The Weather Wizard...

Chapter 18 - The Weather Wizard...

The first class of quirked villains were nothing more than petty criminals attempting to get away with what they could using their newfound abilities. This worked for a while, the villains getting away while earning the quirked individuals a worse and worse reputation, the police force was simply unable to do anything on their part. Then, the next generation came along and increased the number of quirked by as significant amount so that they no longer were a simple minority of a population.

With this increase in the population of gifted individuals, heroes arose from nothing and the villains were forced to change once more. Now that the side of justice had powers on their side as well, the villains needed to organize themselves, improve the methods that had stopped working long ago. These villains became the first to form their own teams and gain power together, they were the first League of Villains which people were unable to comprehend fully. Sadly, they were defeated by heroes who rose to challenge them and everything that they stood for which was not known at the time.

The cycle continued on and on, villains rising and attempting to take the reigns of society. They would be defeated by heroes who rose to challenge them and would always win in the end. It seemed that the superhero fantasy of good always winning was finally coming true. Then there came one hero who ensured that this stayed….

With the arrival of All Might, villainy plummeted almost overnight. The Symbol of Peace brought exactly what his name suggested. It was seen right away that he would be the one to do it. He was after all one of a kind, never to be imitated ever again, at least not on the heroic side. The villains saw him and knew instantly that their time was coming to an end, or most of them did anyway.

Some saw him as small children and thought that he was an amazing hero. They tried to become like him and when they couldn't they lost all hope. The crushing despair of the situation became clear to them and there was nothing that they could do in respect to the situation. It was all really self evident, to some of them….Unless they decided to change society by their terms.

This new League of Villains was just what many of them needed in order to make sure that society changed in the way that it needed to be changed. It was their time to rise, the villains were here to kill the Symbol of Peace….and some of them would have to deal with the obnoxious teenagers in their way….and that is exactly the situation that Mark Mardon had gotten himself into. Having to deal with the literal personification of a bolt of lightning with nothing more than with his complete control over the weather….

Just keep running, just keep running, and avoid all of these bolts of lightning so that we can all remain alive and happy….The boy in green was currently doing just that, avoiding javelins being thrown at him from a villain who seemed to continuously produce these metallic spikes out of his forearms. They would change midair to reassemble a bolt which was not needed, or wanted for that matter. It was more of an exercise in avoidance than actual hand to hand fighting.

His other two classmates that had gone through the same warp gate, Momo Yaoyorozu and Denki Kaminari, were currently dealing with the rest of the villains in the way that the speedster had recommended which was essentially using surprise. The cloud of dust would remain up and it was up to the both of them to take out the villains without them noticing. So far it was working…

This guy is really annoying, but the longer that I have him distracted then the easier time the others will have...wait I can take him easily, why didn't I think of this sooner. Without any further delay, Izuku came directly at the villain and punched their chest, making sure that he slowed down his arm as to not kill them. This wasn't enough to save the villain as he went flying clutching his chest where he had been struck. And that's another villain that I haven't killed….good. At least that's how it seemed….

After incapacitating a total of four villains, a strong gust of wind blew away Izuku's dust screen revealing the location of the three students. With this it became quite obvious how young all three of them were and how much of an embarrassment it was to currently be losing to them.

The villain who did this wore very simple clothes as if he was simply going to be heading into the city after he was done here. A simple pair of jeans, a zip-up hoodie opened to reveal a grey of his clothes brought any attention to him, but that didn't make him any less dangerous. That much had been obvious from the balls of hail that had been tossed at the trio within seconds of being spotted. This villain wasn't planning on taking it easy simply because of how young they were, he'd already seen what would happen if he did.

"Crap!" The electricity controlling teen yelled as their cover went into the air and as he saw the balls of ice being launched into their direction. "Why though?" His response was a very simple clap from Izuku that launched back the pieces of ice at the maker, amusing the young adult quite a bit. This clap was nowhere near his maximum output, it was just a demonstration to this villain.

Mark Mardon lifted his left hand to the air and the airflow changed upwards, launching the balls of ice into the air and away from him. Such a careless gesture that made the three UA students gulp nervously. He then returned his attention to them as he thought of what to do with them, or more importantly, how to play with them? It wasn't everyday that he was allowed to fight students of the best hero school in the country...

"Oh joy….just what I wanted….a group of teens that could actually put up a fight….not All Might of course..but you can't win them all…" The villain said in a pretty cynical tone with hate filling his eyes and facial expressions. Clearly heroes had done something to this young man but the children didn't have a chance to figure out what it was. Nor would they be able to get the chance to do so.

No sooner had he finished speaking that he raised his hands to begin controlling the flow of the air around him, round and round it went. Slowly at first, but while the students was preoccupied with other villains, the wind increased in size and began to take shape.

"That's not good…." Izuku muttered to himself as he saw what appeared to be a small version of a tornado began to form indoors which in no right world should that ever happen. There were already too many other things in this world which were considered impossible for him to wrap his head around this as well.

"Of course it isn't good Midoriya! None of this is good, now...Can you stop it?" Here Kaminari's quirk didn't seem to be much of use, not against a giant moving tornado. "I mean….I can barely do anything against these villains without becoming useless….what good am I against that….?" Not allowing him to delve any more into the subject, Izuku picked the rocker and ran him a safe distance away from the quickly enlarging creating of the man known as Mark Mardon.

Looking for the creation quirk user, Izuku was able to spot her looking at the monstrous situation that was unfolding with a hand over her mouth. She'd apparently dealt with an additional villain since their last encounter bringing the number up to five.

"Momo! Do you have any thoughts on how to get rid of that thing?" Despite his immensely fast mind, there were some things in which Izuku had zero experience dealing with. Stopping tornadoes was one of the items that fell into that very short list. "Anything that can work is appreciated…." It was quickly gaining size and it was impossible to tell when it would be too large to stop. "Specially since that thing is only getting bigger…"

The girl thought for a second before her train of thought was interrupted by the pikachu look-alike. He looked like he really needed a win right now due to his levels of stress so he wasted absolutely no time yelling out his idea…

"Wait can't I just zap the ground with a full charge and make it so that the villain is hit as well?" This caused a stop in everyone's thoughts as Izuku remembered what he wanted Momo to make earlier in this encounter….

"Momo….make an insulation big as you can and as fast as possible….if Kaminari is right then we can shock the villain and put a stop to that giant piece of nature…"He pointed at the immense tornado and recalled the first day of classes.

The way that he'd spun quickly in a circular fashion to effectively create a small tornado of his own….he just needed to do that in order to oppose the direction that the wind was taking right now….and quickly….and also along the circumference of this piece of nature without being pulled in of course.

"Okay….Kaminari, defend Momo while she creates the blanket and don't go all out till she tells you to….I'll try to slow down the increasing size of the Wizard's magic as much as I can and the-."

CRACK! A bolt of lightning came down from the sky and made it's way into the mouth of the moving wind. A second later it went through the side of the tornado aimed right at them.

Now Izuku was fast, very fast, one of the fastest human beings currently running on the face of the Earth. His accomplishments were amazing, something to admire….but even he couldn't avoid a bolt of lightning coming at him. Although he did try to move in front of his classmates with little effect.

The bolt struck him in the upper body and launched him backwards in the air and away from the people that he was a trying to help. He shook violently as his body burned with the energy that surged through him, trying to find its way out and failing to do his classmates i looked like he was currently seizing on the floor in front of them.

His eyes were unable to focus as the shaking made him see several of the same object which right now was a tornado. Heck, even his other senses were being turned to eleven as well. His hearing was nothing more than a buzz at the moment and his tastebuds seemed to have been fried right off. The only sense that he could truly trust right now was that of feeling and that was only in his feet.

He picked himself up and stumbled trying to find some balance in a state of clear overstimulation. He saw multiple versions of Kaminari and Momo run towards him. He knew that there were only one of each person but right now his eyes couldn't tell the difference. They spoke to him, or at least that's what it looked that their mouths were doing. His ears were still ringing and he didn't think that they would work for a while do to him just getting hit by a bolt of lightning.

So you were struck a second time….well I guess that lightning did strike the same place twice….or the same person twice in this case to be more precise….this has got to have some ironic element somewhere….right? Life is trying to tell me something with this….Well nothing that I can do about it….

He looked at the tornado and at his classmates before beginning to run full speed ahead at the force of nature. Unlike other times that he had pushed his powers to their breaking point, this time he was doing it against a the very forces of nature or the weather to be more precise. This was on a different scale than the one which his accomplishments were usually measured.

Ha….I think I just came up with a name for the new villain….Weather that's got to be a name that Cisco would be proud of….I should start naming myself these villains more and more often if I continue on like this…

Running in the opposing direction of the tornado was so much more easier said than actually executed. Every few seconds he would have to sidestep an incoming piece of debris or attempt to ground himself so that he wouldn't be pulled into the creation of the Wizard. Still his senses were unable to help him much on this matter.

Gotta keep on running….gotta slow down this monstrosity….won't be long now that they have made the insulation sheet and Kaminari can disperse the electricity all through the crowd of villains….just have to make sure that there is still something to remain after all of this….

Crack! Hearing the sound come once again, the boy stopped in his tracks and watched as another bolt of lightning flew past him in the direction of an unsuspecting villain. Said villain was missed by a few feet but the resulting energy caused them to go flying backwards. Oh dear I have to end this soon...wait I can hear again…

"Izuku! NOW" The yellow blonde teen yelled out as he began to channel his electricity...holding back while it built up… "Fuck….hurry up….this is starting to hurt…."

In an instant the boy ran over and went under the piece of blanket that would be able to negate Kaminari's quirk. Not a moment too soon either, as the power which he held went overboard and needed to be released without any sign of stopping.

"RIDE THE FREAKING LIGHTNING YOU DIRTY VILLAINS!" The boy on the outside of the sheet released everything that he had in order to show his worth which had been very obviously overshadowed by his other classmates. This was also still the start of his career as a hero which prevented him from being able to limit the amount of power he released. This had a very unfortunate effect on his mental state…

"Ok Izuku….if all things went well then we should have all the villains down incapacitated so you can go and help the rest of the class in the various different zones…."He was spoken to by Momo who currently wore less than she usually did due to the creation of the large sheet of insulation….his face became quite red and he instantly looked away before stating the obvious….

"Ah...umm...M-Mo-m-mO…"The stuttering became quite bad at that moment in time… "Y-y-your shirt is…" The girl looked at what he meant and realized that she had destroyed most of the upper portion of her hero costume in creating the protection from the electricity storm….her face became red and she instantly made herself a new one….trying her best to face away from the speedster...

"Thank you for that….I didn't notice…."She would have gone into more detail later on if it weren't for the still pressing matter at hand…. "We need to clean up… and I think that he are in the clear since-"The young student didn't get to finish as the blanket was violently pulled off and into the significantly larger tornado….

"Wheee…." To make matters worse, if they could get any worse, Kaminari had gone full on three year old and was now giving two thumbs up to the bodies that he'd just electrocuted...unaware that they couldn't respond back to him, but he paid no attention to that small detail….

This just got a lot worse...our attack may have knocked out the majority of the villains but the Weather Wizard seemed to have taken the hit without a single problem...and we now have a member of a team who is essentially defenseless. This isn't going to get any better is it?

"…" the useless babble actually made sense here….he had to run if he was going to win the day here… "Wheeee!" Or maybe Denki had just completely lost whatever made him remotely sentient…

This is it….the next few seconds will determine if we get out of here alive or if we end up sucked into a tornado never to be heard from ever again….no time to lose here….

Changing his goggles to a speed reading mode….he was able to see just how fast these moving winds were going….and the result was not something that he really wanted to know now….No matter….I still have to run and stop this….

A brief flash of lightning appeared in his eyes, or it seemed that way to anyone who looked at his eyes at that moment. That's what his two friends saw here, a brief flash, a spark it could be called. Whatever it meant was unclear, but it was a sure sign that he was about to give it his all….

The smirk that Mark Mardon had on his face was one that was quickly erased when he saw the determination of the boy he had struck with lightning about a minute earlier….he'd even tried slowing down his massive power...his quirk was that which allowed him control over the weather and over the years he'd become powerful….and he knew power when he saw it…

Lifting his metal rod to the air one more time...he called upon the electrons from the air and a bolt of lightning came down from the skies and into the piece of metal which he held. Now the fun part came when he released it in the direction of where he predicted the boy would be. Yet...he couldn't hit him….the green blur continued going around and around without any sign of stopping.

I have to keep on running….I have to finish this I have to do this now….I have to make sure that this ends now… He continued running, increasing in speed, increasing in fatigue, increasing in everything that he possibly could...hoping that it was enough in the end….

From the outside, Momo and Denki watched as the green blur which was their classmate, running counter to the massive tornado. The blur continued running, kicking massive amount of dirt into the air and be pulled into the creation of the Wizard. His speed and the flow of wind caused by his movement began to unravel the tornado, unravel the work of the villain, and win the day….

The Weather Wizard saw this too late and was unable to do anything to stop the blur. Everyone who was looking in this direction saw the force of nature disappear within a few seconds and a cloud of dust to be thrown into the air.

The boy who was able to get rid of the certain destruction tried stopping his running but with the effort he'd just put in he was unable to control the stopping mechanism which he had perfected the previous day. He was rolling for a dozen or so feet as he felt the glee of stopping the villain….or so he thought…

" sure are a quite powerful quirked individual….I thought that there were not many people in my level of power….but you...your different kid…" The villain that he'd believed to have defeated moments ago was standing right in front of his with a smile on his face. His hair was black and was organized messily on his head giving him the impression of a mad man. It didn't help either that he held a piece of ice in between both of his hands. He was young, probably in late teens or early twenties...and he was aware of what he was doing…Every single action was under his control

"Who are you? Why are you here? Why would you do this, try to kill All Might?" Right now he was incapable of moving an inch due to how his legs felt, he was simply trying to bide his time and wait for Denki or Momo to come help him here. His quickened healing would give him usage of his legs in a small amount of time but now he just had to try to stall for as long as possible.

"Oh, that not really important...You can call me Mark since I like you, as for my reasons...those are my own, not really the topic for the current moment…" He then rolled onto his shoulder and released the giant ball of hail behind him hitting a person in the chest who just happened to be the girl with the Creation quirk. She collapsed from the sudden impact and her hand went to the area which had been struck. In the process she dropped the staff which she had been using and let it clatter to the side of her.

The villain looked at her and then at the green speedster, before chuckling to himself….this was just completely hilarious for him, what he'd signed up for and what he ended up receiving were two things that were on opposite sides of the spectrum...they'd promised him a fight against the Symbol of Peace, instead he'd ended up with three school children to deal just wasn't worth his time…there was also a strong chance that help would arrive for them soon and he did not want to get arrested again...

"Ahh...well it seems that my interest in the situation is gone now...every villain in this zone is done for the count and it looks like I'm the only person who is still capable of walking straight...I mean have you seen the rocker over there...anyway, I want to say congratulations on getting me to be entertained….I really needed that…now I must go to wherever the wind takes me…"

The villain picked up the metal staff from besides Momo and examined it with interest. He'd lost the piece of metal he'd found on his way here so this would be a good tool for him, after all where else would he find his iron rod for his There was nothing else that he really needed here, so he headed to the nearest side of the giant glass dome….he'd been able to create a tornado with little trouble, breaking some glass wouldn't be so difficult…

"Where are you going! You haven't won yet!" The hero on the ground was getting the use of his legs back and was trying to buy himself just a few more seconds...except his opponent knew what was going on…

"You do realize that the main power behind our attack is going up versus your teacher, right? You know that he's going to die soon if he doesn't get help from his students…Me, I'm just a villain who could be caught at a later date, not so sure about that Eraserhead bloke….just think of that, me or that other guy...who do you want to go after more?

Not giving him any more attention, the Weather Wizard departed, putting as much distance as he could between himself and the thing called Nomu. He'd seen a small fraction of the power it held, being away from it and this kid would be wisest idea. Not that he wasn't curious of how this would turn out...

The hero known as Eraserhead fought with everything at his disposal. His wit, his quirk, and most effective till now, his capture gear. It was all that he'd taken with him today believing that it was going to go alright and without troubles. He'd disobeyed his first rule: Be ready for anything and everything.

By letting himself fall into a false sense of security he'd been taken completely by surprise and was now in his current situation. For better or worse, he'd given his students the best chance that they had of getting out of this situation with the least amount of trouble.

Or so he thought that to be the scenario until the villains were warped to their different locations. Moments later a purple clouded villain left the central battle grounds and not even a minute later...his students were falling through a portal. He saw this through the corner of his eye, but was incapable of doing anything to stop it.

From the color scheme I predict that to be Hitoshi Shinsou without fault due to the purple...the black clothed one could either be Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jirou, or Furuyui Tokoyami...the green and black one looks to be Tsuyu Asui as her costume has more green than Midoriya's does….

A villain with guns for hands aimed his fingers at the Erasure hero, but his quirk was obviously erased by the hero before his collarbone was slammed down by the elbow of the man dressed in black. He collapsed from the sudden pain that appeared and was obviously put out of the fight.

Shinsou's performance two days ago is a clear sign that he is capable of creating a plan that is against him at every corner. If he can do that against Midoriya then this should allow him to get out...he's a smart kid, he wouldn't put himself or his classmates under unnecessary risk...besides he has 150% of the power that he had last time….he's come to prove himself…

"Ooh...look it's a mini boss...I wonder if it drops anything after you kill it…?" A man dressed in black stepped in front of the hero after he had fought a handful from villains...several minutes had passed and his eyes were getting very dry from the overuse of his quirk...and this villain made him slightly uneasy. The paleness, the way he spoke, the clothing choice, but the hands were the part that was the worst. Several disembodied hands placed all around the body of the villain was one thing that Eraserhead hadn't seen ever in his career as a hero.

This is the mastermind behind this entire attack...there is zero doubt about it...he has stood behind his ranks since the beginning of the attack, he was the first one to come through the gate, and now he has chosen to attack that I am in a terrible position…

"Come on old Eraserhead….tell me, do you bleed?" Tomura Shigaraki asked the UA teacher liked he'd seen in an old film once…. "Why do you continue to fight even when it is obvious that you will be defeated here and now...the periods of time in which your quirk is in usage have become shorter and the span between them has gotten longer…." The Erasure hero grit his teeth as he realized just how capable this villain was, his observations here were nothing but true…

Unsure of what the other man's quirk was, the hero tossed his capture gear at the villain and watched as it wrapped itself around the leader of the League of Villain. That should hold him for now… at least that was what the Erasure hero thought when he initiated combat…

To his horror, the binds that held the villain began to crack and rot away as if by the quickened passage of time. He jumped away quickly and removed the capture gear as it showed clear signs of appeared to have disintegrated away a portion of it, just as the UA door had the previous day.

"You were at UA yesterday, your quirk was used to disintegrate the main gate...that's how you knew that we would be here today, this is how you knew that All Might was suppose to be here…." Eraserhead deduced this from the damage to his equipment which amused Shigaraki quite a bit. He gave the hero a few claps from his hands in order to show his admiration for the effort.

"My, my….a hero able to figure out my quirk so quickly, now that is a hero that I wanted to fight today….sadly, you aren't the one that I wanted to test my new weapon against….well beggars can't be choosers.." Shouta Aizawa had absolutely no idea what type villain was talking about, but he noticed the small movement of a huge figure behind Tomura… "Nomu, if you could…"

Not a second later, a figure with a size to rival that of All Might's stood in front of Aizawa with a blank gaze. The villain was massive, bigger than any other being in the building at the moment. It's speed at that moment was faster than his eyes could keep up with.

The instant it appeared was the instant in which he activated his quirk and prepared to attack just like he'd done to countless villains already. That was the plan, except it didn't at all occur how it was suppose to….

The grapple which he attempted to use on the villain with his gear was broken in an instant by the being's immense strength….wait the strength isn't his quirk, that's just who he is at level one...not even allowing for him to register a though, the villain ran over and took the hero into his arms...the speed isn't his quirk either, this isn't a normal person...if they were trying to kill All Might then this could work….

He struggled furiously against the grip of the villain, thinking that he could get himself out of this as he'd done in countless situation in his career. Still, the strength of the villain was more than even he could surpass, only All Might had a shot at beating this thing by himself….

"Now you see never had the chance to succeed in this little valiant show of yours...from the start I knew that you were going to lets get rid off you, Nomu…" The hero felt his body being crushed in the embrace one second and then the next…

...his head was slammed into the ground in a rhythmic way that only a creature like Nomu could accomplish. His head made an imprint on the ground and his golden goggles broke from the mere impact...his time trying to help his students was now up, he'd done all he could and now they would have to save themselves…

This might be the end of the line for me...or it might not be. Some of the students that I have this year are so extremely stubborn that I'm not even sure that I'll be able to change them...specially Midoriya, can't let him go without a teacher now can I? He still has much to learn, and I'm going to be the one teaching him…got have to stay alive for your students…