Origins: Hitoshi Shinsou...

Chapter 10 - Origins: Hitoshi Shinsou...

Hitoshi Shinsou had been through alot in his decade and a half of life. After his quirk had been discovered to be 'Brainwash', everyone had told him how his quirk could be used in order to cause great evil. Person after person, adult after adult, peer after peer. There had been no exception to the rule for as long as he went on, it was a constant reminder of how incapable he was in accomplishing his goal of being a hero. That all changed as soon as he got accepted into the UA's General Studies program.

Of course he had been unable to pass the practical exam given how one must've needed a combat orientated quirk in order to dominate in the test, or at least a quirk that had the potential to be used offensively. He had neither of those options considering that his quirk would probably be considered cheating or would give the other students the points that he would have earned, With this in mind, he also applied for the General Studies course as a back up options in case he was unable to do exactly that.

After receiving only one of his classes in General Studies, Shinsou was called to go talk to the headmaster after a small boy with purple balls on his head came into the class saying that he was the newest addition to the General Studies class. Shinsou knew instantly that this was what happened to the lowest person in the heroics course as the older students had told him.

He went to the headmaster's office wondering the entire way of what was in store for him. It wasn't even the first day and already he was being called to the place which he hoped he would never have to go. He had just gotten to this prestigious school and there was no way that he would get out without finding out why.

"Tell me young Shinsou, why did you apply for both the heroics course and General Studies? Most students tend to go for either one or the other. You seemed to not have the arrogance that most students possess in only going for the Heroics course, Why is that?" The creature that spoke to him looked like a bear/dog/man hybrid which he couldn't really describe despite that.

Shinsou looked at the Headmaster and at the teacher who stood besides him. The teacher appeared to give him a lazy look of disinterest and tiredness. His hair covered most of his face and he wore a pretty large scarf which appeared to have no other use. He thought of what to say, of what they expected him to say.

"I knew that my quirk was incapable of being used well in the settings of the practical test and I also knew that there were nearly no possibility of me passing a test revolving around the physical prowess of quirks. With this in mind I decided that the best course of action would to join General Studies and wait till there was a chance to move into Heroics should the possibility arise." Shinsou looked into the small animals eyes before receiving a large, adorable smile.

"That was very well said Shinsou...Now recently a spot has been opened in the heroics department and we were interviewing potential candidates for the position. You may go on ahead to you lunch and please deliver this letter to a green haired boy named Izuku Midoriya, Thank you!"

The rest of the story really wasn't as important for Shinsou at the moment. All he needed was to hold onto that one moment when he had been told that there was a possibility of being accepted into the heroics course. It was what he'd use to win this game against Midoriya and Bakugou….

When they were given the five minutes in order for preparation, Shinsou knew that he would have to plan something that would be able to handle both Midoriya's speed and Bakugou's destructive explosions. Given the nature of both people, there was a strong likelihood that neither party would be able to work together so Shinsou needed to figure out what he was working with before coming up with a plan.

"Uraraka, could you tell me the specifics of your quirk? If we're going to have a shot at outmaneuvering Midoriya and Bakugou I'm going to need to figure out what both of us can do." The trenchcoat wearing teenager asked his shorter companion trying to not say it in a monotone as he tended to do so.

"Umm let me think…"The pink wearing heroine put her finger to her chin as she went into deep thought. "Well my quirk allows me to manipulate the gravity of objects after touching them. The drawback is that I can only lift about 3 tons before I become nauseous and vomit this really yucky rainbow liquid." Shinsou leaned against a wall and began to put the pieces that he had been given into place. "Also you can call me Ochako if you want to, after all we are friends, right?"

"Yeah, I suppose we are…" Friends, never really thought about it like that, haven't had true friends in a while. "Okay, I think that I may have a plan that had a small possibility of working but at the moment it's the best choice that we have." The gravity girl nodded, eager to learn of her purple clothed companions plan. "Midoriya and Bakugou have a shaky relationship if I'm putting it in the best terms so we'll have to use that to our advantage."

"Wait, what do you mean by using that to our advantage?" Shinsou thought for a moment in how to explain this the best way without coming out to seem like a complete villain.

"Bakugou looks like he'd rather die than allow any help from Midoriya. This leads me to believe that as long as their behavior doesn't change in the following ten minutes then we might be able to turn Bakugou on Midoriya using my quirk. I just need him to respond to something that I say which shouldn't be too difficult considering who we're dealing with." Uraraka nodded as she pictured the plan going off in her mind.

"Okay so that deals with Bakugou, what about Midoriya?" Shinsou thought of a few scenarios in which they could deal with the speedster and in the end there really was only one that had any chance of coming into fruition

"We'll have to surprise him and get you to use your quirk on him. Without his gravity he won't be able to run on the ground and he'll be a sitting duck. From there I can instruct the controlled Bakugou to keep him busy for the remaining amount of time while we try our best to keep him from the bomb." Shinsou finished explaining his plan to Uraraka who looked quite pleased with how it was suppose to occur.

"Ok are we going to take Bakugou on if he doesn't choose to speak?" Shinsou thought again about this new problem that he had unaccounted for. There was always that one variable that he forgot about.

"Don't worry about that part, I'll draw his fire and get him to talk. No matter how much trouble I look like I am in hide until you see the fast one. You just have to tap Midoriya and we'll be in good shape." He looked around the room and looked for strategic places that he would be able to place trip wires, in this fight any advantage would go a long way for them….

Hearing the argument between Bakugou and Midoriya, Shinsou got into position awaiting for the arrival of the blonde. There was a large plan that his plan would fail and that he would be tossed aside like a rag doll upon initial confrontation. There was an even greater chance that Midoriya would discover what was going on and put a stop to it within a second. There was no imaginable way that they could win in a head on fight versus the opposing team so this was going to be their best bet.

Loud stomping could be heard coming up the steps and his heart climbed its way to his throat. This was his one chance to show the rest of the class that he had a right to be here just like the rest of them. None of them had seen him in the quirk apprehension test so it was either all here or none at all. I have to show them that I'm not a villain, I'm just a hero like the rest of them…

"Shinsou…"He looked across to where Ochako stood in preparation for Midoriya once he ran up the stairs. "Good luck! I'm sure your plan will work." She whispered loud enough for him to here before returning to her hiding spot. Now or never...time to shine…

Upon seeing the mess of blonde hair on top of the stairs Shinsou did what any person with a working brain would do, he threw a pebble at Bakugou. It flew through the air with a slight whistle and hit the boy in between the eyes startling him for a second. His off guard for now...time to work magic…

"Bakugou, you look more like a villain than I do...and I'm suppose to be the villain in this situation. Go figure…" He used his patronizing tone and ended it with a plain and obvious smirk. All of it was one big act meant to get him to speak out despite knowing what he could do.

The explosive teenager recovered quickly from the insult, gritting his teeth in response to the insult that had been thrown his way. The distance between the two boys had been that of fifteen feet when the pebble was thrown. After Bakugou projected himself forward with explosions, that distance decreased to only one foot. At that distance the angered male brought his right hand forward and attempted to ignite his nitroglycerin like sweat on Shinsou face.

He dodged quickly to the side continuing his verbal barrage upon his opponent. His teammate continued to hide as he had instructed her to until the time was right. The plan had already gone off its hinges as Bakugou hadn't responded immediately.

"Why aren't you speaking Bakugou? Or would you prefer if I called you Kachan?" After seeing his explosive reaction to the pet name that Midoriya had for him, he knew it was a sore topic to bring up but he needed the edge. "Has the cat got your tongue?"

Bakugou targeted the floor beneath him this time with greater effect. Chunks of rock floor and wall began to break apart as the blast got more destructive. It would continue to worsen as the fight drew on for longer periods of time. Bakugou would only sweat more and this in turn would make life a lot harder for him considering everything.

A blast caught the side of his trenchcoat sending revealing a gun like contraption on the inside of it. Bakugou glared at it before causing an explosion right in front of his chest. Shinsou was blown backwards and hit the floor with a loud thud! His body groaned with pain and his lungs felt as if they had inhaled smoke. The purple haired mastermind put his hand on the inside of his coat but then took it back out. He was going to have one more shot to do this right before using his support items.

"Why are you here Bakugou?" The male that had blasted him away only seconds glared deeply into him. " Why aren't you with Midoriya? Are you too afraid to admit that he's better than you, that he's always been better than you?" Katsuki's eyes widened and then became cold as stone. His hands clenched into fist, trying to contain the massive anger that he felt towards this individual trying not to shout. Sadly, the effort was for nothing.

"NO ONE IS BETTER THAN ME!" He propelled himself forward trying to pull the same trick he had done before, except now he had spoken. "DIE YOU PURPLE HAIRED MAFIA BOSS!" Now you're in my trap. The blonde's eyes lost emotion and his fist came down upon the ground next to Shinsou causing smoke and debris to rise into the air. The first part is done, now for the rest.

The victorious combatant kneeled down and picked up his fedora that had fallen off during the fight. Clearing his throat, he prepared himself mentally for what was to come. Bakugou had been the easiest part of the plan for him, now he would have to face the true threat of the two.

"Hello Midoriya," He spoke cleanly and with confidence as he stared into the eyes of the boy dressed in green. He caught the gravity girl's eye for a moment and gave the slightest of nods hoping that she would understand what he was trying to say. Ochako nodded and used her quirk on herself in order to float and not make any noise. He just had to buy her time in order to tap him..

"Don't you have more control over your teammate than this? He nearly blew off my head multiple times." The speedster opened his mouth to respond but then remembered how it worked before closing it and keeping it shut. Ochako got closer to Midoriya without him noticing so he just had to keep going.

"Hmm, good to see that you remembered what my quirk was...your partner, not so much." Hitoshi now knew that trying to get Midoriya to talk was a lost cause and would not work for him at all. Best to play all my cards now

"I knew that I could not beat either of you in combat due to the enhancements that you both receive from your quirks, but I know that you two can beat each other…." It took Midoriya a second to figure out what Shinsou was talking about as he recalled exactly how his quirk worked. He then remembered that there were suppose to be two members per team but at that point it was too late. Shinsou openly smiled as he saw Uraraka reach her goal and tap the speedster on the shoulder.

Within a second his feet left the ground and Midoriya was unable to do anything about the matter. He struggled for a second trying to figure out what was going on but stopped as he saw Uraraka smile at him openly with the tips of her hands touching.

"Now this is where the fun starts Midoriya…" Shinsou gave him another thin smile before all hell broke loose and the match truly began.

All members of class one stared into the screen that was broadcasting the match. None of them had known what to expect when they saw the new kid after lunch the previous day. It ad been a surprise when one of their classmates had gotten demoted to General Studies but this was something else altogether.

Those who had talked to him knew of his quirk but not really. Those who hadn't, were simply mystified as they watched their most aggressive classmate go down when he was about to hurt him. It was simply like no other quirk that they had seen in this class thus far. All of theirs were capable of being turned into a weapon and used extremely well in combat. From what they could tell, their classmate only needed to talk to put his opponents out of commision.

As the a match carried out, the execution of Shinsou's plan surprised even All Might who had seen lots in his day. In a class like this, if no one responded to him, Shinsou would be no more capable than a quirkless being. His intellect had changed the entire match within a minute and that itself earned him the respect of everyone in that room, as well as a small amount of fear.

Returning to Midoriya's mind, it was working overtime on its overtime trying to figure out what to do in the moments he had before he would be attacked by Bakugou. OK, OK, OK, OK! Shinsou was ready for us, how was he able to do this within five minutes? I need to figure this out now and I need to figure out the options that I have since right now it looks like I'm going to die unless I get…

The airborne teen was blasted backwards as an explosion went off on his chest causing him to spin backwards. Shinsou had chosen to set this up in a mostly open area so there were absolutely no walls or pillars near him to bounce off of. GOD why does that hurt so much?! It feels like my insides are plotting to kill me by going to the outside.

Unluckily, when Izuku finally stopped spinning out of control, he faced away from his opponents which now included his own teammate. Turning his head, Izuku was able to glimpse an open hand coming at his face before going off once again. This blast tossed him downwards onto the broken ground. Looking at his "partner"s face, he noticed that Bakugou seemed to be enjoying this a bit too much.

"Bakugou! If you're in there I need you to snap out of it and stop beating me into submission." His pleas fell short as Bakugou came at him but he was ready for it this time. Using the ground under him, he sped upwards with a force that was comparable to that of bullet. Not a moment too soon either as the destruction of the spot he occupied was unbelievable. He could very well see the floor below them and the floor appeared to have been a few inches thick before his friend had come in to renovate.

Unaware of where he was going, Izuku crashed into the ceiling and lost control again as his feet were just out of reach from the ceiling. Where are the other two? They wouldn't just leave me in here with Bakugou if there was the chance that I'd beat him, there must be another part of their plan and I'm running out of time.

Launching himself once more with his explosions, Bakugou came face to face with his former friend. They made eye contact for a split second before the one under Shinsou's influence put his hands directly in front of his face. The blast that ensued was one that no one should have been able to remain conscious, less be able to fight. However, Izuku Midoriya wasn't 'no one', and he needed to get to a bomb. He collided with a wall causing a visual crack to form which was never a good sign for the person doing the colliding. Had it not been for the goggles, there would be a good chance that he could've ended up blind or worse.

In a moment of desperation and pure improvisation, Izuku clapped his hands at an unbelievably fast speed. He had no idea where the thought of it came to him, he just knew that an act like this would make or break the match. Upon contact of the palms, the boy regretted his choice and wished that he had thought this through, well he had thought about it at super speeds so he was still to blame.. The sudden force caused the air in the room to push itself and flow opposite of Izuku at neck break speeds. The winds caught Bakugou and sent him flying into the opposite wall, or at least it would've if he didn't destroy it in the process. Still, he was sent out of the building and would take a while to get back.

That should buy me some time….at least I hope it did. Looking down at the monitor on his wrist, a diagram popped up showing Izuku the injuries that he had sustained since the start of the battle trial. Bruised ribs, first degree burns on face and torso, torn left bicep, and one sprained wrist while the other one was broken. Was it worth it? I'll know as soon as I'm done with this match.

There wasn't even a moment of rest as Izuku saw in the distance what appeared to be a very large and nearing inferno. Well, looks like I can't catch a break, time to run. Whatever the ball of fire was, he knew that taking a hit from it would most likely result in a very painful recovery period in the the health center. All or nothing Izuku, let's go.

Pushing himself of the wall he was in currently, Izuku aimed for the opposite wall knowing that it was his only chance of getting out of there in one piece. He felt the heat increased as he rushed into it, only narrowly avoiding it as he bounced off the wall that was utterly demolished as it came into contact with the fireball. Ouch, this is very hot and painful.

That thought came to him as he attempted to 'outflow' the giant ball of destruction, which was somehow not shrinking in size. He went through the doorway and kept bouncing down a hallway which had been out of his reach earlier. Left leg, right leg, both legs, turn, left leg, right… The pattern that he tried using had to change every few seconds as the speed in which he traveled had to differ.

Window! Window! That's bound to get me a safe distance away from the giant ball of destruction and fire. Pulling his knees to his chest, lowering his face, and putting his hands behind his neck, Izuku became a human cannonball as he crashed through a window flying outside the building. This is not how I expected this day to go….

Looking only slightly backwards, the fireball remained on its path of destruction and neared. The size had finally begun to decrease, as it destroyed more and more of the building. At the current size, he didn't expect it to cause much damage to himself but he couldn't really be sure considering the current state of the building that he had just exited. Bracing for impact, Izuku thought that he knew what real pain was but he truly had no idea. To say that it was 'hot' was a serious understatement that could not be more wrong.

He was pretty sure that even for him it would require a few hours of simple rest in order to heal himself. Or maybe that nice old lady could help him out again? It would all be resolved later but right now he needed to focus on the matter at hand

Ok so now I'm out how to I get back inside without touching the floor. I have no real choices in this matter, I'll have to use the same trick that I used on Bakugou just in a smaller and more controlled scale. Four minutes left, can't hesitate.

Pulling his arms half-way back, the airborne speedster repeated the same trick from earlier and released a gust of wind as he was propelled back to the building at least that was the plan. He miscalculated the angle for which he would need to get through the exit he made, instead he ended up going above the building. His hands were no better for the effort and he could tell that though he hadn't caused as serious of an injury, they were still in a pretty bad shape.

Okay, so I'm floating up here with my hands in a pretty bad shape. I have less than four minutes to locate the bomb and get it without being stopped by either Uraraka or Shinsou. And I still haven't accounted for Bakugou….Wait! Is that him?

A few hundred feet below, Izuku could see the quickly approaching Katsuki Bakugou and he didn't look happy at all. Not that he was suppose to be happy while being brainwashed. This was his one and only chance to get back to the ground and to try to beat his teammate back onto his side if that was possible. I only get one try so the angle has to be right or things won't work.

For the last time that day, Izuku took a deep breath and clapped his hands together. The force caused his hands even more pain, which he was pretty sure both hands were now broken instead of just the right one. He allowed the wind to push him as he spun to face Bakugou. The battle of the titans had gone on for long enough and this would be the blow to decide it. Izuku wasn't sure if Bakugou even wanted to stop if he had been in control. That didn't matter now, now he needed to win this for the both of them.

The green speedster reeled his arm back and so did the blonde, brainwashed, explosive hero. At that moment, every member of the class 1-A watched intently as two of the most powerful members of the class went all out. One was told not to show mercy, the other just wanted to get back on the ground already. Both had reasons to hold back, yet those reasons weren't important enough at the moment…

Bringing his right fist downwards, Izuku destroyed Bakugou's gauntlet and sent a rush of wind towards the building below them. The wind tore a hole straight down the middle of the building with such force that it disrupted a certain gravity girl's quirk. The sudden disruption caused the once floating boy to begin his descent, or fall to be more exact.

Upon the collision between the fist of the two boys, Shinsou's brainwash effect over Bakugou lost its hold. The purple haired 'villain' below could tell as he felt his influence over the other being dissapear. His plan had worked as long as he had control over Bakugou, now it was up for grabs considering the amount of time that was left.

An added disadvantage was Ochako's nausea which had set in after the giant hole appeared down the middle of the building. In her reaction, she had pushed Shinsou out of the way and had touched the rubble in order to prevent it from falling on them. She had been able to sustain the weight for a second before Shinsou had to pull her out so she wouldn't be crushed by the piece of rock.

"Are you alright Ochako?" He asked with concern as he saw her spewing out rainbow colored vomit. The girl could only nod as she continued releasing the foul smelling liquid. She was certainly not in any shape to continue her hold on Midoriya as he was probably on his way here now.

He stared at the watch on his hand, I have about a minute and thirty seconds to keep anyone away from the 'bomb'. Ochako is out of the game given her current condition and Bakugou must still be at full strength considering he didn't hold back. Midoriya can easily take me if he's at full shape so I have to hope that he isn't.

All I can do is hope….

As Izuku fell besides Bakugou he noticed several key things that were just key. First, he was falling so that would indicate that he had put Uraraka out of commision and in result could fall back to the ground. Second, Kachan was unconscious and would need his help in order to survive the incoming fall. Third, HE COULD SEE WHERE THE BOMB WAS! Fourth, he was falling…

Without the support of the anti-gravity quirk from Uraraka, he would have a few seconds to figure out how to stick a landing. For Bakugou there was a good chance that he could throw him up at the same speed that they were falling. This would secure his well being but now he had to worry for his own. No time, time to get to work.

Using both of his injured hands, Izuku threw his unconscious teammate upwards onto the same floor as the bomb. He landed relatively safe so he wasn't too worried about his childhood friend. He fell a floor more before trying to figure out what to do. He knew that the options were limited and that he probably wouldn't be able to survive the fall if he did make contact with the floor. His last option would be to clap once more but his hands were already at their limit. It looked like he had no choice, and he truly didn't…

Bringing his hands backwards, he took a deep breath. He was parallel to the ground and had to angle himself correctly or otherwise he would send himself into a wall. Bringing his hands slightly more apart….He felt a cord wrap itself around his leg and act as a bungee cord. The ground came within feet of his face as he was stretched downwards and upwards as well. Looks like my luck is better than I think.

Looking upwards, the young Midoriya saw that Shinsou stood up a few stories holding what appeared to be a gun with a long cord coming out of it. His arms shook slightly as he gained a sure hold on the grappling hook in order to not let the green haired boy to fall. Despite being a 'villain' for this exercise, he was still a hero at heart.

With ten seconds left on the timer it looked to everyone that the hero team had lost and the villains had succeeded. Many were amazed by what they had seen. From the battle prowess of Bakugou, to Midoriya's quick thinking, to Uraraka valiant effort in saving Shinsou, to Shinsou's brilliant plan.

There really could not be a way that this match could end in a more spectacular demonstration. The 'villain' saving the 'hero' from what would have surely have been a sure death. The villains had earned their victory, through planning and tactics that weren't seen in UA. They truly were the heroes despite being the villains.

Crap I lost! Ugh Kachan is going to have my hide for this...At least I lost in a pretty good way if I do say so myself. Shinsou really did think of mostly everything. Gotta hand it to the guy, he really does deserve to be here. I'll just 'hang out' for a while. Now wait how long does adrenaline usually last in keeping pain AAAAWWWW AAAAAY!