Floor 2, Steam World

Sakurai had finally entered the gate to floor two and on the other side was the great city of the steam machines. Steam World was located in a giant crevasse, with an opening up top, and with caves along the sides. Up in the sky were steam run airships advertising equipment in the game, and the city thick in metal and wood and was nearly deserted. As sakurai was exploring the city he saw a lot of odd things; for one, it was all the NPCs scattered around standing still like they were waiting for an interaction. When he was venturing towards the middle of the city he saw a giant fortress on a hill, he thought to himself that the fortress must be the boss' lair. He was making his way downtown when a certain NPC stood out to him. He walked in the dark cold alley towards him when suddenly a notice popped up that stated *Beware Quest Difficulty S+ Extreme, Rewards exclusively state: 1 Dark mystery item*. Sakurai went to go accept the quest when the global chat went wild, he was wondering what happened so he looked at the leaderboard and noticed that Reyna and her party finally beat the boss along with most other top players. Later on Sakurai goes into the caves trying to avoid nearby players that had just arrive to go on his quest.

*Quest Difficulty S+, Defeat the Queen of the Trenches*

As he goes through the dark bitter cave realizes that if he wants to be strong he has to defeat anything or anyone that stands in his way to be strong. Sakurai sees a fainted light ahead of him as the tunnel gets wider. Up ahead he finds a strange dome that has many tunnels connect to it, he activates a special skill, night vision, so he doesn't get ambushed. Sakurai walks close to the center but as he gets closer he feels an ongoing vibration like it he could be a small earthquake. The closer he got to the middle the bigger the tremors got, as debris also fell from the ceiling he noticed something off about it. When he reached the middle a giant man-eating Fire Ant fell, Sakurai quickly jumps off to the side as it nearly Squashed him flat. As he looks at the boss he realized that fire-type attacks won't work on it, he looks through his skills and he doesn't have a single water-type attack. Since he doesn't have any decent skills he though maybe he could just wear his HP gauge out but it was a defensive type boss, so instead he though...

As I bounce off the walls trying to bait its attack it thought of a plan. The giant Fire Ant didn't have much room to move so I quickly though to myself, what if i can crush it then land the finishing blow, as he hurdles around the cave the Fire Ant hurdles fireball after fireball at him, good thing his elemental resistance is high from his gear and levels he grinded. Before he got into the gate for floor two he went around doing side tasks, so his level now is 45. As the battle went of the Ant was slowing being crushed by rocks when suddenly Sakurai fell. Sakurai forgot he was wasting all his endurance on flying through the air, he said to himself, " Maybe I have to fit IRL to have more endurance, since this is a full dive RPG." When he fell it was already to late, the Ant had locked on to him and was ready to attack, but this couldn't be the end for him right. As the Ant was getting ready to attack he felt a huge rumble and then looked up, there it was, a huge boulder hurdled from the ceiling as it knocked out the Fire Ant. If it wasn't for the boulder Sakurai sure would've died there. As he gets up to defeat the Fire Ant he quickly slurps down some Health potions to heal up before anything else unexpected happens. He had just defeated the boss and is collected his loot when he sees a certain skill he has never seen before. A skill called Elemental blade, A sword skill that can use or combine any of the 6 six elements: Fire, water, earth, Air, Light, Dark. He collects his rewards and starts heading back to the NPC in the dark bitter alley.

*Status Update* Gear: Assassin Lord's Cloak (To unlock for potential find the other two parts of the Assassin's set) Paladin RIng (Part of the Holy Churches Ancient Artifacts that was bestowed upon the Gods to us) Dark Matter Boots (Part of a legendary ace set, to unlock potential unlock the 1 missing item) Necklace of the Demon Lord's (Part of the 10 demon lords, each has a unique ability and is required to become a Demon Lord Incarnation) Crown Of Jewels (Part of the Angel set, required to become an ArchAngel incarnation) Weapons: Demon Lords Sword (Powerful sword to defeat anyone, required weapon to become a Demon Lord incarnation)