Chapter 16 - Thrown Into The Mix...
The villain that went by the name of Kurogiri had been chosen to be the main moving force for the first part of the attack. He was the only one of the villains in the group who had any quirk relating to the mass movement of objects or people. . It was why he had been the one given the job of dealing with the most unknown and unpredictable threat, the children.
Right after the Erasure hero jumped off to face the bulk of the villains he'd been given the instructions of making sure that all the 'small children', as Shigaraki referred to them, remained on top of the stairs while the hero was dealt with efficiently. If they chose not to cooperate then he could simply transport them to predetermined locations where Tomura had told him that they would be 'disciplined'. He really wasn't sure what that meant, but he wasn't part of the League in order to question orders.
Calmly and casually the Villain, as he was classified by society, opened a warp gate and walked through it, rehearsing his premade speech in his head. Hia purple gate delivered him at the feet of the class 1-A where he instantly expanded to give the impression of being larger and more of a threat than he truly was. Now all he had to do was close the deal with a few choice words.
"Hello Children, as you can clearly see, I am part of the League of Villains here to deal with the Symbol of Peace. Now, if you could simply tell me where we could find All Might I see no reason to keep all of you here." The misty figure spoke to the students after appearing throughout gate exactly like the one that had brought forth the large amount of villains. "Would any of you be willing to give the information so that the rest of you could get up and leave?"
The young heroes in training could only stare in fear as the villain spoke to them. This was a new experience to every single one of them and their homeroom teacher had just jumped off into the fray in order to buy them the time that they needed in order to escape and get help.
That had been the plan initially, but the warping-quirk individual had somehow managed to block their path before any such action could be taken. At that given moment they were completely at the mercy of the villain.
Thirteen stood at the helm and and used their presence in order to try to maintain the calm of the students. This was obviously a bit difficult to do given the current situation.
Ok this is not good, this is nowhere near the the same hemisphere as good. Izuku stared at the purple mist with yellow eyes trying to figure out what exactly was at play here. The quirk appeared to be that of a warping one, but with the mist it wasn't completely positive, maybe a secondary feature of his quirk.
Where is All Might right now? If he shows up now they'll try to kill him for whatever reason they have. If he doesn't then what chance do we have of getting out of here? In his mind he tried estimating the distance between himself and the villain to see if he could possibly attempt to clap him away if he were to be made out of mist.
"Once again, I will reiterate my concern for the information of the Symbol of Peace's whereabouts. No one needs to get hurt in this scenario that we have presented, just give us that which we request and you will all be allowed to return to the school." His voice reminded Izuku of a butler of sorts in the polite yet eloquent way that he spoke. It would have been admirable if he wasn't so frightened right now.
"Students remain back while I use my quirk to apprehend the Villain!" Thirteen took center stage as the students were forced behind the space hero. Pointing their second finger towards the mysterious being, the pro-hero was just about to release the full force of their quirk. That was until two other students considered themselves to be more capable of dealing with the situation. One out of arrogance and one out of wanting to prove themselves.
"HELL NO!" From the back of the class, Katsuki Bakugou yelled in response and used his quirk to propel himself forward in order to confront the villain. "LIKE I'D LET A PURPLE CLOUD TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Within seconds the explosive boy was at the front of the class and closing distance quickly.
Seeing the masculine display of his classmate, Kirishima, the boy with the hardening quirk, followed suit and launched himself after Bakugou. This was just what he expected when he decided to become a hero. To show his strength to his classmates by taking down the main threat which they were currently experiencing.
It all occurred in the matter of a few seconds in which the students weren't fully aware of what they were seeing. One second their classmates were flying through the air getting ready to annihilate the living embodiment of mist, the next….the giant cloud appeared to sidestep through the air before doing something peculiar.
Before Kirishima and Bakugou could change direction, a purple portal opened itself in the path which they were going. Unable to react quickly enough, their moment carried them straight into the portal and away from the rest of the students.
The two students disappeared into the portal leaving the remaining eighteen to look in awe at the effortless display that had just occurred. In an instant one of the biggest hitters of the class had been dealt with without a second thought. What could be done with a thought was really concerning to all of them.
"Well….I'm appalled. That was quite a rude display towards someone's elder. I expected more from a school sworn to teach the next generation of heroes. Sadly, they don't make them like they use to….now...I've seen that I can't leave a group of you alone without you ruining the entirety of this operation so I really must apologize for what comes next…I truly hold nothing against the rest of you..."
At this point no one had the smallest amount of time to think about what to do. One second, Izuku's feet were on the ground ready to rush the being in order to protect his classmates. The moment that followed….he was falling into the unknown, his feet unable to feel the ground below them. It wasn't something that shouldn't have happened if the speedster had been fast enough, but that wasn't something that he was capable of changing now.
In the few seconds in which he was going through the warp gate, Izuku's vision became completely blackened. Everything was darkness, not a smudge of light for him to see. This left him with the only option of letting his brain run at its enhanced pace in order for it to deal with the current situation. It was an experience that dragged his consciousness out making the few seconds seem much longer than they actually were.
Izuku, this is your brain speaking to need to be a hero now more than ever. You've been split from your class and you need to help until the cavalry arrives. Eraserhead will need to be evacuated before long as his quirk isn't made for long term usage. From the amount of villains I can assume that he was a maximum of about ten minutes before he is completely overrun with what he is facing. I just have to get…
The light returned to the speedster's sight as he crossed over and out of the portal. His eyes instantly going all over for any clues that might help him. So far...he saw a mountainside or what looked to be...lots of villains ready for him. He approximated the impact with the ground to be in a mere second so he would need a plan to carry out if he was even going to have a chance.
With the nature of the dirt, I just have to run fast enough to kick up a wall of dust and conceal myself for a few seconds in order to come up with a better plan. From the sheer amount of villains in this one zone, I don't think that the rest of the students will be able to hold out on their own for long. Maybe some of the more battle oriented students like Kachan and Todoroki will be able to, but certainly not everyone. I have to make this quick, or people are going to get hurt.
As his second in the air ended, Izuku spun his body and landed on his feet,. Not allowing another moment to pass, he broke into a run and commenced his first plan.
From a quick counter, there were close to twenty villains just in this area that would have to be defeated or incapacitated so that he could go help the others without having to worry if these would go join their comrades.
Not even giving them a second, Izuku began to run around all of them, kicking up as much dirt as he could in order to serve his purpose as best as it could. With his goggles turned to infrared, the villains were easily mapped out like mannequins unaware that they were being watched. This all would have been too easy to deal with if he had been given the chance. It was almost as if the universe was messing with him when he took note of another falling figure coming out of the same portal that he'd come out a second ago.
The yellow haired electricity wielding boy that he had met initially at entrance exam was making his way towards the ground and there was no indication that he even knew that he was about to make contact with the ground. Using the higher end of his speed, Izuku sped towards the personified Pikachu and more or less took him into his arms like a damsel in distress.
Slowing down significantly, the green speedster tried to drop his classmate as gently as possible before continuing on his path looking for any more from his class that could have been caught in the area of the portal. This would complicate things now that Izuku needed to look after someone else's back, but it was essential for his training as a young hero. It wasn't under the most desirable conditions, yet it was needed.
Making his way under the portal once more, Izuku saw what appeared to be a used airbag on the ground. There was only one person that Izuku knew who could possibly make such a thing in the amount of time that Izuku had been out and about. He looked around once more and almost took a bow-staff to the face.
He was able to duck and sweep the feet of his assailant without a second thought. Perhaps that was a habit that he needed to grow out of if he was ever going to become an effective hero. He also needed to figure out a way to stop injuring his own friends or else he was going to have several problems.
As Izuku looked at the ground where his attacker was now lying trying to regain the breath that had been knocked out of their lungs. It took I Izuku exactly three seconds to realize who it was, pick them up, bring them to where he had left Kaminari, and attempt secure their location.
"Momo are you alright?" Izuku tried to establish the well being of one of his first friends as well as make sure that the dust cloud was still keeping them protected and concealed. "I'm sorry….I thought that you were a villain and didn't have time to think before I reacted."
Struggling, she nodded slowly as her breaths became more stable and more controlled. On her side Kaminari took notice of them as they had appeared out of essentially nowhere. He was, for a intents and purpose, completely terrified out of his mind and had no idea what was going to happen with the villains.
"Izuku, what's going on? We were just on the top of the stairs! This is crazy…" The boy with the Electricity quirk appeared to be trying to maintain his cool but was slowly reaching the edge of it. This was seriously overwhelming for any person, no matter who they were. The only reason that Izuku remained unfazed was because he knew everything that was on the line.
Just as he was about to respond, a person broke through the cloud of dust that was hiding them. With a glowing fist, Izuku only had the chance to stare at the incoming attacker before they were struck square in the forehead with a staff that had almost been intended for him. The blow came with a heavy thud and proceeded to knock out the male.
"We need a plan…" The creation quirk user stood from her recovering position and held her staff in a battle ready position. "It's either going to be that or we're going to have to find and beat every villain in this zone senseless so that they don't come after us."
Izuku nodded grimly at this knowing full well that should he fail, there was a high chance that one of his own classmates could end up hurt, or worse. It was all a matter of how well he was able to create and execute a plan with the weight of his classmates lives lying in the balance. He closed his eyes and began to think to himself about what his options were.
Just remember that this is more than just about defeating the villains. This is about protecting the innocent and powerless. In this case the inexperience in my classmates is what makes them powerless even if they won't be in the near future. I need to remember that fact.
The pupil of Eraserhead opened his eyes and smiled. He looked towards Momo and Kaminari and mentally began putting together a carefully knitted plan that would require things to play out just well enough.
" big of an item can you make with your quirk…?" Things on this end were heating up and gearing up to the inevitable collision in which Izuku would be pushed to his absolute limit. Yet he wasn't the only one who was being pushed into a situation of unfamiliarity.
When Shinsou stepped out of bed today he felt that it was going to be a very bad day. He didn't know how exactly, just that it was going to be one which he wasn't particularly fond of. Now he knew that his initial feeling about the day was justified completely and that it might have been a better idea to remain in bed instead.
As the purple-haired boy fell through the air and into the water he panicked at the immense disadvantage he had been placed in. His quirk, by its very nature needed him to be able to speak in order to work. If he didn't get to the surface quickly there was little chance that he would get out of here alive.
His trench coat weighed down heavily on him now that it had been drenched, but he could not under any circumstances afford to rid himself of it. This was essentially his ace in the hole when it came to being in the heroics program. Besides his tactical mind and useful quirk, he had gotten his support contact to make him quite a few tools that could only be carried in his massive coat. It was just not an option for him to try to lose it.
Using his arms and legs, the boy attempted to swim as quickly as he could towards the surface, it was difficult and slow. He'd only recently become more of an active person as he noted that his quirk would have several limits in the field. Due to this the swimming became only slightly easier than it would have if he had not put the effort to improve himself. Still there was a long way to go and more training that he would put himself under if he was able to get out of this.
About ten feet from the surface was when the trouble began to arise in the form of a villain. A shark headed predator came at him with their jaw spread wide open ready to take in a bite from him which wasn't at all something that he wanted. The villain was clearly in his element and trying to outmaneuver him was something that would surely end in failure for him. Sound traveled poorly in the water so usage of his quirk was simply out of the question. All he could hope was to use one of the devices that Mei had supplied for him.
Reaching into the inner pockets of his coat he drew pulled out a small round metallic device and simply hoped that he had chosen the right one this time. Pressing a small button on its side he released it into the empty space in front of him and then tried to get away. Bang! A bright flash of light emerged from the tool causing temporary blindness in the villain and causing him to lose sight of Shinsou.
From here, he felt a long and slimy rope-like object wrap itself around his right leg, bringing chills to his back. With a tug from the other end, he felt himself being pulled out of the water via his leg. He used one hand to secure his hat and looked to see what the source of the save had come from. To his pleasant surprise, the frog girl had managed to get another of his peers from the water and had shot off at an angle that would put them right below a boat which he assumed was originally suppose to be used for rescues.
In a whip like action, Tsuyu threw the soaked male onto the boat. The Brainwash quirk user hit the board and rolled a bit before coming to a complete stop, he pushed himself up to his hands and knees.
Now that he was fully out of the water, Shinsou coughed and tried to get all the water out of his lungs in order to get his quirk to work fully. He even resorted to a neck massage just to make sure that the muscles stored in the area were still capable of producing the sound that was needed.
"Testing one, two three, three, two, one…." The low voice of the teenager was barely loud enough for him to hear but that was more than enough to reassure him that his ace was still secured up his sleeve.
A moment later both Tsuyu Asui and her companion, Kyoka Jirou landed besides him. The girl with the ear jack quirk was very clearly angered and distressed by the situation given her facial expression, but the other was a blank wall which even he could not read.
"Are you alright Shinsou?" Tsuyu passively asked, leaving all emotion out of her voice. He responded with a slight tilt of his head before examining the terrain that they were on. "Your quick thinking served well back there...I don't think that I would have been able to reach you in time if you hadn't set off the flash grenade when you did."
Keeping the sort of compliment in the back of his mind, Shinsou took notice of the several villains beginning to surround the ship from all angles. There was no way that they could get away on foot or merely by attempting to jump off the side of the ship. It might allow Asui to escape given her quirk was more water affiliated but besides that there really wasn't a clear way the other two students could get away.
Backing away from the ledge, the boy with the brainwash. Quirk decided that it was time to come up with a plan before the villains in the water decided to make a move. He simply took off his coat and tossed it to the ground before sitting besides it with his head in between his knees.
The two girls present were confused with his actions. Who in their right mind would be able to sit down and think at a time like this? That's when the rocker of the three decided to speak up and question his actions.
"Yo Shinsou! What do you think you're doing? We need you over here to help us come up with something to beat up these guys." The boy merely looked up with a very uninterested look on his face before getting up and putting on his coat once again. It was significantly less wet due to the material that it was made out of but still durable. He turned to his classmates before explaining his thought process, one very simple one, at least to him.
"We are surrounded from every imaginable angle in the water, we can't defend ourselves while we are on this boat given the mere nature of our quirks." The girl in black attempted to argue this but Shinsou shot her down before she had a chance. "If you try to hit them while you remain on the boat there is a strong chance that you will hit a section of the boat and make this into a disaster."
"Ribbit, then what do you suppose?" The girl with the mutation quirk needed something concrete at this point since the villains around them were beginning to get restless.
"There is one possibility that may be able to work if it is executed perfectly, but I will need both of you to trust me completely or we will fail."
"I trust you Shinsou…" Tsuyu Asui spoke immediately with an unemotional face that made Kyoka a bit uneasy. She looked at both of them who showed an alarmingly low amount of any emotion.
"Ok I'll go with you on this one, what's the plan boss? What do you want us to do?" Shinsou face twisted itself into a grim smile before he turned his face slightly at the villains.
What does it mean to be a hero? A hero is someone who would put the needs of others long before they would even turn their attention to themselves. Am I a hero? Of course I am...I just have to see how well I compare to other heroes I know…
"Well that's the fun part of all this…." It looked like Shinsou himself wasn't going to have the worst day that he had previously imagined. Still he wasn't out of the woods ye, and neither were his classmates.
The last group that was in arguably the worst condition was none other than the largest one. Those who had remained unmoved by the portals were still in front of the villain who had gotten rid of the majority of the class within moments of actually deciding to. It had been surprising to even the pro-hero how efficiently they had been dealt with after Eraserhead had left to protect them.
To make matters worse, Thirteen had been severely injured via usage of their own quirk after the villain had ingeniously used his quirk to turn the space heroes quirk on themselves. The pro-hero simply hadn't been combat orientated and had thus been dealt easily and without much effort.
This left the remaining students on their own against possibly the most dangerous being in the building, to their knowledge. If it weren't for Kurogiri's general demeanor and attitude, they would have been in much worse of a situation.
With the Pro hero down for the count, both elected members missing, and the class in an obvious amount of danger,Iida rose to take charge of the situation as best he could. If there was one thing that he could do, it was take charge of a situation as he had dealt the previous day when the media had invaded the UA campus.
"Everyone group up and stay together!" He yelled behind his helmet that was shaped like that of a knight. " We can't lose any more of us!" The blue haired boy tried to maintain an aura of calmness but here it really wasn't an option. He would need to lose his overly polite attitude even if it was only for a moment.
"Iida! Thirteen is hurt badly and we need help!" His classmate with the ability to control gravity called out to him and he needed to think about what he should do in this situation...what would Midoriya do...or Tensei? What would his older brother do in this situation...what would the hero known as Ingenium do?
Both of them are natural born heroes, they fight for the good of the innocent. Tensei, he's been my inspiration ever since I was a child, he's always been there for me. And Midoriya...despite the short amount of time that he's been in my life he has been extremely supportive. In my training, wellbeing and even my relationship with my brother. I can't let either of them down, not now when there are more people counting on me. They wouldn't give up here, they would do all they were capable of doing till they couldn't anymore...and that's what I must do.
The shadowy being known as Kurogiri remained floating staring at the children still curious about what was going on in their heads. It was all so interesting to him, what one would do if they were to be pushed into a corner.
"Everyone!" He yelled out and loud to get the attention of all of his classmates still remaining at the top. He then lowered his tone for what he said next. "I think I know the way to get past this villain but I'm going to need all of your help for it." All of his classmates instantly gave a solemn thumbs up before noticing that the black/purple cloud was slowly approaching them.
"Now, now. I hope known of you are planning on doing anything rash that would require any form of discipline. I'd rather not have to send all of you to separate corners once more, it's already quite a messy process which I don't wish to repeat." The floating cloud of darkness was slowly coming towards them with a lecture at hand.
It's going to have to be now….how I wish I had the tactical mind of Midoriya...he's always one step ahead of me when it comes to these things. Looks like I'm just going to have to deal with this in my own way though,
Taking in a deep breath the teen dug his heels into the ground and prepared to carry out something that would never work in the world of the pros if it were a real situation….
"EVERYONE!" The teen yelled at the top of his lungs. "COVER ME AND REMEMBER WHAT THE UA MOTTO IS...GO BEYOND….!" He ran straight at the villain… "PLUS ULTRA!" The students had just begun to prove themselves….
Throughout the rest of the USJ, battles were beginning to be fought. The students who wanted so badly to live were doing their best to avoid the confrontation due to their lesser experience but it was no matter at all. Despite the sudden chaos that they had all been tossed into, the first year students were doing their best to show that hey were worthy of the being in the heroics program.
The mess caused by the villains was one that would be cleaned up by these young and aspiring heroes. It was something that they had been taught despite their little experience. It was a something that they would be forced to do, whether they wanted to or not…