Confrontation...I Am Here...!

Chapter 19 - Confrontation...I Am Here...!

Shinsou looked around, trying to gather details from his surroundings in order to figure out where he was...only a moment ago he had been falling deeper into the water unable to do anything. If that was so then this would have to be what occurred next because there was no way that he'd been miraculously transported into a train station…

There was no trash here, not a single wrapper nor water bottle. The floors were sparkling clean and completely stranded. He was the only person sitting here waiting for a train that would probably lead him to where he needed to go next. To where that was...well he couldn't exactly say for sure since he'd never been put into a situation such like this.

Why he was wearing a completely black suit was one of the things that he was most confused about. Then again….that was probably the most basic part of this entire experience, the train station was more confusing if he truly thought about it...

He hadn't been in a station like this for a while, not since he suffered a particular loss a while back….back when he had more emotional backing from all sides, even his parents….wow, that had seriously been a while back….

'Wow….so this is it? This is to where it leads to…' his thoughts echoed through the wide empty space proving to him that this was probably occurring in his subconscious….'looks that this is the central station….leading elsewhere'

Before going any further he decided to sit down on one of the many empty benches that were offered here. He closed his eyes and waited patiently for what came next Not much more that he could do but wait and see what happened next, all that he had the power to do was wait.

'Then why didn't you wait on the boat?' To his left was the pretty frog quirk girl who he'd attempted to save minutes earlier. Even in his consciousness she remained blunt and held a blank expression on her face. She wore similarly black clothing as him as if preparing to go to a funeral or something of that sort.

'What are you doing here? This is suppose to be my mind where I control what does and what doesn't go' Obviously he didn't believe that to be true seeing the location he was in at the moment.

To respond to him, Tsuyu Asui simply shrugged and looked away in the far distance, widely interested by something that he couldn't see. He was about to indicate his discomfort with this whole idea when she decided to answer him in a way that he wanted to be answered

'Like you said, I'm right here…' She tapped him in the center of the forehead and continued. 'Maybe I'm just the voice of reason that you wanted to listen to since clearly you don't trust yourself too much…'

That couldn't be right though, he thought highly of himself and wouldn't have a lack of trust in himself of all people….but the girl was created from his mind so maybe it was a way of telling himself of that…

'You think that you were right to do what you did, but you also know that the way you did it was wrong…you believe that the end result justified the ways that you chose to get there...ribbit' The girl kept saying what Shinsou knew in his mind, but would no- no simply could not say..

'What I did was so that we could all get out of there safe and sound...and it worked!' At least that was the excuse that he had used himself for this instance...and how easily it was refuted with a simple question

'Did it? If it worked so well then where are you right now?' The frog-form quirk wielding girl gave him a simple smile before letting him think about it. She then stood up just as an empty train came into the station...well almost empty…

'Mom…' The purple haired boy looked as one sole passenger on the train smiled kindly to had been years since he had seen her…the doors opened and he was about to step forward, about to give his mother a hug...but a hand touched his shoulder and held him back…

'Sorry Shinsou...but your time with us isn't over yet...also try to remain calm…you're in for a rough start...ribbit' His mental projection of Tsuyu gave him no further warning before spinning him around and delivering a kiss which broke his grip on the train station reality that he had made for himself….bringing himself back to the proper reality….

After Shinsou was hit by the the wave while in the water, he lost hold over all people who he had used his quirk on, which were quite a few. One of these people was his classmate Tsuyu Asui who gained control over herself about twenty feet from land.

As soon as she did, the frog girl dropped the ear-jack quirk girl in the middle of the water who had also just gotten back control over her body as well. With this sudden jump start, she quickly told Jirou what to do before going back for her other classmate.

"Jirou...swim to the shore and try to look for help, I need to go back and help Shinsou…" There were no further instructions as she submerged herself under the water and headed for the epicenter of the damage. It had taken her about a minute to get this far from the ship so it would probably take her about the same amount to get back.

Luckily, she didn't have to go all the way to her original starting point as Shinsou brought himself quite a distance from the ship. Unluckily, he didn't go in her direction due to being pushed away by a huge wave. This was more problematic as she saw him slowly sink below the surface and to an environment where he was incapable of breathing.

Maintaining a cool head, she quickened her pace and readied her tongue to pull the unconscious boy out of the water. Within ten feet of him, the girl with two younger siblings released her tongue and wrapped it around of Shinsou. In this state he was just like her younger brother and sister, incapable of defending themselves and solely reliant on her.

She pulled her elongated tongue back into her mouth and grabbed a hold of the the boy with a brainwash quirk. Rushing to the surface she noted that he had been underwater for almost half of a minute and would likely have water in his lungs that would require instant removal. There was also blood stemming from his nose and mouth which worried her about what he'd done to himself.

Clearly, he was prepared to die for the protection of his classmates, but he'd done it in a wrong way. Oh Shinsou...what did you do to yourself? His skin was more pale than it had been a good five minutes earlier and overall he looked to be in a very bad shape.

Reaching land, she immediately placed Shinsou on his back and examined her surroundings to make sure that she could help him properly. No one is here, Jirou must have gone to go get help…Because of this she decided to instantly get working on keeping Shinsou alive…

When she was younger she knew that she wanted to be a rescue hero and that this particular area of heroism would require for her to learn additional skills such as CPR which she was about to use. Never before had she been so grateful for something that her parents had given her as a birthday present, those lessons in life preservation were about to come in handy…

First, the young hero to be removed his large coat and tossed it aside before getting his tie off from around his neck. If she was going to keep him alive then she needed for all things to be under her control. Once the tie was gone, she ripped his purple shirt off in order to be able to see the rise in chest, or that was what it was supposed to do…

Her concern rose as she took hold of the boy's wrist and found a very weak pulse….At that moment she realized that she had her work cut out for her, she had to somehow get her classmate to begin breathing once more. At this she began the chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth required for getting him to breath again.

"Come on Shinsou….we're not done with you just yet…" The frog girl tried for his pulse once again and saw that it had strengthened significantly, but his breathing was still nonexistent. "Ohhh….ribbit"

She put her mouth on his once more ready to give another set of breaths. She gave five of the fullest breaths that she could when the most disgusting thing imaginable happened to her and the person she was trying to save. At this point Shinsou could breath once again and was effectively alive once again, his body however wanted to do a full cleanse. Here it believed the best way of doing this was through vomiting….

The boy with the brainwash quirk sat up and coughed heavily as he tried turning himself over onto all fours. His body in pain….so much pain from everything that he'd just done in attempt to save his classmates. It was successful but he felt terrible now and probably shouldn't repeat the actions in the future.

He turned his head and saw Tsuyu standing next to him wiping what looked to be vomit from her mouth. He was able to catch a slight look of disgust and then tried to get up in order to discuss further strategy, except he fell right away.

"You should rest….a second ago you weren't breathing and you just lost plenty of fluids…" She went over and picked up his coat which had dried itself and tossed it to him. It landed in a nice messy clump at his lap which allowed Shinsou to put it on himself and give him the warmth which he had just lost over the course of the last few minutes.

"T-t-thank you A-a-Asui…" He held the trench coat tightly around him as he thanked his savior for preventing his demise. Often she corrected people that she liked to call her Tsuyu instead Asui….that's for people who she saw as friends. Here she saw a person who needed saving and for that there could be no biases. The way he used his quirk to give over control of her body was simply something that was not acceptable.

"Your welcome Shinsou." They sat together a few more seconds as Shinsou composed himself and regained his strength. The color returned to his face slowly before he tried apologizing for his actions, which wasn't given a chance.

"A-asui….I must apologize once again for my actions as they were-" The girl didn't pay attention to him as she simply began walking inland before acknowledging him.

"We need to go help our classmates...come on Shinsou…." He picked himself off the ground and put his hand inside his coat searching for his grappling hook in case they came across any more villain. He pulled it out and sighed miserably as he realized how much work he was going to have to put in just to have Tsuyu forgive him for what he did.

Staring across the field, Shinsou saw the plaza where Eraserhead had been fighting was all but quiet. A hulking figure was holding his teacher and constantly smashing his head onto the floor making imprints in it. He was just about to run to that location when his eyes caught onto a green blur coming from the mountain sector to help out the fallen hero.

"Go Izuku...Run as fast as you can and save the day as a hero should…" He watched his friend run into the fray like he was known to, all while he slowly made his way to help anyway that he could, so far today he'd done quite a bit of damage trying to help out in the ways that he wanted.

Heal faster legs, just heal enough for me to run….come on...I need to help Aizawa. If what that villain said is true then he has no chance of winning. If he was made to kill All Might then he can only hope to be a small disturbance to him….I need to...yes they work now!

Izuku picked himself up as his legs reached a state in which they were sufficiently healed, which really wasn't as much as he wanted if he was honest. Right now it was just a bit uncomfortable to simply stand still but he would have to tolerate it if he wanted to be useful.

Slowly he walked over to his fallen classmate and saw that Momo was in a state of pain following her run in with the Weather Wizard as he had hit her with quite a large ball of hail. He took one look at her and knew that she would be fine despite the obvious pain on her face.

He adjusted his goggles in order to be able to read his terrain better and looked at where he desired to be, the plaza where Eraserhead had been taken took and was no being pummeled into the ground by the large beast. With the zooming feature of his goggles he saw all this and knew that it was now or never….and he chose now!

The boy sped down the immense mountain like terrain at such a speed that he was a afraid that it might cause this to become another landslide site like the other one that they had here in the USJ. He did it without effort and in one fluid motion that put him closer to his target.

Each step that he ran was one step less that he would have in order to plan what he was doing to do when he got there so he needed to think quickly if he was going to accomplish what he wanted and get out how he wanted.

Okay….I have to get Aizawa out of their first, there is no arguing with that as he is the person most in need at the moment and what type of hero would I be if I tried attacking the villain while an innocent was in the way. After I get him out of there things are going to be a bit complicated in dealing with that massive thing….wow

As the boy reached the edge of the plaza he saw just how many villains littered this place. Dozens upon dozens of villains were on the floor groaning in pain, many trying to forget about how easily they were dealt with by the Erasure hero.

Izuku Midoriya used the built in binocular feature of his goggles and looked at the hero who had been able to deal with this many villains all on his own. When he did…he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach.

The man that Izuku had grown to admire was nothing but a bloody mess at the moment. His golden goggles had been completely destroyed and lay in shame a few inches next to his head. For that matter...his eyes seemed to be bleeding extremely and the blunt trauma that was occurring to him right now was something that Izuku couldn't be sure the consequences.

To make matters worse, the beast seemed to have stopped taking interest in beating Aizawa and decided to look up. It blinked once when Izuku was fifty meters away and rose to its feet when he was at forty. In its left hand, it held Aizawa in a way that one held a rag doll. When he was at the thirty meter line the beast lazily dropped the hero clothed in black and took a stand in front of the slowly falling body.

Here it occurred to Izuku that this thing was made to kill the Symbol of Peace which meant that it probably was on par with the speed of the famed hero. He wasn't sure if he was faster than All Might but now he was going to see just what the answer to that was….

Just get Aizawa and get out….in and out without a problem….just don't try to take this thing on while you still don't know just how capable it is...remember the best method for these situations, watch and act to observations, otherwise things could go south quickly….okay times up!

The teen saw that his time for planning had come to an end and that now he would actually have to act. He quickened his pace at the last 20 meters, trying to get the most out of the space that he could in case things were to go awry. The monster in front of him seemed to still be observing him absentmindedly and just standing there…

He slid in between its legs and took his continuing falling teacher into his arms before rushing off to find another conscious student who would be able to help him look over Aizawa. It was all done in the most fluid motion that Izuku was capable of and in real time must've occurred in less than a second.

Looking down at the man in his arms, Izuku saw the pained look upon his teacher's face and couldn't help but feel guilty about it. He could have dealt with the villains in his zone at a much faster rate, there was no argument about he didn't do it was beyond him?

Spotting two figures along the lake from the shipwreck zone, he veered aiming for them. From here he could more clearly identify them as Hitoshi Shinsou and Tsuyu Asui. They were perfect for this job as Shinsou's coat was most likely equipped with basic first aid equipment that would be suited for treating the injured hero.

He slowed down in front of them and began gently placing Eraserhead onto the floor. The two other students hurried over and Shinsou immediately began pulling out bandages from the interior of his coat looking a bit more dead than the last time that Izuku had seen him. Tsuyu came to the teacher and began taking pulse and heckling for his breathing.

"Midoriya, what's going on, ribbit?" The frog girl asked as she allowed Shinsou to begin applying the bangles to several parts of Shouta Aizawa's body that had been affected by several different quirks. The speedster pulled up his goggles and quickly knelt down next to his mentor making sure that he was going to be alright.

"The League of Villains split us up and we had to fight a large group of of them could control the Weather so he made a small tornado…." Izuku looked over to the two that had been on the boat before he turned his attention back to the plaza where the Goliath still stood, unmoving. "But I have to go back and deal with that villain before he hurts anyone else…"

He might have been stopped by his classmates from going back if perhaps they could have found an argument strong enough to keep him with them. Then again, perhaps Izuku would have gone anyway even if that argument was presented.

"Momo and Denki are in the mountain sector over there if you guys are looking to meet with another pair of students. They're in a pretty good state already but strength in numbers is always a good thing so meeting up would be ideal." He pulled his goggles back down over his eyes and switched the setting once again to help him predict the monsters movements which would be critical now that he was planning on going up against it.

"Be careful Midoriya, just look at what those villains did to mister Aizawa…" The frog girl said warily as she picked up part of the teacher's body in preparation to move it. He gave a short nod before turning Shinsou who he now noticed had dry blood around his mouth and nose. His shirt was also missing which Izuku would have to ask him about at a later time.

"Don't do anything stupid." Shinsou gave him that advice before picking up the other portion of the bloodied man. "Just try to stay out of their grasp and you should be fine." After this there was nothing else that needed to be said… was time to run.

So he ran….and without restraint...without concern about who he may hurt or who could be caught in the crossfire here….all of his friends and classmates were out of the plaza area where Aizawa had managed to keep the majority of the villains. There would be no one who would be hurt that wasn't a villain….at least that is exactly what he hoped for….

Looking ahead, the speedster known as Izuku Midoriya began to pick up speed and analyzed his opponent….who was now moving freely towards him at a crawling speed, surely not its quickest….this thing still had that same empty gaze from earlier which made him uneasy but he would have to toss that in the back of his mind for the moment…

The great hulking man-beast hybrid pulled back its fist and that's when Izuku was almost taken by full surprise….it threw itself at him at a speed that should have been completely impossible given exactly how fast he was going. He could actually see the beast flying towards him with its fist raised ready to punch him into the ground….but he was still faster…

As the distance between the two closed….he sidestepped and was completely avoided by the fist that would surely have killed him if it came into contact with his face or any vital part of his body. Instead, he was the one who initiated the confrontation with his own punch that carried with it all the energy built up from the sheer speed he was going.

When his fist came into contact with it...he felt as if his entire arm caught on fire...broke off and fell was probably how he would describe it accurately...punching an object of this magnitude simply wasn't a sound decision, now he knew that better than anyone else….specially given everything that occurred after the action…

The mere amount of wind caused by his punch threw his hair in all directions and even picked up some stray rocks into the air following it...the pain that came from the punch also wasn't something that he could do several more times if at all….also the shockwave that followed was something interesting as it carried around the entire USJ and shattered every single window in the building...lastly his advantage of not being in close distances was somewhat limited in this position…

Looking to where his fist had made the contact...Izuku saw the barest amount of red coming from the villain...its muscle not organs were the part that Izuku had managed to get to...but then why was it going away? Before his very eyes, the boy saw as the skin around the wound began to heal and cover itself up once again before too long…

He had made the mistake of coming so close to it without a full review of its abilities. It was a mistake that he would pay for dearly, but right now he wanted to get out of there alive. To do this he slipped under its legs and tried running for what he assumed to be the head of the entire operation, the one villain who remained after all others had been defeated…

That was what he had wanted to do, but the villains had other plans for him here. Faster than he could stop, a warp gate like the one from before appeared in front of him without warning. He tried to avoid it, tried to slide away or stop in his tracks, but he was unable to stop himself from going through.

The darkness took him once again and knew that wherever he landed wasn't going to be a good place. Izuku it's going to be difficult now, the situation has turned on its head and there's no telling what combination of quirks these villains are going to have. I just hope that the others managed to meet up with each other…

He continued running as he came out of the darkness and into the arms of the monster who he had believed to have escaped moments earlier….This time it was prepared as it hugged him to its chest and refused to let go...he was effectively trapped…

"Nomu bring the brat over here...I want to ask him who he thinks he is…" The man in black spoke lazily and the monster who Izuku identified as 'Nomu' did as it was told, slowly bringing the speedster to the person in charge…

Izuku tried breaking the Nomu's grip on him via the built in taser in his palms...the charge was equivalent to the kinetic energy that he had created in the last few seconds as any longer would likely cause it to overload...sadly the being of immense strength seemed to care very little for the pain that was caused to it…

"Awww….so young these heroes are getting, mind if you turn him around Nomu, I want to see his face…" Nomu complied accordingly and the two young beings came to look each other in the eye…

Izuku looked into the pale face of Tomura Shigaraki and his eyes widened as he became aware of the hands around the villain's body. His smile was also something that drove Izuku"s fear higher and higher….

"Now this mask just won't do….I want to talk with you without having to hide who you are…and I'll return the favor…"Before the speedster realized what this meant, Tomura grabbed the sides of Izuku's mask with all five fingers on both sides and watched as it slowly disintegrated away before his very eyes…

To Izuku's horror, the villain grabbed his goggles with two fingers and examined them carefully before pocketing and continuing his one sided conversation now that he had a full view of Izuku's face. Well not before he removed his mask/hand and held it in one hand.

"See I kept my side of the deal….now let's talk about something a bit more interesting….like where your from or what your name is or maybe what your quirk….someone I know and admire once came across a being who was crazy fast, they also had green hair or so I've told…"

All this conversation began to confuse Izuku immensely. Whatever this was...Izuku really wasn't sure what this was going to accomplish but he wanted to get out of here, as quickly as possible, but he still couldn't move an inch.

"Come on don't be shy now….I think that a conversation requires two people and you aren't doing what it.." Whatever was going to be said next couldn't be heard as the massive doors of the USJ burst open and came off their hinges thrown carelessly off the top of the stairs.

All conscious beings turned their heads to the entrance to see what being had caused such a massive release of power. Every villain that hadn't already been incapacitated instantly felt a fear as they began to sense the pure power radiating from the top of the stairs. It was obvious that the end of the attack was quickly approaching and right now the side of villainy was looking so hot.

"IT"S ALL RIGHT! BECAUSE I"M HERE NOW!" To every person's surprise, the person who stepped out of the smoke wasn't All Might, but instead it was a third year student of UA who was still wearing his school uniform. "JUST LEAVE THIS TO LEMILLION!"

Yet, it looked like he had the best chance of doing anything to help Izuku this situation...