Chapter 20 - The Way Of The Hero...
One For All was a quirk unlike any other that was currently in existence. It was nothing more than a mere power stockpiling quirk when it first originated, but it had come a long way since the early days of quirks. It had been passed down from one user to another, time after time.
It's current holders were Toshinori Yagi who had been acting as the hero All Might for the last few years, and Mirio Togata who was just about to graduate from UA in the coming year in order to go forth into the world of heroes.
The younger of the two was Mirio who had been recently chosen as All Might's successor following his hiring in the school. The hero had instantly seen what the boy could do with his own quirk and agreed with the Headmaster that it was possibly the best choice to pass on his quirk to the bright young boy with the permeation quirk.
Overall, the student had been met with and the Symbol of Peace had an instant liking of the blonde boy. Especially his smile, his smile was something that didn't leave his face from the moment that it was there. Thus, he chose him to be the successor and passed on his quirk via the digestion of a single piece of his hair….
This gave the young Mirio Togata the access to the immense power offered by One For All. It was a power that was unlike any other, one that would be impossible to describe to anyone with words besides….amazing. The power coursing through one's body was just that, completely and utterly amazing.
Well, that's where the story leads back to the USJ where many of the first year students found themselves fighting for their lives. Mirio had been the first person to come across the tired out Iida and had instantly thrown himself into the rescue effort by going there himself.
He had thrown himself into the air, with each jump he covered a large distance. Allowing the power of One for All to channel through his body and make all of his actions stronger. The glass dome came into view after a few of these insane jumps, but it no longer held any of the glass which the building was famous for. This didn't matter to the young hero though, there were people who needed his help inside.
He landed right in front of the massive doors and knew that heroes often needed to make an entrance to get the attention of the villain that they would be facing. He threw a punch at the doors with as much power as he could physically exert without hurting himself much and watched as the doors flew off their hinges and over what were the stairs.
He walked in, standing tall and with a smile on his face. These kids needed to know that the situation was going to be alright now that he was here. Mirio took off his school coat and undid his tie before tossing aside along with his coat. He then unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt and stood at the top of the stairs where everyone could see him.
"It's ALL RIGHT! I'M HERE NOW!" He repeated the words that he ha heard countless times from that one old video from All Might but he'd always wanted to say those words for himself. "JUST LEAVE THIS TO LEMILLION!" This was going to be very difficult and he knew that very much, still...he had to keep smiling for the people…
The boy looked from the top of the stairs and saw the three villains that were still standing appeared to be in the plaza setting with one of the students in the arms of one of them. This would undoubtedly make the situation a more difficult one to deal with but he would deal with it a hero should...and so he jumped…
Maybe I should've brought my hero costume with me...after all it would be a lot less awkward to fight these villain while being fully clothed instead of being fully in the nude….well on the bright side...I kept my hero underwear on me just in case….time to put them to use!
The blonde flew through the air at such speeds that no one could really track, landing just a few meters away from the villains with a signature smile on his face. His fist were up in the air ready for a fight within moments of his landing, ready for anything that the villains were going to throw at him
"God dammit...really...another brat who thinks he can take Nomu...this is just great! It seems that Nomu is going to fight everyone except the one person that he was designed to kill...just my luck" Tomura Shigaraki seemed to have stopped paying attention to the schoolboy in front of him and began talking directly to Izuku who was still in the embrace of the Nomu.
"Well you aren't going to kill anyone here villain, I'll make sure of that!" Mirio called out with such confidence that even the villain had to say he was impressed, but he would never admit that.
"So what do you think we give him a chance to fight Nomu and see how long he can last against it compared to you...if we are I'm putting my money on more…" To show his intention the villain grabbed a few crumpled bills from his pocket and handed them to the mist villain who had assisted in Izuku's capture a few moments ago. "Here you go Kurogiri… my money's on blonde lasting more than greenie.."
The blonde hero in training seemed to have had enough of the villain at this point and decided to go for the quick attack which he believed would work no trouble...Letting the power of One for All flow through him, the boy threw himself and the creature in black who was holding Midoriya. 15% should be just enough….
To his surprise, nothing happened as his punch connected with the monster's large back. It seemed to absorb the entirety of his hit without any consequence, well it caused the villain in black to smile…
"So he thinks he can take Nomu on his own like greenie did...these heroes never learn do they...nothing that we can do but discipline them...Nomu, would you be a dear and remove our guest from the premises…"His voice was a fake sweet voice which made Mirio concerned for what was about to continue…
As if without warning...the huge body leapt into action and kicked down where the blonde boy had been standing a mere moment earlier...or it looked that way anyways to everyone who was watching from a distance and had been unable to keep their eyes watching at their speed...when the dust cleared, there was nothing but the clothes of the boy...his UA uniform laying in tatters on the floor right under the villain's massive foot…
"Shit...well you can keep the money then Kurogiri, can't believe I lost that bet so quickly!"The villain grumbled angrily as he didn't get his money back.
Izuku looked at this...mouth agape…he hadn't thought something like this was possible...this didn't happen to heroes...they came out on top everyday...despite a few injuries they never seemed to die like Mirio appeared to be…
He's gone...just like your dad...just like Aizawa will be from his injuries...everyone that you care about...they'll die because you're not fast enough to save them...evidence has presented itself time after time...those who get close to you will undoubtedly get hurt or have stop this before it gets any have to do it have to move now!
To Tomura Shigaraki, it looked like the lab experiment that was under his orders had just killed a school child…yes it was brutal, but he couldn't allow every brat to challenge him and get away would look bad on him as a one would ever take him seriously if he did…
The villain looked over to the boy who was dressed in green and took note of the obvious pain he was in. Not just the physical pain that was from Nomu holding him, but also probably emotional pain from watching a person get pulverized in an instant...there were tears streaming down the boys cheeks and he was shaking quite badly...could kids this young get strokes?
"Kid stop crying...we're born, we live and sometimes we get crushed by a ginormous Nomu...that's just the way that life goes...can't fight against it, its matter how much you try to fight it, it will most likely kick you back onto the ground simply for challenging it…so don't try..." The villain then went over to tap the top of Izuku's head with four of his fingers just to be safe….
"No….your wrong…" The boy had stopped crying at this point, but something had occurred to his seemed to have taken a menacing tone that worked for him… "I can fight against it, against you….against those who want to hurt others for no good reason...protect the innocents from you….I can do that...and I will!"
With each word that he spoke, the speedster began to be filled with more and more confidence. His tone strengthened and he was able to meet the villain in full eye contact, a gesture which hadn't been offered to Tomura Shigaraki very much...and every time it happened, it angered him very much so…
"I tried to be nice with you kid...I really did…" The young adult placed his mask/hand back on his face and cracked his knuckles as he prepared to collect another pair on hand s for his collection. "Don't say I didn't warn you…" He said this as his hand shot forward at such speeds towards the boys head, except it didn't quite connect…
Faster, I've got to be matter what I'm doing, I have to improve my speed...running, standing, I have to make my body be faster…. every organ...every cell...every molecule has to be faster...all of it...all of it has to be faster now!
If he had been watched the entire time...Tomura would have seen how violent Izuku had begun to shake...or vibrate it would seem more like it...his face seemed to blur...his legs were beginning to act like mixing tools...his entire body seemed to be shaking as one thing...that when Tomura went in for the grab...and boy did things begin to fall…
The eyes that belonged to Izuku Midoriya seemed to go further and further backwards...until they made their way through the creature that was holding him and back out through the creature's back. While this occurred the mastermind behind all this attempted to touch the speedster and failed, tremendously. Instead his hand landed to the torso of the experiment where it remained for a few seconds as he tried figuring out what just happened….
The speedster who had just evaded him was quietly kneeling behind the creature that had been his captor...he was trying to figure out what had just happened to him and was wondering if he could replicate it later...or maybe right now would be a good idea considering how he was still vibrating….immensely.
You failed the first time because you though you take the beast head can learn from your mistakes, that's something that you can do but the beas can't...the villain in black is the one who's calling the shots, the one who took my goggles…and I need to be careful for the villain who's a cloud...his warp gates are quite a nuisance….this time things will be very different...I can feel it…
Then in one quick second, the entire battlefield changed for every person there as Izuku Midoriya got to work. First, he pulled out at back-up pair of goggles from a pocket in his suit and placed them firmly on his head swearing that he would get his older pair back later. Second, he ran around the villain, causing for the kinetic energy to build and for his gloves to stiffen just enough for him not to break his hands for what came next…
When Izuku had tried this maneuver in previous occasions, it normally produced a loud noise which the students of class 1-A had called "Sonic-Clap". Previous occasions had also caused a large amount of wind movement, those times were more on the mild side compared to the one that was about to be released...and the villains had zero idea that it was going to happen…
Izuku stopped a few inches away from the clouded villain and released his attack...His arms swung towards his center, and his palms met at such speed and strength, that the villain couldn't help but be blown away by the attack….even his warp gates weren't useful in this situation as they sent him elsewhere by mistake as he tried to regain control of the situation…
Holding his ground, Izuku watched as the villain in black held on to Nomu tightly as the winds threatened to blow him looked like the first action had gone over quite well, he just needed to survive the following ones on his own and…
But Izuku wasn't on his own...not by a long shot sure he wasn't...not in a million years would he be alone as long as he had friends to help him, friends who wouldn't leave his side during the hardest of times...and that's the type of friend that came from the ground unscathed and, with a smile, punched the villain in black away from the safety of the Nomu….
Seeing this the Nomu tried swiping Mirio back into the ground...but its hand simply went through had a heavy impact with the ground...using this as an opportunity, Mirio used a single finger on each hand and jammed both into the creature's eyes, receiving quite a large screech in response.
Taking this momentary distraction, Izuku ran over and punched the creature in a location where he knew it would be sensitive if it was a male, and indeed the creature was as it yelled in pain once more...unable to do anything for the moment as Izuku quickly ran away and Mirio sunk back into the ground…
He's not dead...of course he's not dead, he's Mirio. He would never allow himself to die so easily to a villain that was planning on killing All Might, it's just not like him...he certainly would have gotten a few hits in and that's what he's doing...although that does raise several question about what his quirk is…oh, Nomu's gotten back on his feet…
Izuku widely around the plaza and came out of nowhere towards Tomura who had just taken the break to get up on his feet as well…seeing his master in danger, Nomu jumped through the air getting ready to take a large piece out of Izuku...that's when Mirio came out of the ground again and punched the large being into the might be able to absorb shock as well as damage but the force of their hits were still more than enough to throw him around...finishing his hit, Izuku hit the villain cleanly in the gut before throwing him back down unto the ground and running off against to hit the Nomu….
This was a dance that Izuku and Mirio had begun, Mirio coming from the ground and hitting the lab experiment while moments later Izuku would come to keep Nomu off its feet. It was as if the two were in sync, able to read the other's actions and looked like they were incapable of losing here, not while they worked together...
Tomura groaned in pain as he rolled off the ground...he was losing now, that was very evident from the two school children who were taking turns using him and his Nomu as punching bags...This was very upsetting, he'd expected to kill the Symbol of Peace today and hadn't even managed to get a brat...things were going to have to change very quickly if he was going to come out on top…
"So you think that you guys are the only ones that are capable of using strategy...well let me be the first to tell you that this won't slide...not with me...not ever again…" The villain yelled out to whoever would listen and simply received another punch this time to his face...okay, he'd had enough…
The villain fell to his knees and bowed without warning, a gesture that made zero sense in this situation...why would the villain suddenly decide to...then Izuku looked towards the ground around the villain and remembered the gate of UA from the previous day…how thoroughly destroyed it had been...well the ground seemed to be getting the same treatment…
The speedster tried coming in for another punch to stop what was going on, but as soon as he stepped onto the ground, it crumbled beneath him, withering away into dust...the closer the floor was to the villain, the faster it seemed to disappear under his feet until he could run on the ground and instead tried launching himself at the villain with one of his quickened punches.
But the problem was that the Nomu was there to stop him this time, and Mirio's attack seemed to be a bit delayed from the large amount of floor that was now missing and seemingly continued to disappear...what had seemed like a certain victory moment ago now looked like a complete and utter loss…
"Nomu could you bring me the fast one...I don't want him getting away again...and I promised to do something first for someone else…so bring him here..." Obediently, the juggernaut of a being brought the newly recaptured boy and brought him to his master.
With one quick flick of a knife a cut appeared on the boy's left arm. The Villain pulled out a test tube and collected a quite large sample of it. Izuku grimaced in pain as a sudden cut occurred to his left arm and disappeared a few seconds later. He would also need to get that later simply because he could not allow villains to have control over his blood…
"And blondie, if you don't stop being impossible to hit then I'm afraid that your friend is simply going have a few limbs less…" The young villain said this mockingly at the boy who was standing in his underwear just a few dozen meters away from them… "Oh there you are...let's see…" He grabbed a rock and through it at Mirio which went right through him making Tomura giggle with glee…
As his giggles died down, the villain took hold of Izuku's shoulder and right away things began to occur...His costume in that area withered away first, leaving flesh for all to see within seconds...The interesting part occurred when his flesh began the disintegration process, quickly revealing muscle and after the muscle….Izuku's body began to fight back, healing itself, but causing great pain to him, causing him to yell…
"Let's try that again...if you don't want greenie to cry out again then I would recommend that you listen to me and stop using that fancy quirk of yours...capiche?" Again, Tomura threw a single pebble, and this time it bounced off his chest much to Tomura's pleasure… " break his legs and bring the Blondie…"
Crack! Crack! Izuku's legs went like twigs as the villain simply grabbed them and chose to snap them with ease causing him an unbearable pain at that moment, almost making him not see what he needed to see...what was going to happen to Mirio just because he wanted to keep Izuku safe
Fuck, they just broke my legs...they snapped them as if it was nothing...what the hell is this! Why would someone do this to do hurts like hell...why? Fuck it, never going to get my legs broken again! Damn, it hurts so much! Why is this even a thing!
Staring sideways, Izuku watched as Mirio's arm charged up with with something, it could have been electricity, it could have been raw power….it could have been absolutely anything from this point of view….when he charged at the Nomu, everything seemed to slow down for Izuku…
He saw the blonde boy slowly make his way through the air with his fist in the air preparing to hit the monster with as much power as he could. Izuku saw as the Nomu creature also launched himself, raising its fist as well, in preparation for the hit that was incoming. Lastly, Izuku could've sworn that he saw a flying figure far away in the distance heading towards the USJ to save the students…
When the two fists collided, his body was blown away by the sheer force that resulted from what could've been weapons of nuclear power. It was insane the amount of power that anyone individual could release...and it seemed that Mirio had held nothing back…
Perhaps that's why the boy was clutching his bloodied arm in shock and staring wide eyed at it. He was whispering the word 'how' over and over again to himself which Izuku wanted to know as could that punch on his part not have done anything to the could Mirio's strongest punch still be too weak to do any permanent damage?
"Damn….that kid is crazy strong...I mean, that almost could've been a problem if the boy had actually put more into that punch…"He mocked Mirio as he began to lower his hand onto Mirio Togata's head, getting ready to finally claim his reward…
Izuku closed his eyes and looked away, not wanting to see the fate that would befall Mirio, and this time he wasn't sure that the third year would be able to get out of this situation. If only his legs were in working order, he could probably to something to stop this….
Whoosh….Izuku felt himself get picked up in a second and then moved to a secondary location within a fraction of a second. He opened his eyes and saw a huge person holding him, smiling clearly for all to see. This was the true Symbol of Peace, the one that the villains had wanted to kill from the start. They had gotten their wish and how they would respond to it was something else…
"Look who finally decided to show his face….the great Symbol of Peace that everyone is always praising...I've been waiting for you all day...and now you decided to show up after these two brats have lost most of their HP….some hero" The villain seemed to be annoyed by the interruption but was overall joyous for his main target to finally show up…
Looking next to him Izuku spotted Mirio who looked to be in quite a bit of pain. His arm was a gross purple color which worried him, but now that All Might was here to help them it would all be over soon. At least that was his hope for this encounter.
"OY, SHITHEADS! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" In the distance another student called out as they entered the scene holding down a villain that they had come across. From the language, Izuku was tempted to say that it was Bakugou, but there were two students rushing in this direction holding an apparent metallic container... "ME AND SHIT FOR HAIR FOUND THE PORTAL VILLAIN ON THE HILLSIDE SO WE DECIDED TO BRING HIM WITH US!"
"You have got to be kidding me…" The villain who was in charge was really beginning to lose his grip on everything as he kept getting interrupted. "Where do are these brats keep coming from? You know what, it doesn't matter! Nomu get us our ride and prepare to kill yourself one overrated asshole, I've lost my patience for this…"
Once again, the massive quirked individual followed the instructions that he was given and made his way towards the two students that had been disposed of at the very beginning of this whole attack...He raised his fist to deliver a punch that would kill almost any individual and threw it at the two boys…
The speedster was able to see what the others didn't, his quickened senses allowing him to capture the movements of all parties involved. He watched as the creature that had broken his legs launched itself at Bakugou and Kirishima without them being able to react nearly fast enough. It would have been over for them if All Might didn't throw himself at them and took the full force of the attack, throwing him back several hundreds of feet backwards, beginning the fight between the two most powerful beings in this room…this also gave Kurogiri the opening that he needed in order to get back to Tomura's side...
"That's quite some power that you have young one!" The hero complimented his opponent as he climbed out of the side of the building that he had been hit into. "But now it's my turn to show you how the pros do things!" Before anyone else could acknowledge the movement of the hero, the large villain came straight at All Might ready to meet him in combat.
When the first punch connected, Izuku felt the same power being released as he did when Mirio threw his most powerful punch. He felt it also with his second punch and with the third punch. The longer that All Might threw his punched and the more that Nomu received them, Izuku became more and more aware of how much power was being released. Every hit that the hero threw was another one that was absorbed by the Shock absorption quirk that the villain had…
Every punch that the hero threw was calculated, precise, accurate, and most of all it was powerful. All Might wasted no energy as he somehow began to hit the villain harder and harder with each passing second. Even Izuku was having a bit of difficulty following the action as the hero's attacks became faster and only seemed like blurs more than anything else…
Punching the villain into the ground, the blonde hero gave himself a few seconds to recover as his opponent got down on all fours and ran back in his direction...This was hardly bothersome to the hero as he continued doing what he was planning on doing, overwhelm the shock absorption till it could no longer take his attacks…
Punch after punch, everyone in the building watched with anticipation, wondering who would win this...the young heroes in training from UA hoped that All Might would be the one to come out on top. They had grown up with him always winning and beating the villain no matter what, this was just another day for the great All Might.
This is how the pros operate...they give it their all and more. They are on a completely different level then we are, maybe that's why they are called the pros...they are capable of doing things that not even we students can do…
The hits began to accumulate, the villains now were on the losing side, they were done for. Sadly, it took Tomura Shigaraki a little too long to realize this and call off Nomu. He believed that Nomu truly was capable of killing All Might, his Sensei had told him so...that's why it came as a shock when Nomu's shock absorption was finally overwhelmed.
With one final hit, one last punch that carried all of his power, All Might gave a hit with all he could and hit the Nomu straight in the gut. With it's shock absorption down, it took the full amount of force delivered by All Might and was unable to help being blown from the building…
Everyone watched this and cheered with glee as the Symbol of Peace came out on top once again like he was known for doing, well almost everyone that is. The two remaining villains weren't so happy about his victory, in particular Tomura Shigaraki who was currently on a rant.
"What! I was told that he was weaker! I was told that Nomu would have no trouble dealing with All Might! This is bullshit, there is no way that this could have happened, I don't believe it!" His hands began to near his own neck and scratched quite a lot. His eyes were now angry and not very stable by the look of things.
"Give up villain! You have been defeated and your plan has been unraveled, your accomplices have been defeated and there is nothing that you can do to win now…" All Might called out from a distance as he remained standing still in the location where he had just punched the monster away…
"No I refuse, I came here to kill All Might and if there is one thing that I plan to do before I leave, it is kill All Might!" The villain had simply lost all sense of control and launched himself at the Symbol of Peace with the full intent of killing him, his hand outstretched in front of him…
Seeing this Izuku acted as much as he could, which wasn't as much as he wished he could do. With both his legs broken, as soon as he tried getting up, he collapsed from the pain it brought him. Though he healed quickly, there was was a limit in just how quickly he could heal.
He had to hope that the hero wasn't completely drained from his fight with the Nomu and would be able to defend himself. Well it wasn't that case when Mirio threw himself into the action once more and delivered a punch to the villain who had wanted to kill him only a minute previously.
"You are not going to kill All Might!" The blonde boy stood in front of the steaming hero with his injured arm held strongly in front of him ready to defend the hero if needed. "I'll make sure of that!"
Looking at the blonde duo, Tomura realized that his options were now pretty much all gone. In the entrance of the USJ, a group of heroes from the school had shown up and had begun to clean up. He sighed and wiped off the blood from his mouth before turning to his only standing companion.
"Kurogiri, get us out….there's nothing that we can do here...we'll figure this out later…" The purple mist covered villain nodded and opened a warp gate. He went through it first before Tomura followed, but no before making one last statement. "We'll meet again greenie, it was a pleasure talking to you!"
The villain smiled and stepped backwards into the gate, disappearing from the USJ. Just as they had come in they had left with zero evidence of those particular villains ever being here. The rest of the villains were being rounded up by the heroes that had arrived, unable to run away from these pros.
Izuku felt himself be picked up by Kirishima and he gave his classmate a short nod to show that he was thankful. At that moment he was unable to move on his own due to his broken legs so he was glad for this.
In the distance, Izuku watched as Cementos put up a wall between Mirio/All Might and them, blocking the Symbol of Peace from view. He was curious of why this was, but it was none of his business so he didn't question it.
"Thank you Kirishima, I appreciate it!" Izuku was glad that this was over and he could now rest for just a second. The hardening quirk boy gave him a jagged smile and began carrying him in the direction of the door.
The day had come and gone for the young heroes. They had done as they should, they went and fought back against the villains in order to keep each other safe. Each student from the class 1-A had given it their all today, went beyond the limit, and fought till they could fight no more. Overall, they had just received their first taste of villainy, and it wouldn't be their last...