After the incident in the game a few days had passed and it was time to go back to school, already. As I was walking to school in the morning I had noticed that Chloe and her friends weren't close by, which they usually are, but I just continued on my way to school. It was first period when I first saw Chloe and she looked as usual, and after class I was walking out to go eat lunch on the roof but I had noticed that she was sorta following me. I was on the roof alone eating when I had seen the door creek open and someone had come out, and it could've been anyone in the world but it had to be Chloe, I had to face her this time seriously. Chloe was looking very nervous as she approached me, she had had sat down right next to me and looked like she was going to cry. I wanted to get up and move but I didn't want to hurt her anymore so I all I said was "are you ok?" She started to cry as she said, "No Im no-*Sobs* not, I've messed up your life while I was also trying to be with you but I just fucked up even more." I was generally confused of what she sad, 'be with you', so I asked her, "It's ok I'm doing better now, but what you mean be with you." While we were talking some her guy friends were stalking us. I...I wanna be with you forever Sakurai, when she said that I felt something inside me light up like she was the was the flame that lit me up. I had no words after she had said that and it was silent till she had came closer and clinged on to me and said, "Please...Please forgive me." I...I felt warmth through my body with a gentle smile and said, "Forgive me for putting you through this," as I patted her head.
After a few minutes I said I had to leave to go do something so I left the rooftop and headed downstairs. I went outside behind the school to try and finish my lunch in peace until three upperclassman came around the corner and surrounded me. I had a straight face the whole time, I got up and faced them, they said in a disgusting tone "What you doing talking to Chloe now, weakling." One of the guys on my side tried to push me down but I dodged him and knocked him out, the other two had a stupid face while one of they tried to punch me but I shoved him to the ground. The last kid ran away scared while the other two were knocked out, after that I walked away and headed to class.