Chapter 11 - Second day of School, Afternoon...
After the conclusion of the first match, Izuku was helped onto the ground with a bit of help from Shinsou who now had a pretty smug look on his face, which was pretty justified in many ways. It wasn't as if he had just beaten the ;potentially most powerful person in the class. No that would have been truly absurd and would never work out, not in a million years would that have happened...
"So's it hanging?" The joke on Shinsou's part made the teen who was currently upside down laugh. This resulted in a small amount of pain coming from his lower abdomen but he really couldn't afford to put that in his mind at the moment. The rest of his classmates would most likely be competing in a second and he wanted more than anything else at the moment to see how they did.
"Could you help me get down Shinsou? I think the blood is starting to rush to my head…" Shinsou, using a pretty large amount of upper body strength, began using the grappling hook around Izuku's leg to rock him back and forth bringing him ever closer to a floor. Once he had enough momentum, the purple-haired boy released the grip on Izuku's leg and sent him rolling into one of the lower floors.
"Thanks, also good job with that plan that you had…"The defeated speedster called out several floors up, unsure if he could be heard or not. After a few minutes Shinsou walked down the building step supporting Uraraka with his response.
"Your congratulations mean much to me Midoriya, thank you…" Putting his grappling gun inside his coat, Shinsou continued helping his partner on her way to the central command rom. They had been instructed to go there once their matches had concluded and that was all that he had to do now. Well also feel good about himself for doing the impossible, or near impossible.
Overall, the exercise had been draining for all parties involved. Some were physical while others were more mental like in Shinsou's case. Having to keep track of all of Bakugou's actions was an entire battle on its own. Looks like you finally made it, your finally a hero…your quirk won't be that of a will be a hero to remember...
Izuku Midoriya had been called many things in the past, not all of them were good either. Quirkless, Deku, idiot, weak, crybaby, loser, etc. those were all just words with the intention of bringing him down. Some of them had worked to belittle him and make him feel worse about himself. He'd gotten use to this well enough and he couldn't be more fine with it. Now no one had called him reckless or stupid to his face before, well only Bakugou did but he didn't really count.
As he walked into the control room where the rest of the students were standing and looking at the screen, most eyes turned to look at him which was just a tad bit frightening. Everyone had seen the amount of power that could be released from one individual, and they were pretty impressed
He slowly made his way to his friends while four more students exited the room in order to proceed with their own match. One was invisible, one had a tail, the other pair had one member with six arms while the last boy seemed to have quite a bad scar on the left side of his face. No one had noticed his hands as of yet since he crossed his hands as people went and congratulated him. He stumbled into Momo's barely clothed self and she looked quite glad to see him, that was until his hands became visible. Her smile faded into a look on concern and a bit anger it seemed like.
"Are you stupid Izuku? You broke both of your hands in an attempt to win the battle trial.? " This was exactly what Momo had said to him when she saw the state of his hands and his lack of attention to them. "How can you be so reckless and do this to your hands? What if Recovery Girl didn't work here? What would you do about making sure that they healed properly? "
Crap! What do I say now? This isn't going to end well for me….just act like you don't notice the obvious break within your hands...or I could always try the acting which I do believe would benefit me quite well. Now just act like the pain in your hands is none existent and you'll for sure be fine.
"Umm...w-what do you mean Momo? I'm pretty sure that my hands are just fine the way they are now." Izuku rose his hands to eye level and tried shoving them in her face in order for her to give up her crusade involving his injured hands. "Even if they weren't, I'd most likely heal from whatever injury given a few hours.
Not amused, Momo grabbed his right hand and gave it a soft yet firm squeeze. Fuuuuuuu…. WHY DID SHE DO THAT? His mouth clenched in pain as he tried containing his pain but it was too obvious to anyone who was noticing. One could even say that a tear came down his face as he tried bottling the emotions
"You were saying…" She smirked slightly at his expression of discomfort that she had caused by the squeeze. " Just give me your hands…"
Using her creation Quirk, Momo quickly created medical bandages and began applying them onto his hands as they came into existence. His left hand was more noticeably malformed which was troublesome but she knew that they would heal on their it didn't make it any easier seeing him in this state.
"Don't worry about me...I've healed from worse in the last week….it always heals in the end I think…" Izuku tried being optimistic at the moment knowing that everything he said was true, he did always heal in the end so there were little consequences for his actions. "Heck I took a handfull of bullets when we met, remember? And look at me now, no permanent injury"
The spiky ponytail girl gave him a small nod before applying the rest of the bandages giving him a small amount of pain medication to make his healing more pleasing, not that she was allowed to give medication or anything. It was more to make sure that he made it through the rest of class before going to the nurse's office.
Yep that medicine sure feels pretty…..wait where'd it go! I was under the influence of some pain medication just a second ago...WHAT!? Does this have to do with my speed? Please don't let this have anything to do with my speed...I need to be able to take pain away for limited amounts of time….argh why me? Wait! Is this going to extend to alcohol in the future?
After class was over, Izuku stood in front of All Might along with the rest of his class after their matches. Seeing his example earlier in the day had given them incentive to do as well if not better to show that they were just as worthy of being in the heroics program. They had given their matches their all and had in turn surprised All Might by seeing how committed these new students were.
"Well done young heroes! You have each claimed your place in this prestigious academy and I cannot be any happier than to be a teacher for each and every one of you this year. Now I must get going!"
Without any further explanation or really anything else, the Pro hero ran as fast as he could into the tunnel leading back to the main campus. Huh, that was pretty fast, maybe even faster than I would be able to go if I truly think about it….Well, he is All Might after all, gotta expect that from the number one hero. He must be very busy when it comes to saving people...
"Ok off you go to recovery girl's office now!" Momo grabbed his arm and began pulling him in the same direction that their teacher had gone a moment ago. And now I am being treated as if I'm a simple little boy, this sucks. I wish that I hadn't decided to break both wrists...maybe one wrist would be acceptable for next time..
"Come on Momo I don't need to go, I'm pretty sure that my hands will heal before the day is's not…" She however didn't happen and she kept going taking him even against his own will. She had an iron grip which Izuku would've admired had it not been him who was the victim of it
Why is this so difficult for me, to get out of of this grip….wait my hands are broken that's probably why….also is this hand going off at a weird angle? Looks like this isn't going to go my way, going to have to be tired for the rest of the day looks like it...
Upon entry to the school nurse's office Izuku noticed a person who was there in an instant. On one of the tables there lay Midoriya's partner for the exercise clearly battered and drained from the apparent fight. Even though he had only been hit by one blow, that one hit from Midoriya had been more than enough to hurt him badly.
The speed and angle that he had used to destroy Bakugou's gauntlet had caused a large amount of tearing in his arm just from the the sudden shock. To top it off, he had been fighting Shinsou's brainwashing quirk since the start but had been ineffective only draining himself mentally in the process.
The moment after he regained his mind, many thoughts rushed past his mind. Deku? He beat me even when we were on the same team….he beat me again….He was suppose to be quirkless, how did he do it? Why does Deku get this? Why?
The thoughts were quickly dissipated as the shock of Deku's punch went through his arm and into the rest of his body. The pain that he felt was simply too much for him and the lack of time to adapt to his new surrounding was just too much for him to bare at that moment. To protect him from any further trauma, his body tried putting him to sleep and so he lost consciousness while still being over a hundred feet in the air.
However, as he lost consciousness, he was able to recognize the feeling of someone latching onto him with the intention of saving him. He knew that this was Deku and he would never in a thousand years allow anything like this to happen. It was a line that should never have been crossed, and yet it was. Deku had saved him and the entirety of class A-1 had seen it happen.
All of his hard work of showing people that he didn't need help was thrown out the window when Deku came in and saved him. Why did Deku always have to be the one to come and ruin everything that he ever did. Why doesn't he mind his own damn business and get out of mine? All I wanted to do was show All Might that I have what it takes to be the Number One hero...that's all that I wanted to do.
After receiving an enhanced healing factor for like five seconds, Izuku felt completely drained and just….nope drained was exactly the right word of how he felt. After receiving his second kiss from Recovery Girl, the speedster's hands repaired themselves at the price of his stamina which was already pretty low at that point if he was totally honest. This was something he'd rather not have to rely on due to its practicality to him.
"So what are you to do now with your newly healed hands?" Momo asked him shortly after having him held hostage moments earlier. Izuku looked down at them before answering with the worst possible answer that one could give, but he was tired so he got a pass.
"I was thinking of breaking them again just so you could apply more bandages to my arms….you were really good at it the first time" Did you just say that Izuku? Why does this fatigued version of you always say what he thinks, I hate you with a fiery passion tired version of me. Just try to fix this as soon as possible in the least weird way.
There was a faint blush that appeared on the creation quirk user's cheeks while Izuku's was full on tomato red. After a moment of awkward silence Izuku tried to clean up his mistake, badly. Not that he ever made mistakes of such scale since he was...
"I think that I need a good bit of sleep and I'll be fine...just...give me a second…" Unable to do anything about it, succumbing to his tiredness, the speedster fell onto his classmate who was luckily able to catch him. She simply held him as she tried to gently shake him awake before anyone saw him.
He was sound asleep in her arms which would be completely odd for anyone that saw them. That had been the case when Recovery Girl had spotted the two and chuckled about it before commenting 'Ah...Young Love...those are the days'.
The comment made Yaoyorozu's face burn scarlet and drop the sleeping hero-in-training who was rudely woken up to see Momo's red face. Very confused, Izuku decided that the best course of action would be to simply continue to the next class of the day. His short term memory would be affected by the effects of the healing and would not remember the minutes before his collapse.
"Umm...Momo are you alright? Do you have a fever or are you exhausted from the battle trial as well?" The girl forced a smile and became even more red at the boy's concern. This certainly wasn't something that occurred often.
"Nonothingofthat…." She stopped herself before going back and revising her response as well as slowing it down just a tad bit. " I think we should head to class before he are marked late...can't be late to Present Mic's English class, who else in the class is going to answer the questions besides us two?"
Heading out for the day, the young green haired genius came across another genius who he had met just the previous day. It was one called Cisco Ramon who came to walk with him after the rest of his friends went to their respective homes. His steampunk-esque goggles were still secured around his neck for good measure.
"Hey Izuku, that was an amazing performance that you pulled off today!" The goggle wearing engineer came to him and gave him a pat on the back to show his approval of his earlier effort. Izuku had no idea what he was talking about and his face showed this with clear confusion signaling to Cisco. "Oh yeah, after all the heroics people went and did their thing, Mr. Drill guy gave us the footage and a really cool assignment which I think you'll like."
"Wait what?" This was certainly a surprise to him. The green-haired boy had only thought that the hero class was able to see the footage of the day. Maybe other teachers, but certainly not other students outside of his class. Maybe if it was just Cisco then he'd be alright with this.
"Well I got you and some other girl who can enlarge her hands but I'm more interested in how I can make your suit even better since she said that hers was already pretty good. So are you willing to go back to the support headquarters with me for like an hour?" I want to say no but at the same time it would be really cool to see how my suit can be improved.
"Ok Cisco lead the way and make me an even better hero…."
As Izuku walked into the support workshop, he knew for a fact that he would be eaten alive in a place like this. All around him were different scraps of machines, random bits of metal bent in odd angles, and the occasional person who walked by and tossed more metal onto the floor. Overall, this place looked to be more like a think tank than anything else if he was to truly say.
"So whatcha think about our home for the next three years? This is the place where most changes to your suit will come from so just say it! Also here's your suit if you want to be more precise about your critiques." With that he pulled out the giant, black case labeled eighteen and tossed it onto a nearby table.
"Well is there any way that I can pull that shockwave maneuver without making my wrist split themselves?" This was his main concern seeing how useful it had been the times that he had used the 'sonic clap' as he liked to call it now.
"Yeah, I could add a reinforced wrist brace that would allow you to do all the fancy maneuvers with tense muscles but otherwise react as a normal fabric so that your hand motions aren't restricted. Would that be good with you?" Izuku nodded seeing that his request could be fixed so easily by having friends in the right places.
"Also is there anyway to pull out my vitals from the wrist tracker when I'm not using it?" This would be really helpful to him if he could pull it out and analyze how he did. Nodding the tech wizard pulled out a computer from his backpack and pulled off the small tracker from the suit. He connected a USB drive to the back and instantly a small diagram of himself appeared on the computer screen
"And there you go! Although I must say that during today you were hardly able to actually touch the ground so the results won't be the same as if you had...that is unless you want to go for a run right now?" The support class student turned to his heroics class counterpart in need of an answer.
"Wait can we even? I thought that the entire campus was closed to the rest of the students after hours…" The black-haired boy smiled and handed him his costume before giving him another answer
"Technically we're just going to be testing out some new features so there won't be any rule breaking...also some kids from higher levels do it so we can't let them have all the fun…" He smiled largely indicating his very large interest in going, kinda like a child wanting some treat or perhaps a movie for their good behavior.
"Umm, I, do- I mean, if you think that this is a good idea to see how I'm doing then I trust you all the way." Izuku took his suit into his hands and in a second he changed into it surprising his friend at the speed.
"Woah, that was fast! Imagine having that be portable, like in a necklace or a ring or something small that no one would expect. Now that would be cool." He then pulled out a pencil and wrote something on a sticky note before putting it on the screen of his computer for later reference. "Ok let's go to the gym!"
When he heard gym, Izuku had assumed a clean building that had lots of equipment for weight training and the sort. What he had not expected was a giant indoor set that looked like a mountain side. Huh it looks like this is exactly where all the government funding goes to, neat!
"Okie Doky, Izuku I'm just going to have you running all over the place and track your vitals, speed, and running strategy to look for any things to improve in the future. All you have to do is run and I'll take care of the rest."
Placing his goggles over his eyes, Izuku stretched slightly to ready his muscles for what was about to go down. They were about to be pushed to a limit and he wanted to know just how much he could take without things turning sour. Looking to Cisco, the man behind the computer gave him a small nod so he began to run.
When he ran, there really wasn't much that he could say to describe the experience. He was faster, or slower, he couldn't really tell the difference in this state. His speed made his movements seem slower to his but everyone else looked at it and saw him as faster, that was exactly what he was going through right now.
His legs took huge strides as he ran along the mountain, unable to climb up the side of it just yet. His legs pumped on his sides adding to his speed at least that was what the research had said to him. It should reduce the angular momentum of the body, balancing the rotational motion produced during walking, this way I don't lose any speed if just for a moment.
As he jumped from a rock, his body slowed down more as he put his weight on his right leg and pushed. The force allowed him to fly to the next large rock with apparent speed, but slowness for him. In the state of slow, he was able to calculate where his foot would have to be next and so he did. This time his left leg was the one pushing off, slowly, like a bandage coming off.
Coming off the several boulders, Izuku pushed himself as he came into a valley like place. The ground was flat enough for him to truly pick up speed and would be a good place to test the suit's traction on different surfaces. With the less precision in his movements, the world began to blur past as he went faster. His arms gained the freedom that he usually had and his legs began to feel natural. Instead of a gello, his body felt as if it were moving through natural air. His different levels of recognition to attention drastically changed his speed, or how he perceived his speed.
Learning from past mistakes, Izuku gradually slowed down before coming to a complete stop a few feet in front of Cisco. Still, his sudden stop sent up dust into the air that would have been harmful to Cisco's eyes had he not been wearing goggles himself. He had also decided to wear a breathing mask just for the scenario in which Izuku kicked up dirt into the air.
"Well THAT WAS JUST AMAZING!" Izuku put his computer over his head to show the test subject the results of their little experiment. "I saw you on the videos, but in person it's a completely different thing. You….are going to be a very good hero in the future!"
Both boys smiled at each other as Izuku headed over to look at how he did. He felt winded for the first time in a long time which was a pretty good sign considering how effortless all the running had seemed beforehand.
"Ok Mr. Scientist, how'd I do?" Izuku leaned slightly on the shorter boy as his legs felt a bit light from the strain that they had been placed under. "Did I exceed your expectations, or was I an embarrassment." Bringing the computer to his face, Cisco responded quite enthusiastically.
"I don't think I have expectations for you any more! Any that I do make will certainly be broken as soon as I make them considering what you just did" He smiled his friend before going further. "You were gone in a flash of light and reappeared when you did come back. Without the trail of dust, I would have thought that your quirk was teleportation or something of that sort. I'm totally going to call dibs on being your tech guy for the next three years."
Before Izuku could respond, both students heard the rumbling of the mountain and saw as a very large boulder came tumbling towards them. The speedster would normally have no trouble dealing with this on his own. Normally this would have been solved with him pushing Cisco and running himself . He was sadly well spent and could only push Cisco out of the way before tripping on his own two feet.
Just for a mere second did Izuku think that he was a goner. Well, I had a pretty good run, I think. I lived pretty well, had friends and even made it into my dream….wait! Why isn't my life flashing before my eyes? I feel cheated
"SMASH!" Behind both boys, a figure jumped dozens of feet and hit the giant rock with a force that shook their teeth. He appeared out of practically nowhere and had moved so fast that only Izuku had been able to spot him out of the corner of his rock in question exploded and sent microscopic bits everywhere making both boys thankful that they were still wearing their respective goggles. Crap All Might caught us, what am I going to say to him? He barely saw how I did today, that's not enough time to give him an impression of who I am.
The figure of All Might stood proudly in front of them looking at the mountain instead of them...except it was smaller? As the dust dissipated, it could be seen that this wasn't All might but a fellow student who bared an uncanny resemblance to him. The quirk did seem like something that his teacher had shown in all of his years as a hero. The blonde hair was also something that might have been it but the smile was one of the most important things.
On his face there was a smile that one could only explain as that worthy of the Symbol of Peace. It was everything that one could hope for in a hero and something that Midoriya wanted for himself. Huh a hero who looks like Tin-Tin, that'll be the day….
"Hello fellow students and potential troublemakers! I am Mirio Togata, pleasure to meet you!" Their savior introduced himself and offered Izuku his hand in order to help him get up from the floor
Well this is certainly an interesting development, I sure hope that this actually ends up….well.