching the end of the tunnel, Izuku noticed how his eyes had no need to adjust to the light due to the upgrade of his goggles. Now the change in scenary was a completely different thing altogether. As he looked around, he was able to see several of his classmates standing around in their new costumes complementing each other and explaining how it helped out their quirk.
Looking for his group of friends, Izuku stumbled into a less than fully dressed Momo. Or more like barely dressed Momo as her suit was very open to the elements in order for her to use her quirk to the most efficiency. Upon contact he realized just how little clothing she had on and went instantly red. She turned around and looked at Izuku's costume which everyone could agree looked pretty cool. Don't say or think anything out of the ordinary Izuku, keep it calm...
"Wow Izuku! Your costume looks really cool! The color scheme really works for you because of your hair." She smiled at him as Izuku forced himself to stare directly into her eyes, not anywhere else. Don't be a pervert, eyes up. Don't be a pervert just be a human being and treat her as you want to be treated just keep the gaze up or I will personally kill you, somehow...The speedster slowly tried to speak not once, or twice, but three times.
"Y-... YOU….Yes!...Thanks for the complements MOMO!" His pitch was a bit shaky due to how his vocal chords worked but Momo only thought that to be funny. His voice had changed several times in the span of a few second which was the funniest thing that she had seen all week.
"Midoriya…" The green clothed boy turned around responding with a quick 'yes'. He felt a loss of control in his body before he heard the next command. "Calm down and breath…" He complied and then felt his body return to him. Woah! What just happened here? "Midoriya, that was my quirk you just experienced…" He looked around and saw who had just caused him to essentially lose control. Standing in what looked to be the classiest hero costume was none other than the purple haired mastermind.
Shinsou's suit reminded Izuku of something that he had seen in an old comic book about a detective who wore blue and had no face. Instead of that his suit was purple with a lilac dress shirt and a dark purple trenchcoat, of course Shinsou kept his face on him which was appreciated. Izuku was positive that this trenchcoat contained many more things that were obscured from view. On top of that, atop of his head there was a fedora that looked like it was only for aesthetic purposes with no real use, but he knew that things such as that tended to conain hidden objects. Besides that, he sure looked good in his suit, specially with his stoic expression on his face. It also added to the whole grounded hero look which had been lacking pretty far in the mainstream of heroes.
"Wow Shinsou you look really good in that costume, like an old time detective!" There was a thin smile on Hitoshi's face which Izuku assumed was a smile. He could never tell what it was since Shinsou tended to stick to the less than smiling end of the spectrum.
"I can say the same about you Izuku, never knew that you were one for wearing skin tight clothing…" Izuku's top jaw stuck to the bottom as he took the 'compliment' from Shinsou, a very odd compliment indeed.
Looking for All Might, Izuku spotted him with papers in his hands muttering madly to himself. They appeared to be notes for the class from which he had prepared beforehand and was now living solely on them. Izuku chuckled lightly at this and disguised it as a cough so no one would notice what he did.
"Ok Everyone Gather Up. It is time for the Battle Trial!" All the students surrounded the Number 1 hero wanting to hear his direction. " ...will….Divide you into groups of TWO, That's Right! Each group will either be the heroes or the villains where the villains will be in charge of guarding a bomb that the heroes are in charge of dismantling. Heroes win by touching the bomb and villains win by either incapacitating the heroes or keeping the heroes away from the bomb before the time limit runs out. " Even though he was a great superhero, Izuku assumed that he had never been in charge of teaching beforehand. "Ok so group A is Midoriya and….Bakugou!"
Well, remember how I said I was going to kill you brain, looks like someone is going to beat you to it. Well this is going to be just great just fabulous just the perfect place for me to hold my funeral. Maybe I can invite the entire class to it and call it a party instead just to spite him.
"So…" Izuku stood besides his teammate wondering what he should say to defuse the situation. This was pretty much the most awkward situation that he had felt today, and this had been a pretty awkward day.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU!" Bakugou was clearly upset by not being given the chance to destroy his lifelong rival. The situation had only escalated after he saw exactly what Izuku was capable of doing with his new enhanced speed. "YOU DON'T GET TO TALK AFTER ALL THE BULLSHIT YOU"VE PUT ME THROUGH, NOT AFTER YOU'VE LIED TO ME FOR OUR ENTIRE LIVES."
OK Time out! Or the equivalent of a time out for me. Let's just think about this for a second in order to not blow this out of proportion, if they haven't already. He clearly thinks that you've lied to him your entire life about having a quirk, he doesn't believe my explanation of having this occurred recently. Since this is Kachan I have to prove to him that what I'm saying is true and that may take a few times considering who I'm talking about.
"K-kachan p-please let me talk, I want to e-explain." His slight stutter popped out again as it usually did when he began talking to the explosion quirk user, it was just a thing of habit that he couldn't break out of. "If this is about my quirk…"
"K-k-kachan I swear that I…" Things were really starting to get out of hand between the two of them. He seriously had no clue how the two of them were suppose to work together to stop his classmates in a few seconds, he could probably run around really fast and stop them if it really came down to it.
"DON'T FUCKING 'KACHAN' ME DEKU I WON'T LET YOU CALL ME A NAME AS WEAK AS THAT!" The boy then began coughing as a result of the massive amount of yelling that he had undertaken. Seeing as there was nothing that could be done, Izuku silently stood besides his former childhood friend.
"Begin the Battle Trial!" The four students who had been getting ready for the battle heard the pro-hero's voice come from the earpiece that they had been given. The two on the outside were unaware of the plan that the villains had come up with, a quite clever plan indeed.
"OI DEKU STAY HERE WHILE I SHOW YOU HOW THINGS ARE DONE!" The explosive blonde rushed in with small sparks emanating from his hands. There was a crazed smile on his face as he walked inside leaving Izuku alone.
The green-haired boy pulled down his goggles over his eyes knowing that Bakugou would prefer to 'die' than accept help from him. He checked the heat signature feature of his goggles but turned it off in an instant as he realized that others didn't have the same advantage in their equipment.
"Okay Izuku, you have a time limit on how fast you can get yourself that bomb so lets try to be reasonable about how fast you can accelerate and deccelerate within this building. Now its show time." Izuku cracked his neck to either side and then began to run within the building checking the first floor in less than a minute though the tricky pathways provided a much needed damper on his speed. It was a bit like playing Pac-Man...except he was the little yellow guy in this analogy.
Lab rats must feel like this, going through a maze of corridors without knowing when they are going to get out. It must truly suck to be a lab rat even if you don't really think about it. And also what's the point of going through the same maze time after time if it leads to nothing in the grant…..
Boom! BooM! BOOM! The speedster slowed down as he searched the surrounding area looking for the source of the explosions which he knew already. Bakugou was probably already trying to metaphorically kill their opponents single handedly which worried Izuku greatly. There was a pretty strong chance that he would succeed so Izuku wanted to reach him before anything of that sort happened. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
More explosions followed from the floors above and Izuku knew that he needed to get there quickly or he would be sending Ochako in a box since her quirk wasn't extra skin. Looking around, he spotted a flying figure attempting to ram another.
"DIE YOU PURPLE HAIRED MAFIA BOSS!" There was a large amount of dust that was thrown into the air as well as debris flying from the source. Please don't let it be a dead person. Please don't let it be a dead person…I need an alibi and being here won't serve well for my hero career. He stepped around the debris looking for a body in case there was one to look for...
As the smoke cleared, the fastest boy in the class saw that in front of him stood Shinsou smiling at him. He dusted of his clothing and looked at Midoriya with a bit of curiosity. Next to him was Bakugou who appeared to be kneeling down with his fist touching the ground. His back was to Midoriya so there wasn't much more that he could draw from this.
"Hello Midoriya, Don't you have more control over your teammate than this? He nearly blew off my head multiple times." The speedster opened his mouth to respond but then remembered how it worked before closing it and keeping it shut. "Hmm, good to see that you remembered what my quirk was...your partner, not so much." This just got a bit more complicated. "I knew that I could not beat either of you in combat due to the enhancements that you both receive from your quirks, but I know that you two can beat each other…."
Wait he predicted this? He outsmarted Kachan and now we are going to pay for this dearly aren't we? Come on, why does this have to go down the first combat class of the year. He couldn't mean what I think he means.
"Now Bakugou...stand and fight Izuku into submission or render him immobile without killing him." Hitoshi Shinsou kept his voice even and calm, almost as if this had been part of his plan which it probably was. Bakugou's body rose and turned around to face his partner for the exercise. On his face there was a blank expression making Izuku believe that this wasn't his old friend but would still be one heck of a challenge.
Well this won't be so difficult, after all I do have the ability to just run around him and most likely knock him out before he gets a hit on me. Worse that can happen is a few headaches here and there for my opponents. Wait opponents...where's Ochako?
No sooner had the thought reached his mind that he began to feel weightless and his feet rose from the ground. He caught a brief flash of light pink in the corner of his eye which he could assume with certainty that this was the Zero Gravity girl. Oh no, this is not going to end well. In his moment of distraction, the girl in pink touched his shoulder in order to activate his quirk. Without his gravity, he was pretty much at the mercy of Shinsou and Ochako.
"Now is when the fun starts." What did Shinsou just say? "Bakugou attack now and have no mercy." Izuku could've sworn that a small smile formed upon Katsuki's face but...nope it definitely was there. Without any more distractions, the yellow haired berserker launched himself at the airborne Izuku with his explosions. This commenced the start of the battle the students of Class 1-A had wanted to see, the battle between two titans who were on the same team and were supposed to be working together.
This is going to go well Izuku, just try your hardest and don't disappoint your idol who is watching this right now. Like Shinsou said ' Now is when the fun starts' and it will be fun for me if not for him. This is for me to show the class what happens to a kid when he is struck by a bolt of freakin lightning…. I wonder how fast I can do this….?