I had just eaten dinner and ran up to my room to play the game, and when I logged in it felt like the whole game was pressuring me. I was just at the entrance to the third flood city, Holy City of Reims, and it looked like heaven, white and gold with a crystal clear sky, I was amazed, but enough of staring I quickly wandered around to get my bearing of things. When I was wandering around I was particularly looking for some sort of castle or lair that the boss was in but I didn't seem to find one, and there were barely any NPCs that had quest, so instead I went out to see what the mobs looked like. I wandered deep into a grassy mountain area far away from the city to see if there were any special dungeons out here but apparently I was wrong. I continued up the mountains until I heard a loud roar in the sky, it turns out there are dragons on this floor. The dragon started chasing me but I was able to duck into a cave for awhile, but I knew I couldn't fight the dragon because I don't have any effective range attack but I can distract it. I tried to get out of the cave and stay low but the dragon was smart and waited for me and as soon as I let my guard up it fire a ball of lighting at me caving me in. I was completely dark in the cave so I decided to use my sword as a torch and use elemental blade to light it up with fire. The cave was definitely not a dungeon but it looked like it continued on downwards for awhile. I traveled down the cave for about an hour and it seemed like it had no end for a bit but I had finally found something, a door. This huge wooden door had some sort of writing on it, it seemed to say something about the king of the dead's dwelling but I couldn't make out the rest of it. I pushed the door open and a bunch of foggy mist started to look out like it was a graveyard at night, so I was traversing in the cave when I had felt a soft rumble underneath me. Until that sudden rumble I was fine but what I hadn't known that something has been stalking me and until now he showed his face. Ghost King of the dead level 200, Let's see how am I supposed to kill something that's already dead. I tried to use a special blade skill, astral blade, but the ghost disappeared. The ghost had suddenly teleported behind me and slashed me behind my back dealing serious damage. I was thinking if it teleported away as it seen my use my special skill it was afraid of it, hm astral blade as in the particles beyond me, so if a ghost is a dead man's soul it basically is made up of those particles. I think I had just figured it out until the ghost disappeared and reappeared behind me slashing me again, now I'm getting pretty low on Hp. I tried to think how am I supposed to hit something that keeps disappearing but I couldn't get my think long enough before it started to attack me again but i managed to dodge it. I couldn't get a moments rest because I had to keep dodging from the attacks until I noticed a pattern of attacks the Boss was doing. I had tried to predict it's movements but he was getting more random, but lucky for me I had a special insight skill, Nightmare. I activated nightmare and as my eyes turned blood red I started to see beyond its movements and predicted its next attack. I quickly dashed to my right and slashed the ghoul dealing critical damage but it wasn't enough to kill it.
I was running low on time since this fog seemed to be thickening and suffocating me by the minute, but the battle was about to end anyways, just one more hi- *Cough* 'blood'. Before I could move I suddenly collapsed and could barely moved, what happened? I looked at my Hp and I noticed I had been severely poisoned, it probably was the Boss' attacks, but I had not given up yet. I forced my way up and with the blurry vision I had I launched my final attack, and with the luck I had the boss is now actually dead. With my health so low I thought it best to rest for awhile and heal, then we can see if got any rewards. After a few hours I had finally woken and up and the first thing I've seen was this black chest that stood before me, glowing. I opened the chest and the only reward I got was a rare skill, Shadow Movement, I thought to myself what it could be but then I realized that this must be what the Boss had been using to teleport behind me everytime and I couldn't wait to use this. I made my way out of the cave to the point where it was closed in and now i could finally get out of this dumb cave and kill this dragon. I teleported out of the cave with the new skill I got, shadow movement, and as I got out I had a dead set face saying the no one can mess with me now. The dragon started to graze at me as it was flying towards me thinking I was scared but little did it know I would Teleport to it mid air and slam it to the ground. The dragon quickly got slayed so no more it could mock me, and with that much done I leveled up a bunch, making me level 73 and Reyna is 59 so now that I have a huge lead I thought maybe I would visit floor one again.
I had gotten back to the Holy City of Reims and went to the gate to go back to back to floor 1 when I got a message by the creator of the game saying that the game will have a update in a few weeks which I thought was pretty cool. After I read the message I had gone through the gate back to the first floor, spawning in the middle of town yet again, but no one had recognized me this time but to be cautious I concealed part of my presence. I was walking around town seeing a lot of new players which is good, but the I decided to explore the new area that they added, it's like a cool valley that has a dead end. I was heading over to it but as I was about to enter I heard a yelling, I quickly concealed my presence completely and wandered in towards the screams. I turned around the corner and saw 4 people cornered by bandits trying to kill them but I didn't want to get exposed but I wanted to save them...particularly. I decided to unseal my presence and try and yell at them to stop, but all did they did was turn around an laugh and say what are you going to do weakling and by the time he said that I activated Nightmare on top of Aura. They continued to be cocky and say that it was all show but when they one of them tried to attack he got caught up in Nightmare fear and instantly died to Aura. At that moment one of them realized it was me, Ren, the top player and they all started to be intimidated but they knew it was still a 12 v 1 so they continued to try and kill me, but unfortunately for them I had a high resistant to magic based attacks. The mages in their group tried to blow me up but nothing worked and they were in fear as I slowly started to walk over. The warriors of the group rushed me and in a flash all of them disappeared into nothing. The boss and the rest of them tried to run but I used shadow movement to get ahead of them and then they tried to beg for mercy but I ended up mercilessly killing them. After that the group of four thanked me but something seemed strangely off about their appearances like I knew or something. When they walked up to me they thanked me and tried to hand me money but I denied the offer and then I asked them for their names. Each one of them stated there names..."Taffy" "Shuna" "Shizue" and "Chloe", I was so stunned I could barely move and then they asked me for mine name and I hesitated and said my First name, Sakurai, instead of 'Ren'. They tried to get a better look at my face but I thought if I looked another direction they wouldn't notice that they know me, but it only made it more obvious. They then looked at each other and nodded their heads, besides Chloe, and the three of them that nodded there heads tried to unmask me by surprise but I had quick enough reflexes to dodge them all. I was getting more nervous, they knew it was me and at that time I gave up and unmasked myself to the three of them. Chloe, especially, was shocked that I, the weakest ever, was the strongest one but after a few short seconds Chloe began to come closer to me. As Chloe walked closer she began to tear up but she held it back and at face to face she stared at me in the eyes but I grazed at her back giving her an intimidating look, but it had no affect and all she said was "I'm sorry for everything" then logged out along with her party. After that happened I had logged out too and with the break coming to an end in the next short days I knew I would have some problems facing her again