Ren had just defeated the boss, The Fire Ant, and is heading back to the dark alley where the NPC is waiting for him. As he strolls through town he sees Reyna who catches eye of him. Ren tried to activate invisibility but Reyna was already walking towards him in a bitchy way. He just stood there trying to look away hoping she just passes him but she walked right up to him. After a few second Ren decides to calmly greet her but as soon as he opens his mouth Reyna starts talking, cutting Ren off . Reyna is asks Ren how a lowly cheater like him actually beat the boss and gained so many levels. Ren tried explaining but Reyna just didn't believe him so she kept insulting him, "Ugh, How does a weakling like you beat me, and you are scared enough you hide your face away." Ren doesn't get a chance to talk, but she shortly walks away being disgusting in his presence. After she walks away Ren quickly conceals his presence and hurls off to the alley where the NPC is waiting for him, when he arrives he notices the so called dark alley is lit up a bit. When he walks up to the NPC, he congratulates him on his success, so as his bonus reward he gets the random dark item mystery box. He looks at the box but it doesn't have any information on it, so he thought whatever is inside must be rare and overpowered. He doesn't hesitate to open it, he was stunned at what he saw inside the box, and was a little terrified. What he got, Special Skill for those who choose the path of destruction *Nightmare*. He looked at the details and was surprised at what he could become with this skill at hand. Maybe He could actually be strong and maybe turn the tables and be the bad guy for once, but he doesn't know himself.
Skill - Nightmare: Nightmare, a special skill that turns the users eyes into a frightening blood red while weakening and stunning other players around him. Bonus perk, With how much greater the user strength is compared to the enemies, the enemies might be paralyzed and in that state the user does x2 damage to said enemy.
After Sakurai collect his rewards he logged off for the night, and by time morning came but this time it is the weekend so he decided to go to the local mall to shop. When he woke up he had a strange text from chloe that state, "Heyy Sakurai do you maybe want to hangout today...please I need to talk to you". Sakurai actually wanted to talk to her also so he responded, "Ugh...sure Meet me at the mall by 3:00?" she quickly responded and agreed. Sakurai got ready and headed out a few hours early because he wanted to shop a little bit before they meet up and 'talk'. When Sakurai first got to the mall he decided he was gonna go to his favorite store first. He headed up to the second floor and headed in. He looked around for awhile and found a few outfits he might like, so he wanted to try them on. Sakurai walked up to an employee to ask if he could use changing room to try his outfits on, the employee said, "Yeah go right ahead they all unlocked and I don't think anyones in there at the moment." Sakurai started head back to the rooms and heard some strange noise coming from one of them, but he ignored and and opened one of the doors but...but when he suddenly opened it he was shocked and couldn't move as tears fell from his face slowly. When he had opened the door he saw chloe and an upperclassman making out, but at that time chloe was also shocked too, she stopped and tried to explain to him what was going on. Before Chloe could even get a word out Sakurai ran out of the store breathing heavily and left the mall. The upperclassman said, "Hm, what the hell was that..weird. Welp i got to go chloe, and I never loved you actually thought you were kinda childish..." Chloe then just collapsed wishing that she wasn't alive but then her friends saw the upperclassman leave the store and they knew he was with chloe so they ran to find her. When they found her they tried they best they could to make her feel better and cheer up. Meanwhile I am trying to process what happened I thought I should just never talk and trust her again, too many problems circulate me with her. When I finally arrived home I locked myself in my room, alone in the dark, while my phone was blowing up with Chloe's missed calls and texts; though I just ignored everything. All I wanted to do was just sleep the day away, and just be Ren all day tomorrow. When I was thinking to myself i realized that we have short break from school next week, so I thought maybe I'd change everything about me, I will be strong, I WILL FIGHT BACK! Just like Ren, No not like him, I am him.