Chapter 21 - USJ Aftermath...
The local hospital was currently bustling with activity as several students were brought this way after the attack on the USJ. Among them were students who suffered severe injuries such as Hitoshi Shinsou & Izuku Midoriya, along with a few who had received minor injuries such as Momo Yaoyorozu, and Denki Kaminari who was suffering a bit from exhaustion. The teachers who were brought to the hospital were the two that had protected the students and had as a result suffered the worst injuries.
Mirio and All Might hadn't been seen by Izuku during his time here so he assumed that the hospital was too crowded and they had to be taken elsewhere, the UA . After all, right now Thirteen had several lacerations across their back due to the backfiring of their own quirk. The doctors were making sure that the space hero would be taken out of the critical care unit.
Eraserhead was similarly hurt with the possibility of cerebral damage due to the amount of times that his face had been pushed into the plaza ground. The damage done to his eyes was also a bit difficult to estimate given how destroyed they had been after the run in with the large killing machine known as Nomu.
The boy with green hair had been given a room to himself and also a cast on each leg which he appreciated quite a bit. He could have done without the itching though, it was quite annoying. They also allowed him a wheelchair to move himself around while they attended to other patients, which were quite a few. This gave him plenty of time to practice traveling around the hospital in his new and seriously temporarily wheelchair. His healing factor wouldn't allow him to remain here forever, he hoped.
Well, I think that things went well for everyone if all things are taken into consideration. For one, none of the students were seriously hurt, everyone that was brought in seemed to be fine. Well that's beside me of course, ending up with not one but two broken legs. Ah, it's so hard not trying to go and run off into the distance. I'd probably fall flat on my face before making it five feet.
Making his way around the turn, Izuku spotted Shinsou who was also being wheeled around by a nurse while wearing a hospital gown, his face not showing many positive emotions. He didn't take notice of Izuku till the speedster made himself known inside the thinker's room by crashing into a table
"Hi Shinsou, how are you doing? Shame that you got stuck in the hospital as well!" Izuku's attitude was somewhat cheery, but that was only momentary as he had forgotten all about Eraserhead for the moment. He needed to have a positive attitude for his friends.
"I'll be fine according to the doctors, I just have to remain here for observation and they'll let me go in a day or so." Shinsou had used his time in the hospital to work on a new design for his costume which currently sat on the table that Izuku was sitting next to.
"So what's this that you're drawing up?" Izuku took notice of the suit and began using his hyper aware mind to analyze it, taking note of a few changes from his old suit. Among them, this suit seemed to have a handful more weapons, something that the old suit lacked heavily.
"It's nothing, just a few things that I was messing with in the case that I wanted to switch with my hero suit, you that I've been in real combat I know what I can and can't do…" Here he cut himself off and chose to look away at the television which was turned to the discovery channel.
"If you want any help in tinkering with your suit just go to your support contact, I can talk to her if you want, she's a pretty odd person if I'm honest." Izuku thought of ways to describe Mei but that was pretty much the easiest way of doing so.
"Yeah...thanks for that I think you're right…" Shinsou gave a small smile which was quickly dispelled by the sudden arrival of a doctor holding a chart with a not so happy look on his face. He cleared his throat to signal the important news that was about to be given."Midoriya, if you wouldn't mind giving me a little privacy I'd appreciate it…"
To this Izuku nodded and wheeled himself out, sneaking a glimpse of the conversation as the doctor began giving Shinsou some sort of news about test that they'd run on him earlier. He saw as the boy with the purple hair grabbed his bedside till his knuckles were completely white.
Whatever it was, Izuku was sure that things in Shinsou's head must be chaotic and confusing. Hospital news of any sort usually involved some sort of strong emotion with them. For Shinsou, who rarely let his emotions get ahead of him, this must have been pretty hard news. He was going to allow his friend to keep the information to himself until he wished to share it.
Izuku continued wheeling himself around a bit more, thinking of what to do, most of his classmates were currently recovering in their homes as they had been given the following few days off. That left him alone in the hospital without much to do, that was until he went back to his room and found a boy with blue hair going around and organizing the contents in his room. it was interesting seeing his medication being organized alphabetically but he needed to stop it before he lost count of what he had taken.
"Umm Iida, what are you doing?" Instantly the boy with the engine quirk and ran over to his friend trying to examine him and figure out if he was alright, which he seemed to be for the most part.
"Izuku! Are you alright? When I saw you being carried by Kirishima into the ambulance I couldn't ride with you since I wasn't family so I had to wait until we were dismissed by the officers in order so that I could go looking for you in the hospital." Izuku laughed at the other boy's tendency to go on rants, something that he liked as it was similar to his habit of muttering without control.
"Yeah I just have two broken legs, but I heard that Recovery Girl is going to stop by later so I think that my legs will be healed in a jiffy if she does...what about you? How are you coping with the events that have just transpired?" Izuku turned the attention away from himself and onto the other teen who couldn't help but look down in shame as he began explaining what he'd done.
"I don't think that I helped nearly enough, all the people who were hurt in the events...they all gave it their all and were hurt as a result of it. All I did was run from the fight and try to get help, the rest of the students stayed behind and risked their lives trying to do the job of actual heroes." Tenya Iida told Izuku everything that was worrying him at the moment, every piece of the incident where he felt that he failed.
"But you succeeded, you got us the help that we needed when we needed it, the villains were just beginning to get back up when you brought the pro heroes. Without them we would have been overrun and would have ended off much worse. Iida, you contributed as much as everyone else if not more...don't be so hard on yourself…." At this the taller teen wiped a small tear out of his eye and thanked Izuku for his support before promptly leaving.
After his talk with Iida, the speedster had time to reflect on how things had gone. At the end of the day he had succeeded in helping save the day, but he'd been unable to help so many of the people that he had wanted to help to begin with. One of those main people that he wished he could have helped more was his teacher, his mentor...the guy who was probably standing behind him if he truly thought about it. This was just a feeling hat he had as the hairs in his back stood up.
"So, are you just going to face away from me the entire time or do you want to have a conversation?" Wheeling himself around, Izuku was able to look Shouta Aizawa in the eye, well more like the bandages since that's what his face was covered in. His arms as well and by the looks of it, his torso was also under these bandages. "Refrain from making any mummy jokes in my presence, please I don't find them funny to begin with."
Seeing his teacher in this state was not something that Izuku had ever hoped to see. It gave him a sick feeling in his stomach, almost like if he was going to vomit. They way that his monotone was muffled also made Izuku feel worse about not being there to help his teacher when he could've. All of this could have been avoided if I had known better and, been faster…
"You know...when you go into your head and start thinking about how you could've changed things….that's something that you should avoid at all cost." The hero spoke directly from experience, as he didn't want the boy to turn out like he did, not this kid with so much potential. "I made a few wrong choices, but I would do it all the same if it meant keeping all of you from the same harm, I'm your teacher and besides teaching, my sole responsibility is making a sure that each and everyone of you students is safe while under my watch."
"But if I'd been faster then…" He wanted to get this off his chest, try to make reason out of it, but the pro hero had other plans for this. He knew exactly what the boy was going through, and he needed to stop what could result from this.
"Izuku, they told me what you did, everything that you did in the USJ..." The broken man awkwardly placed a hand on the boy's shoulder & looked into his eyes with his bandages. "You were as fast as you needed to be, as fast as you could be, you were fast enough to save me from the villain, from being hurt worse, maybe even killed. Even though I believe that you were very stupid in going back, you did good today. You're still new to the game of heroes, don't be so hard on yourself, experience will come with time and so will raw power relating to your quirk. Don't be in such a rush to become a pro, it'll come on its own. Also...thank you..."
He doesn't blame you, Aizawa is a smart should listen to what he has to say, its bound to help you in the future, but he looks so hurt, I can't not notice that, its something that I should tell him, he really should be resting. There's also no telling what type of guilt that he is carrying himself, I should ask him.
"Aizawa, do you feel any guilt for today." He asked his teacher but only received a blank look back as none of his facial features were visible. "I can't read any of your facial features so I'm hoping that you'll be able to tell me as a hero to a hero in training."
"Nice try Midoriya..."His voice returned to its somewhat monotone and he took his hand off the speedster's shoulder while thinking of what he was going to say to the kid. "I don't think that you should be worried so much about how I'm doing, I saw how you were acting with your classsamtes so I know that you feel obligated to make others feel alright when times are hard. I'm going to be alright, just need a bit of time to heal up and I'll be back to my old self."
He avoided the entire question...he does feel guilty to some degree about this entire experience. He needs help from someone, I should try to help him, he needs it more than anyone else I know.
"Thanks for the advice Aizawa Sensei, I appreciate you coming here to talk to me." At this the hero laughed and turned to the younger hero in training who looked slightly confused.
"Oh yeah no problem, you were just a convenient hiding spot, the nurses have been trying to get me to go back to bed for the last few hours after Recovery Girl helped me out and they won't stopped bothering me." Here he was interrupted by a sweet old lady who was making her way into the hospital room of Izuku.
"Shouta Aizawa! You should be resting right now not playing hide-&-seek with the nurses. And you young man! Why aren't you laying in bed and resting instead of traveling around the hospital in a wheelchair. Do you have any idea of how long I've been searching for you…" Izuku was about to open his voice to argue when he saw his teacher simply shake his head as a warning before disappearing into the hallway before he could properly say 'goodbye' to him.
Seeing that he really couldn't argue with the school nurse, Izuku made his way back into bed and sat upright on his hospital bed which was surprisingly comfortable. Here the nurse came over and began explaining to him what she was going to do.
"If I recall correctly, last time that you came to me was a few days ago when your class was having the spars which I highly disapprove of, especially since your wrist ended up broken by use of your own quirk. If you remember, you will be drained of your stamina when i sue my quirk on you since that's the only way that I can heal you unless you'd much rather wait for your own healing factor to do it for you." Izuku shook his head heavily at this, not wanting to spend another day or two on this chair with wheels. Despite being fun, it was sometimes boring.
"No I think I'll take the former, I'd much rather like to be able to walk again sooner rather than later. Especially given with how itchy this cast gets." The old woman laughed at his joke and nodded slowly.
"Just remember that you can't rely on these quickened healing abilities for everything, there may come a time when they won't be enough and things will be tricky then." Izuku listened carefully to these words and then nodded once again, he hoped that what she said wouldn't come true.
Then with a kiss from the nurse and a full recovery later, Izuku felt like never before. He also felt extremely tired which resulted in him collapsing promptly on his covers and closing his eyes. The sleep welcomed him as his stamina disappeared and all he could do now was rest, he'd earned it.
Oh...I forgot about my mom. Boy is she going to freak out about this, I need to figure out a way to get these casts off before she gets here otherwise she'll be worse...or maybe i should just lose consciousness and sleep...
Back on the UA campus, two blondes were currently laying on their backs in the only two beds that were being used in the infirmary. Right now both were trying to get as much rest as they could after Recovery Girl had used her quirk to heal their injuries. Of course, this drained both holders of One for All and made it so that they were unable to do anything.
Mirio's arm was currently under several bandages as he was unable to get his arm completely healed. The injury was his own fault as he knew what the consequence would be once he used 100% of One for All. He remembered the last time that this had happened, it wasn't a pleasant experience by any means. He'd also been told how dangerous it was to continuously do this to himself, but he had chosen not to listen this time.
To his right, the Symbol of Peace was laying down with his eyes closed, but very clear full of thought. His expression was filled with pain and something else that he couldn't quite make out.
Right now he didn't have the smile on his face that he'd had always, for the public. Likewise, Mirio also didn't have a small on his face, more like a look of determination in trying to get better in a much quicker fashion.
The older blonde was now in his depowered form, giving him the appearance of a scrawny and sickly man. It wasn't a form that anyone would associate with the legendary hero, but Mirio still did. He put so much on the line each time he went out there, especially considering how limited his time was.
"All Might, are you doing well? You seem to be quite full of thought right now." He wanted to help his mentor in whatever way that he could, and this was the only way right now that he could.
"There's something my mentor told me long ago, I thought that it was a simple joke for the time, now I'm wondering if she was telling the truth. Nana Shimura was a very interesting individual, I don't know what to think of it now…" he looked away from Mirio and towards the window where the sun was just starting to set.
"All Might, what do you mean by you not knowing 'what to think of it now'. What is this 'it' that has you so troubled." The hero looked back into the eyes of the younger male before he answered, he wanted to give him the whole truth that he had,
"In my younger years, I had a very simple understanding of how One for All came to be. You know the story as I've told you before. All for One came into power and forcefully placed a quirk onto his brother. The power that he held in the beginning was very weak in the beginning, that's about as far as anyone tells the following user, until it is time for them to confront All for One. But today I will tell you the rest of the story, the part that I didn't believe until today. After the younger brother escaped from his older brother's grasp, there came a boy who could run faster than any other being before and after him, perhaps even faster than the light which we see. He came in cash of light and appeared without much else to indicate his arrival. The boy acted as a mentor for the first user of One for All, giving him something to increase his power, no one is quite sure what that is except for the first user who never told anyone. After this the younger brother attempted to defeat his brother once more, but he failed miserably, the boy who acted as a mentor disappeared after the attack, no one ever knew what happened to him….until now!"
He closed his eyes and allowed for his protege to get an idea of what had occurred in the past, it seemed so much like a sci-fi story, but I wasn't, it had all happened in the past. If he was right, then All Might was implying something about Midoriya which he wasn't sure if he was right. He was just a first year at the moment, there was no way that he was capable of doing something as crazy as that.
"All Might...are you saying that you think that Izuku Midoriya is the mysterious mentor in the story?" The mentor nodded slowly as he opened his eyes once more to see the reaction of the other person within this infirmary."but the events that you just described happened hundreds of years ago. How could Midoriya get there, it just doesn't make any sense."
"I don't understand this fully Mirio, but I trusted Nana with my life, she wouldn't lie to me on a matter as big as this, it just wasn't like her. Midoriya may or may not have been there, we just have to keep the possibility open, thats what matters here." Both males sighed as they came to understand this matter a little better, it was just a bit confusing for everyone.
"So what do you want me to do with this information? Train him more than he's being trained by Eraserhead? Give him tips on how to be a better hero? Act as his older brother? Make a rival for him to have?" The man smiled at the suggestions that his younger counterpart gave, but at the end of it all he simply shook his head.
"No not right now. If the story is any indication than this all occurred after his first year at least. We have to wait and see how he'll develop as a hero, you'll know when the right time to intervene is."Once he said that, the Symbol of Peace closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep that's was needed for his body to recover.
Mirio watched as his mentor rested, after the day he had it was well earned. The Symbol of Peace had already used his allotted time for the day when he came to help. The conscious boy wasn't sure how this would turn out but he hoped that it wasn't like what had occurred last time last year with the sludge monster.
This changes so many things, as much as I want to see Midoriya as the same, I just can't anymore. He has a much bigger role than I assumed in the beginning. He's capable of so much, he just needs the experience that'll come naturally to him. I'm not sure what this means for the rest of the world in heroism, nut it's going to change very soon….
As the villains traveled through the warp gate, Kurogiri made his way back into his bartender while Tomura Shigaraki became frustrated and angrily used his quirk on a bench in a pub stall which Kurogiri ignored as best he could. This was just another of the boy's tantrums which he'd come to expect, and he knew that it would die down pretty soon.
"This is so fucking stupid, we were so damn close to killing him, he was within my fingertips and then the other blondie came in and punched me in the goddamn face, why is it always the fucking face. That other kid looked liked that stupid Tin-Tin!" Obviously he wasn't taking this very well, but Kurogiri simply kept on cleaning the shot glasses which were hardly ever used. He didn't even know why he bothered keeping it clean, but maybe it was because he liked this place.
"Tomura Shigaraki, there will be another chance to kill All Might later, we've come close before and I'm sure that we will as well in the future." He set down the shot glass on the bar and filled it with water now that Tomura had calmed down. The young villain sat down at the bar and drunk the cup in one go, groaning as he recognized the contents as water.
"Really Shigaraki, why won't you ever give me any alcohol, it's always either water or milk which I don't understand. I'm a villain, I should be allowed to drink alcohol." The misty villain gave a small laugh and poured more water into his cup.
"When Sensei allows you to drink alcohol, then you will be allowed to drink said alcohol. Or you simply have to wait until you are twenty years old and then you can drink whatever you want." At this the young adult drunk his water once more and turned the television on the wall which had just been turned on by the other side.
"Tomura, how did the attack go?" The voice immigrating from the other side asked. It was apparently bodiless but the two villains knew that the voice was associated with a person, an extremely powerful person that the two of them respected immensely.
"How do you think it went? There was a bunch of brats who were able to destroy all the villains that were thrown at them. Then Eraserhead came in and destroyed a large amount of villains in the plaza. It wasn't until I told Nomu to attack him that he was finally brought down." The villain stopped his rant here as he took another drink from his cup.
"Is there anything else that you would wish to say?" The voice that emanated from the television asked again, wanting to know the full story about the events.
"Yeah, there were these brats that were able to attack Nomu till I had to intervene and put a stop to it. One of them went through things and was able to punch quite hard while the other kid was just really fast. They were defeated with severe injuries, then All Might came and somehow beat Nomu…" He finished his side of the story and waited to see what his Sensei said next.
"The one who was fast...could you describe him please…" his voice seemed to be filed with interest here. He wanted to know more about Izuku to see if it was as he remembered it.
"Oh that brat, he wouldn't speak to me no matter how much I talked to him. It only was when the other brat looked like he died that greenie wanted to talk to me, only to tell me that I was wrong about everything. He was crazy fast, able to avoid most of the hits that Nomu threw at him, even was able to bypass his shock absorption which I found to be interesting. I had to get Nomu to break his legs in order to put a stop to him, heck he was even able to heal quickly and fought my disintegration to a standstill."
After he finished his description of the speedster there was quiet for a solid minute. On their side of the television the two villains took another drink of water as they waited for what their Sensei would say, then for a second minute, and a third.
"Did you manage to get a sample of his blood, or anything else of his for that matter like I told you?" The once on the other side now seemed to be more excited, this sudden excitement seemed to have come from absolutely nowhere.
"Yeah, I got a vial of his blood like you so kindly asked for before we left and also got this funky piece of technology that he was using for his eyes. Do you want me to give them to you?" To his question, a simple small portal opened itself right in front of the villain, a quirk that was quite similar to that of Kurogiri. The villain in black dropped the items in the portal and watched as it closed.
"Thank you Tomura, you have made our fight against All Might a much easier one now. You'll see how much you have helped today…" This confused the teen profusely as he became aware that today wasn't a failure.
"But I lost Nomu, the authorities have him now and all the members of the League of Villains have been captured. We have almost no one left who can help us fight against the heroes…" The boy with a hand over his face, became worried for what the response would be, this is why he was shocked by the laugh that came from the other side.
"Nomu was a lab experiment that could be recreated with the right amount of time, this's as if I were holding the sun in the palm of my hand….having this much of the sample is an almost guarantee of having an end product. It's only a matter of time now, only a matter of time before the Flash meets his match...his reverse to be exact...only a matter of time…."
At this, the television shut off and left two very confused villains sitting in a bar by themselves. They openly wondered what had just occurred, but at the end they didn't put too much thought into it...
The attack on the USJ had changed the playing field immensely for all parties involved in it. Some in small ways, like having their first interactions with villains in the real world. Almost everyone in the classroom except a few people had never come near a villain in a fight, always letting the heroes deal with it. This opportunity was something that was golden for them.
Others suffered ill news from the doctors concerning their body in relation to their quirk. They shed tears when there were no more people around. Allowing the flood gates to open and release all emotions. It was a serious bump in the road, making his dream of being a hero even harder than he needed it, but he would overcome it. He had to overcome it no matter what.
Still, others learnt the truth about the origins of their own quirk. They had uncovered a history which only a handful of people had ever known over the centuries. Despite its absurdity, he had to believe it, to believe what his mentor had told him and go on to keep supporting the speedster in any way he could.
Among all these examples, there was still one variable that was a major player in all of this. Izuku Midoriya was one individual who was completely a wild card, both sides didn't know what made his quirk tick yet, but one side had received their first clue in a blood sample.
Things had just begun for the green haired speedster. Despite not asking for any of what he was about to receive, he would have to face if the with a iron heart, or he wouldn't make it out. The world was going to change very quickly, very soon. How he & his classmates would react, that was up to them.
The odds wouldn't always be in their favor in the following encounters, it would be against them in several. Yet, like the heroes they were meant to be, they would not let the odds get in their way. The Class 1-A were growing closer, closer to each other, closer to the speedster,, and closer to their goal of being heroes.
It was only a matter of time before things made themselves clear…