
"Alright everyone, I'm sure you all heard the bad news about Terasaka" said Isogai.

"Let's cut to the chase then. Okuda and I got some information from the Ministry of Defense about those assassins who killed Terasaka. They are in fact German" said Takabeyashi.

Okuda opened up her laptop and showed everyone photos of the armed men in yellow mask. "They are assassins, ten years ago they were allied with Japan trying to kill Koro Sensei. These same assassins are the ones that killed Terasaka" said Okuda confidently.

"Any idea why they would do this?" the orange boy Maehara asked.

Kataoka suggested three reasons for why they would kill Ryouma Terasaka.

"First off they might hate the entirety of Class 3E because we killed Koro Sensei and collect the 30 billion bounty. They might be pissed that they aren't the one that won it and to put fuel on the fire we brought most of that money to charity. Second it could be that the politician Augustus Cole's did something wrong and people hired assassins to kill him. Lastly Terasaka overheard things he shouldn't have because his lucks stinks" said Kataoka.

"Out of those three I think it is the second one. Augustus has a lot of secret that Terasaka might know. Maybe he was tortured for those secrets" said Itona. "Then no wonder he's dead. That idiot wouldn't rat out on his superior" Karma sighed. Karma went on his phone for a minute then showed everyone this morning's article. "Well at least now we know why Okajima isn't here yet," said Karma.

"Okajima died the same way Terasaka did. His eyes gouged out and his fingers broken. Death by torture" said Yoshida.

"OKAJIMA!" Kurahashi screamed. Nagisa stared closely at the photo of Okajima's corpse and knew something was up. "What Kataoka said earlier about they hate us. I bet they after all of us" said Nagisa deep in despair. Ritsu appeared on Isogai's phone and agreed. "Yes, these men will go to any length to kill us. Their next target will more likely be Toka Yada" said Ritsu.

"Huh why me?" Yada asked panicking.

"Terasaka, Okajima, Mimura and you are in the same city. Okajima and Terasaka died so there's no doubt in my mind the next target is either you or Mimura" said Ritsu confidently.

Kurahashi went to her knees and cried "We don't deserve this, why is this happening?!"

"Calm your ass down Kurahashi. Everyone should just come to my place if this is how things are gonna be" said Karma worriedly. "My house has more security and it can hold in all of you easily. What do you say?" Karma suggested. Okuda lifted Kayano's hands and said "Say yes Kayano, we can have a sleepover".

Everyone gradually agreed to Karma's request after thinking about each other's safety. "If we are all together then there's a lesser chance of assassination" said Okano. "That's just what we need right now" Maehara agreed. While everyone got ready to leave the old classroom Nagisa realized the deep depression Itona, Yada, Yoshida, Kirara, Mimura and Kurahashi were in. "They aren't going to take this lightly as the rest" he thought. He walked up to Yada who was the most scared of them all after hearing Ritsu's claim.

"Don't worry Yada, we're all here for you. There's no way you are going to die while I am here" Nagisa reassured. Yada grinned at his words and said "I'll hold you to it then Nagisa. Thank you". Her emotions flew up just by that little chatter. Nagisa made sure to keep a close eye on her from now on to ensure that her faith isn't sealed.

"As long as we are all together we should be fine" said Nagisa.

"If we are all in danger don't you think we should call Mr. Kurasama?" Kayano asked.

"He's going to pay me a visit two days from now. All the more reasons why you should just stay at my place" said Karma. We all went to Karma's house after packing what we needed. When they arrived Karma and Okuda asked them "Would you like separate bedrooms or one whole room that can fit all of us?"

"Separate rooms of course, I feel comfortable that way" said Nakamura.

"Suit yourself" Karma replied.

When everyone got settled Nagisa and Karma played cards while the others talked about their classmates' death. Some were still crying like Itona and Kurahashi while others remained calm like Isogai and Kanzaki. Kayano interrupted Nagisa's game of cards and asked "Do you know where any pudding is sold around here?"

"No I don't, Karma do you have any pudding?" Nagisa asked.

"No, I don't. Kayano aren't you worried that you are going to get fat or is that your aim" Karma teased. "Shut up, no one asked you" Kayano shouted.

"But seriously Nagisa you should turn her down more often when she asks for those things. Especially now that she's pregnant. Let her have a break from all that pudding" said Kanzaki worriedly.

"Easier said than done. She's addicted to them" Said Nagisa.

"I don't want to hear that mister. I'm glad I am here now, I will make sure Kayano eats healthy. It doesn't look like I can depend on you to do that" said kanzaki.

"Cold as ice" Sugino stated.

The day ended with everyone trying their hardest not to think about Okajima and Terasaka but it was all useless. The house became quiet and nobody was in the mood to talk to one another. They were all busy having inner monologues with themselves.

Yada was the first to head to bed and everyone followed her lead immediately after. While everyone went asleep Karma, Nagisa and Isogai remained awake. "How much security do you have?" Isogai asked Karma. "If someone as much as touched my gate I will be alerted through my phone. If someone tries to be a smartass and enter from underground or over my gate the cameras will catch them and the alarm system would go off. All my rooms have one password but I made sure not to tell any of you guys or anyone else for that matter" said Karma.

"We should be safe, at least for the first night" said Nagisa.

"I don't know, Terasaka was murdered yesterday and now today Okajima. I don't want it to happen but my gut is telling me someone is going to die tomorrow as well" said Isogai. Karma sucker-punched him in the face and said "Don't think that you idiot!"

Nagisa stood by at Yada's door making sure to guard her for the entire night. "Can't have you dying" Nagisa said strongly.