Chapter 15 - The First Sign Of The Storm...
"Ok so let start with a raise of hands on those who are aware of what exactly we are going to do…" The young man with a hand for a mask talked lazily to the large amount of hired muscle he had gotten for just the situation.
'Hired muscle' was just a term that he was using lazily as none of the people here were even close to getting payed. They had each come with the promise of being directly responsible for the demise of All Might. This seemed a bit too good to be true but it hadn't been often that one heard such a proposition. The last time someone had tried doing just that had ended up with a good ten years in prison without a chance of patrol. It had been seen as a joke by the law enforcement but they couldn't afford to have it happen. This time there was a change that would lead to the ultimate goal...
That change was a juggernaut with a build similar to the well known hero. A beast to be feared and watched over at all times since it could not watch itself. It had an empty gaze which scared almost everyone who dared to look in its direction, not that it ever looked back at them. It was the solution to the problem they all had, it would be the the one to finally do it…
After looking into the crowd, Shigaraki counted a few of the hands totalling at about five of the seventy-ish which was not good at all for what he wanted to accomplish. He took a deep breath and scratched at the back of his neck. These people would need the information to carry out his plan as well as a pep talk for him to control them better.
"Ummm….so I'm under the impression that most of you just stopped listening after I said that we were going to kill All Might…." He scratched his neck casually so that no one would notice it. "If that's the case then may I began explaining exactly what we are going to do…"
The so-called villain pulled out a remote from his pocket and pressed the power button to reveal a powerpoint that he had made a few months ahead of time right after his Sensei had told him what would be occurring. It looked professional and clean, the time he spent on it was quite obvious.
"So as you can see in the first image…" an iconic image of the Symbol of Piece was displayed on the large wall… "This is our target and may I say that he is a good catch." He was able to get a few chuckles out of the many villains present before going on to his next slide displaying a graph. "Now this on the left is how much time that the hero of All Might was active let's say ten years ago, he was up from sunup to sunset which is about ten to twelve hours let's say….as we go to the right the time increases for a while as he gains more popularity and then takes a sudden dip right about here…" Shigaraki knew exactly what that drop was and it was a detail that made him furious beyond all belief. He could almost remember that night now, so long ago...
A small red dot originating from the remote held by Tomura. It pointed to the time period about five years previous that left many of them wide eyes and with their mouths to the floor. Here was evidence that had been in front of their noses of the decrease in power of All Might, it was all there in the numbers.
"At this point in time...All Might went missing for a few days to everyone's confusion...From here… his time has only gotten lower and lower to where he is now. As it is seen here, he shows up anywhere from an hour to eight hours a day at his most nowadays...but that number is stretching it." The villain with the disintegration quirk smiled at the villains who were now shocked and almost all were completely on his side. "There is no denying it...All Might is on the decline and this is our chance to claim the day for us, I suggest we take it…"
At this the villains raised their arms and cheered for the one who had shown them the way. What they had been missing and what they could now achieve because of him. He had given them the solution right in their arms without any ulterior motives, or so they thought.
As they cheered for him, Tomura Shigaraki thought of his plans for them, how each one of them would serve in eliminating the threat known as All Might. None of them knew what the real motive was but in the end they wouldn't need to, they would do it without the information as it served him better that way. He smiled thinly as he rose his hand for the call of attention. After all, he still needed to finish explaining his plan….
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Izuku Midoriya boarded the school bus on his way to the mysterious facility where Aizawa was planning on taking them. One bus for the twenty students of class 1-A and their homeroom teacher was what they had been given in order to get there. The 'there' was still unclear to them but the students had grown to trust the pro-hero a bit more since the start of the year.
The green-haired boy took a window seat and began fiddling with his wrist monitor right away trying to apply some of the features that he had read earlier. The dischargement of energy from his palms seemed to be a particularly interesting part of his suit. It would be a useful strategy that had been offered to him on the bus ride earlier in the day.
The class 1-A representative boarded the bus before everyone else and decided to sit in front of him in order to discuss matter of uttermost importance. His suit at first glance appeared not to have anything new with it but Izuku knew that there had been several changes done to the interior of it in order to serve him greatly as Mei Hatsume had demonstrated after Izuku had finished testing out his improvements. Some of them had even been a bit scary if he was being honest.
"Midoriya….I wanted to talk to you about something…." the rest of the class had yet to board the bus so Izuku gave a small nod to show that he was paying attention. "As you know I was voted to be the class representative mostly because of how the class perceived my strength and of how they saw me to be a stronger person than I am….I've been thinking that you should take helm and be the class representative in my place, I could be your vice but I don't think that I have the qualifications for…." Before he could get any farther into the hole that he was digging for himself, Izuku decided to interject.
"I'm going to stop you right there Shinsou….you and I are in the same boat here, if you don't feel like you are qualified for this position then I don't think that I am either… and I refuse to take the position from were voted in and I can't say that the judgements made by our classmates was wrong so I'm sad to say that you'll have to stick it through…."
Izuku put his hand on the other boys shoulder and shared a small smile which made Shinsou feel a lot more confident in his ability to lead. He'd never been a person to lack that sense of confidence but after being awarded the position he was a right now it seemed to get to him. He'd only had it for one day but already he felt the weight and expectations of everyone else in the class to do good by them.
The rest of the class proceeded to board the bus and soon everyone was in their chosen seats enjoying each other's company. The bus ride was filled with banter and jokes of all sorts from mostly everyone in the class. Blunt commentary from Tsuyu Asui, loud and unnecessary screams from Bakugou, and the ever so fun sarcasm from Shinsou.
Despite only knowing each other for the week, the class was beginning to form the bonds that Aizawa had merely touched upon. It was barely seen in the way that they interacted with each other but it was still visible to the eyes of the homeroom teacher. On his face he had the smallest hint of a smile which could be attributed to this, the small growth of his students growing in the future.
Eraserhead stayed quiet for the entirety of the ride only observing his students and taking note on who interacted well with who for the exercise that he was about to have them embark in. The rescue part of the heroics program was always a good one for new students to learn the ropes and develop their trust in each other which was the thing that he wanted to do.
Upon arrival at the famous USJ, the students couldn't help themselves but marvel at the sheer size and beauty of the building that was in front of them. Of course they couldn't keep something of this size on the main campus, it was very clear to all of them of why that was.
From the outside it looked as if the mostly glass structure was meant to be seen but the students knew much better than that. This was the Unforeseen Simulations Joint and it was for them to use and learn from. Many of them with less battle friendly quirks seemed to look at this as a chance to do something different with their quirks than the initial entrance exam had made them do. Here they would be saving others not dissabling unfeeling machines for the sake of points.
Izuku trailed behind the rest of the class as he looked at the entire complex and wondered how he was going to use his quirk in a place completely made out of glass. If his sonic clap was anything as destructive as it had been when he'd faced Bakugou then this would certainly break at the use of his quirk. He was positive that not even the glass bought by UA would be able to susain the energy released from the clap. The running at the speed of sound might also result in the breaking of said windows and he didn't want to be responsible for the renovation of the USJ.
Catching up to the rest of the group, Izuku watched his teacher push open the massive doors of the USJ in order to let his students in. It was a moment that built up tension and was unnecessarily slow. It almost felt as if Eraserhead was doing this to mess with all of his students.
As they entered, the students were once again amazed by the interior of the ginormous building. The stairs down to the grounds were more than enough to blow some of their minds. On the far side of the building Izuku was able to make out a large slide with a boat sitting on a calm lake. A mountainside was also present, as well as a mock city that appeared to be suffering from an earthquake. A smaller dome was also present which seemed to be host to a small city covered in darkness.
Izuku instantly went straight to thinking about how he could use his quirk in the various different environments presented to him. The one he was most concerned for would probably be the ship wreckage as he in no way was capable of maneuvering well in the least he hadn't tried yet. He would have to discuss this with Cisco in the future or Momo since she also had a head for this type of things. He tended to lean a bit more to strategy and a bit away from the technical things that his friends were so good at.
Everything in this place looked to be just like the real world scenario, not one thing missing. UA seriously spared no expense when it came to making this place one where young heroes could train to improve their skills. It was a building that was to be admired and also one to be careful with. Everything in this place looked like it was built only to break and that itself was pretty intimidating.
After examining every detail he could from such a high place, Izuku decided to turn his attention to Aizawa and a person in a spacesuit who were talking about something, probably the lesson plan. In one hand the person in the space suit held three fingers which was a bit odd to the speedster but after knowing Iida, hand gestures were commonplace. Aizawa rubbed his face in frustration before turning his attention back to his students and getting their attention.
"Alright class….so apparently All Might won't be here for the lesson due to some more pressing concerns…" His voice grew only slightly bitter at the last part which was only caught by Izuku due to his overexposure to the homeroom teacher. Everyone else in the class thought of this as his usual demeanor"That however won't put a damper on our plans as here we have lots to accomplish….Now another Pro-Hero has graciously come here and agreed to assist me in the supervision of all of you…"
The students finally took attention to the being in a spacesuit which was the Thirteen, the Space hero. Specializing in rescue operation with their quirk of Black Hole, Thirteen was quite a popular hero among class 1-A.
"Hello young ones! I am Thirteen, the Space hero..." The Pro hero stood before the students with a voice that sounded a bit as if it were coming from an ancient radio. " Today will be supervising all of you as you act as rescue heroes. I myself specialize in just that as my quirk 'black hole' lets me get rid of any rubble. In my path. Yet the nature of my quirk is not just that….My quirk can easily be used to hurt people or prove to be more destructive than the way that I use it. Now I hope that you understand what I tell you next….Your powers are not meant to inflict harm. I hope that you leave here today with the understanding that you're meant to help people."
With that last bit of information, Eraserhead once again took the reigns of the operation and began talking to the class about how they were to proceed. He lazily began to speak once again, about what their purpose here was supposed to be.
"As Thirteen has just explained you will be responsible for..." That's exactly when every plan that the Erasure hero had went out of the window. Unbeknown to all of them, the master plan of Tomura Shigaraki began with a simple cloud of darkness in the middle of it all.
In the center of the unimaginably large glass building, a large portal made from what appeared to be a black and purple cloud appeared. It remained there for a second before every single person's eyes went to it in a slight amount of fear. That's when the hand appeared and made everyone shiver where they stood.
A man stepped out from the portal, his clothing black, his hair a dead blue, covered with dismembered hands on his face, arms neck,and torso. Even from this distance, Izuku could make out how pale the man was. One could clearly tell that this person was not to be messed with if one wanted to live. He on his own didn't look to be much of a threat...that was until the rest of the people emerged from the portal.
Just looking at them it was intimidating, men and women with quirks that Izuku wasn't able to make out just by looking at them. They were more than fifty but less than a hundred if Izuku was able to count all of them in a second, and he was. Slowly they began to disperse and go off into different directions but most chose to head towards them. He looked at Eraserhead and was able to catch the eye of his teacher.
The normally bored and tired homeroom teacher held none of those features now. His facial expressions were replaced with a look that seemed to be that of grim determination. He lifted his golden goggles to his eyes and took hold of his capture gear. He gave Izuku a look that was only for a moment but it was more than enough for him to understand that this situation was quite dire. He then spoke to the class as a whole in a clear and loud voice.
"Thirteen protect the students, everyone listen to whatever you're told to do, this is not part of the class. These are real villains who won't hesitate to hurt you, since the alarms are down I'm under the impression that they are jamming them. Kaminari try to get in contact with the school and don't separate from the group." He turned to the group of villains that was slowly approaching the stairs. "I'll buy you as much time as I can but you will have to get out on your own and run for help." He was about to jump when Izuku talked…
"Aizawa sensei, there's too many of them….easily there are over fifty of these villains your quirk will put a strain on your eyes and will become useless…" His voice was filled with concern and something which Izuku recognized as fear. He had a small smile on his face which shocked Midoriya.
" you honestly think that I've taught you everything that I know….a one trick pony obviously won't do any good in this situation….now go and help your classmates…." With no more to say, the Erasure hero took a running start and jumped of the top of the steps on his way downwards to meet with the villains.
In the twenty second in which the Pro hero, Eraserhead, flew through the air, he had hundreds of thoughts flying through his head. Izuku had told him that there were over fifty villains in this ground floor, more than he was capable of handling on his own. Besides the use of his quirk, he was effectively quirkless. His speed and strength were that of a normal human, nothing close to what one would call superhuman. His quirk evened the playing field just enough for him to fight hand-to-hand.
That scale would still work for him if it weren't for the small detail that he wasn't capable of taking on this many villains at the same time. One was childsplay, five was a workout, ten was just barely manageable. Twenty would be the equivalent of a suicide mission. With over fifty people, he knew that there was only a matter of time before he was overrun. With that time limit upon him, the hero would have to take out as many people as he could before they reached the students.
Still this wasn't the worst situation that he'd been in so he had some hope that he'd be able to work his usual magic and find himself a way out of this. It was his duty as a teacher to find a way in order for his students to keep their teacher and continue with their education as young heroes.
This new class of first years….he had a good feeling about them. Relative to the previous year, these students knew what was expected of them. They would be able to keep up with his high expectations with only the most minimal amount of trouble, at least if they all got out of here.
Besides he had a new pupil to teach and mold into a hero that he would be proud to call his student. All Might had the 'Golden Boy' as he liked to call him, but Izuku was his pupil to teach in the ways of being a hero. He was still young and didn't quite know all the ins and outs of being a hero. He would have to show those to him on a later date but right now he had a job to do.
Looking at the villains, he grit his teeth as he neared them. Each second passing by as they drew ever closer. His hands were around his capture gear, preparing to use it for survival. Three, he put his hands back, two, he unleashed the capture gear in a whip like fashion sending it flying towards the villains, one, he activated his quirk and disabled theirs, zero, it was game time.