Mr Kurasuma

It has been a week now since Terasaka and Okajima were killed by German assassin's. It seems that their goal is to exterminate everyone who was apart of class 3e ten years ago. Toka Yoda was said to be their next target but for now she is still alive and well.

It was around noon when Nagisa finally left his room. Lately, Kayano has been giving him a headache about the letter he received. An invitation from the Ministry of Defense to join an elite group of assassins. Mr Kurasuma continuously gives the man praise for his talent so now Japan won't stop sending him letters or emails. "I swear, I might just take their offer if she's going to give me a headache" Nagisa said while yawning. Everyone was already up and ready for the day. Some watched television while others went to Karma's gym room. Most of the girls went out shopping with the protection of Karma and numerous bodyguards. The second Nagisa entered the living room, he was greeted by Sugino and Kaede.

"Nagisa! You finally left your room. How come?" asks Sugino. He looked like he already knew the answer. From Nagisa's expression when he laid eyes on his wife, anyone could tell. He had the look that wishes Kayano wasn't the first person he encountered for the day. She was eating pudding no less, a dessert that has recently been giving Nagisa nightmares "No particular reason. I just felt really tired this morning" Nagisa answered Sugino's question. After hearing his response, Kayano placed her pudding on the table then stood up. She ran towards her husband and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I know I have been annoying you lately. I am sorry for putting you through this. You already have so much on your plate" she suddenly apologized. Tears fell down her cheeks which softened Nagisa's heart. With a simple apology, Nagisa found new love for Kayano. To apologize for your actions before the person could complain about it. PERFECT!

The day continued normally. Nothing special happened. No one had plans on leaving Karma's house until they felt safe again. There has not been a single casualty since they moved to Karma's place. When it was dinner time, Kayano and all the men gathered in the dining room. It was 5 pm and none of the girls who went shopping has arrived yet. Isogai immediately got worried and gave Kataoka a call.


Thankfully, she answered the phone. "Where are you girls?" Isogai asks getting straight to the point.

"We're looking for Yada and Okuda. They said they were going to use the restroom but now they're gone. We're extremely worried. What if they are-"

"Stop, don't say it. You ladies hurry up and come home. The guys and I will take over your search" Isogai demanded.


"Get home now! We'll take over your search" Isogai said with more aggression in his voice. He did not even give Kataoka another chance to speak. He hung up the phone and immediately shouted Itona's name. The look of determination on Isogai's face was new for everyone. He was always the type that never gets angry over anything but now he's pissed. The thought of Yada and Okuda's death has definitely crossed his mind and it infuriates him. Itona wastes no time going on his laptop. Without the girl's knowledge, Itona took the liberty of adding and concealing tracking devices on all the girls clothes. Now he has no trouble tracking any of the girls except for two.

"Okuda and Yada's location are unknown. Everyone else is 15 km away approaching fast" Itona states. "Does this mean that there trackers are gone?" asked Karma breathing heavily.

"Having the girls go shopping was a mistake" Maehara told the guys. Chiba along with Isogai left the dining room in a rush. "Let's go, we're searching for them" he said desperately.

Karma agreed and gave five people car keys. "We'll split up in five groups. Kayano, you're no good in the state you're in. Takebayashi, watch over her until the ladies arrive" he said in a hurry as well. Kayano was ready to rebuke his words but Nagisa quickly left the room as well. Without saying a word. She wanted Nagisa to stay with her but there he goes. For the first time in a week, they all left the Akabane's Estate.

"Yada, Okuda. Please be alive"

"Please" Nagisa cried out in his mind.


In the end, only Okuda was found. She fell unconscious immediately after entering the bathroom with Yada. She also had Yada's phone in hand that explains the situation clearly. Okuda was in the public bathroom locker asleep the whole time. Karma took the phone from her and read her recent messages.

"Around 10am today Yada received a shocking message" Karma said gripping the phone tightly. The device was at the edge of breaking.

"Toka Yada, you have two choices. First choice, Die along with your friends, bodyguards and innocent bystanders. Second choice, enter the nearest public bathroom on your own as soon as the clock touches 10:10am" Karma read out loud. All the guys present felt hopeless. Yada went straight to her death behind everyone's back.

To protect her friends. Surely there was another way to have done this. Why follow the message's order?

Was it fear or something else? Maybe she saw something convincing while reading the message. It is too late to know what.

Once again, another member of the assassination classroom has died. From this day onwards Karma declared that no one will be leaving his home until Mr. Kurasuma come to their aid. Karma almost lost his wife okuda today. Imagine how terrified he must be feeling right now. Karma made sure not to let go of the life Yada saved. No one said it but everyone reached the same assumption. Yada was the one who knocked Okuda unconscious and hid her in the locker. She most likely did that to protect her since she could not stop Okuda from entering the bathroom with her.

The next morning, Yada's body appeared on the news. She died in a completely different way from Okajima and Terasaka. Her body was covered in small holes. Her legs looked as if they were burnt and her arms were broken. Another over the top assassination has occurred. "When did the murderer have time to do all those things to Yada?" Justice wondered. On that same morning Mr Kurasuma finally had a free schedule. He heard what happened and decided to see how they were doing. As soon as he arrived at Karma's place his pressed the buzzer to the gate multiple times before someone opened it. Surprisingly no one was at the gate to greet him. "Odd, they should know that I am coming today" Kurasuma said puzzled. He missed this morning's news so he is unaware of Yada's death. He is only aware of the other two Mr Kurasuma knock on the main house door but nobody answered or even opened it. He knock the door again but nobody came. Mr Kurasuma then got mad and pushed open the door. When he got inside his imagination ran wild for a sec. He pictured everyone like back then in junior high, when they were all young and naive. Too bad it was only a illusion. In reality he saw young adults with mad and sad faces crying and frowning. "Hey, I heard what happened it's a real travesty" Kurasuma said without a proper greeting. Mr Kurasuma received a cold glare from everyone inside the house. Though he was getting bad vibes from everyone, there was one person in particular who gave the man a scare. He turned his head to the direction he felt a huge amount of bloodline and saw Nagisa with the same eyes as when he was fighting Takahoka. With eyes like those, Kurasuma has no idea of what to say to him or anyone for that matter. Should he apologize for failing to protect their dear friends or cheer them up?
