Find The Target

The day has finally come. The ten who were chosen by the class will go to Kyoto to stop the German responsible for killing their dear friends. Their plan was simple yet sweet. First they asked the government to scout for a Mimuru look alike. With a little plastic surgery, anyone could take his look. Next, the fake Mimuru will be the one who hosts his puppet show while the real one is safe at Kurasuma's headquarters. Nagisa and the other nine will wait for the right moment when they see that Mimuru is in danger. Hopefully the target have no clue that his victims are planning for him. There is still no concrete evidence on how many targets there are. Once the assassins attack fake Mimuru, Nagisa and the other nine will ambush them immediately. They will do whatever is necessary even if it's to kill. On that morning everyone gathered outside of Karma's gate. Kayano forced on a wide smile towards everyone. She knew that she hasn't been supportive as of late so she is trying to change that.

"Hey before u guys leave, I need to name you first" said Akari. "Why am I not surprised" said Karma in a hurry. "You guys shall be called The E" said Akari.

"The E seriously Maehara said disappointed in her answer. "You can't be serious" Nakamura complained along with him.

"Nothing is wrong with it, E stands for Elite so you guys are the Elites of our class but I say the E for short" Kayano tried to explain. "OK fine well stick with the name" said Isogai.

"Let's go don't want to be late" said Itona starting to walk. " What are you talking about man? It's 6 in the morning while the puppet show starts at 2 pm, we are nowhere near late" said Justice. "But just to be really ready we must scout a spot so I can shoot them in the brain" said Hayami. "Wow calm yourselves everyone get in" said Nagisa taking charge. Everyone went into the van and drove away. The driver was Itona Horibe and that was a huge mistake. Itona was driving really fast, ignoring stoplights and almost hit people who were crossing the road. "Hey Itona, not so fast" screamed Kanzaki. Okano opened a paper bag and began to puke. "Okano is getting sick because of your insane driving" said Maehara. "I need another paper bag" Okano begged in pain. Nagisa gave her one and she threw up once more. Itona then took a sigh and said "fine, I'll take it easy from now on".

"OK good" Isogai said feeling relieved.

"But hey look we're already at Kyoto".

Itona didn't slow down because they asked him to, he slowed down because he made it to his destination. "Screw you man" smile karma. "Wow you guys made it to Kyoto really quickly, you really are the E" said Ritsu talking on Karma's phone. "Hey Ritsu we got here earlier than expected, what should we do now?" Nagisa asks for suggestions. "Oh wait until 12:00 just as planned, go do something until then" Ritsu said. "Hey Nagisa since we have time u wanna hang out, there's this new Sonic Ninja Volume I wanna buy" said Karma. Kanzaki looked at those two talking and she was a bit jealous.

"That Karma has always stole every chance I try to have a moment with Nagisa" Kanzaki said softly to herself. "Oh is that so" Nakamura replied with a devilishous smirk. 

With the look of shock, Kanzaki told Nakamura. "You heard me huh. Just my luck". Kanzaki was on the verge of panicking until Nakamura patted her on the shoulder. "Yeah and I'm surprised , you know that Nagisa is married to Akari and she is a close friend isn't she" said Nakamura. "Yeah you're right. I should forget about Nagisa. It's for the best and it avoids future conflict" sighed Kanzaki. Surprisingly Nakamura did not agree with that. She wanted to see a spicy love triangle in action more than anything right now. "Why do you suddenly have a crush on the guy?" Nakamura asks her with a slight grin. " I didn't have anything for him in junior high or in High school but then in college, we just started to hang out more often and before I knew I fell for him" said Kanzaki. 

"Well that's too bad, seriously though Nagisa and Kaede loves each other, I don't know what kind of person you'd be if you interfered but I think you should let him to know. Make Nagisa decide, knowing him he won't let this blow out of proportion. Plus I know you have a thing for Sugino as well and guess what he likes you too" Nakamura said starting to feel sorry for the pure girl. "Don't tell him that I told you" Kanzaki stated.

"Sure" Nakamura replied. Nagisa and Karma were walking around and they saw this person getting robbed. The man wore a black sweater with black heat in the scorching heat. His black hair was canoed down to his neck. The robber stole the guy's phone and tailed away. The man in black saw Karma and shouted to him "Stop him!".

By instinct, Karma did just that. He quickly ran and punched the robber in the face. He then emptied the robber's pocket and wallet. He took his money and continued to walk along with Nagisa. "What's the point in stealing from people while you're already rich" said Nagisa. "It's fun of course" Karma answered.

"I muted my phone for a long while now, if I unmute they'll be hundreds of phone calls popping up" said Karma. 

"I guess my life as a teacher isn't hard compare to yours huh", Nagisa said. "Yeah for sure, oh hey what did you tell the principal? You weren't going to school for awhile?" asked karma. "Yep, He wasn't happy and didn't want me to do that, so I had no choice but to quit my job" said Nagisa. "You sacrificed your job that takes guts" replied karma.

"Yep but I don't mind it's not the end of the world. Besides I am an ideal target their" said Nagisa. They made it to a comic book store and saw one sonic ninja volume left. Karma and Nagisa then glared at each other. "Back off man, that's mine" Karma said with his most intense look. "Like hell it is, it's mine" Nagisa replied strongly. They began to bicker over who should get the last volume.

"Hey you two aregrown adults, don't fight over a book, I'll take it to solve all your problems" said a familiar stranger. It was the man who was getting robbed of his phone earlier. "I can't believe I forgot about you". The man ran to the cashier and bought. He left the store right after.

"That bastard!" Nagisa shouts.

"Don't let him get away! The idiot forgot I have his phone" Karma shouted as well. Nagisa and Karma ran and chase after the man with the intent to kill. In bout 12 minutes they finally caught to him. "Hey give us that volume or else, you die" Karma said clinging his fist.

" Forget him give it to me, u don't wanna die do you?" asks Nagisa. "Hey guys calm down, my name's Cj and we can just read it together you know. Also the red head has my phone. Could you give it back" said the man in black.

"Read together, I never thought of that" said karma. "Maybe I can try" Nagisa said bluntly. "Good let's start at page one".

Two hours later Nagisa, Karma and Cj finished the volume. "Wow what a huge twist! I never thought the Sonic Ninja brother controlled his girlfriend's brother to do such evil things" said Karma. "Yeah that was awesome" said Nagisa. "Yeah no kidding" agreed. "Oh and by the way, I need to talk to the rest of your group" said Cj.

"Why? You know about us?" asked Nagisa. "Uncle told me about you guys" said Cj.

"Who's your uncle?".

" Uncle Kurasuma. He said I should give you guys a hand since I'm in Kyoto too" Cj said with a smirk.

" You're Mr Kurasuma's nephew, I didn't saw this coming, let's go back to the van" Nagisa said. When they made it back to the van. Itona was seen doing something to the fake Mimuru. He was giving him pointers for the puppet show he has to perform today. Nagisa introduced everyone to Cj. They were surprised that Kurasuma had a nephew. They all waited patiently to set their plan in motion. Hayami found the perfect spot it's, on top of a skyscraper building that's 16 kilometers away from the play Kataoka will be in . It was finally time for the play in the parade to begin. At 1:56 pm, Everyone gathered around and started to watching the Mimuru puppet show. It was the main talk of the town for weeks. Before it even began, their was already an huge audience. Hayami was at her position while everyone was all over the show disguised as vendor men or watch guards. Mimuru went out to greet her audience. Suddenly out of nowhere, a man who took out a knife and swiftly stabbed the fake Mimuru in the heart. In his mind, he has succeeded but in reality. He killed a man forgotten by society, no one worth anything that the government's toy. Cj appeared behind the man and pulled out his own dagger. Cj ran an sliced off one of his arms and stab a hole threw the other one in quick succession. "Wow he's good" Karma said still not revealing himself just yet. "Hey u, where are your friends?' asked Cj. Cj was in the enemy's sniper's range. The sniper was about to shoot Cj in the head but Ritsu already alerted Itona about the sniper. Itona made it in time and he shot the sniper in the Head with his CR7. "Hey remember we must at least save one of them" said Ritsu. "Yeah well it looks like Cj is going to keep the guy mixed with the audience alive so no worries" said Itona. Nagisa then revealed himself with two dead bodies in his hands. "Good job Nagisa, these pro assassins had nothing on us". Justice and Okano who were pretending to be vendors saw a vendor taking out a gun. Okano shoot one of them first and Justice with his quick speed he knock the other vendor out. Maehara, Isogai and Kanzaki were the guards . Five gunmen come at them telling them to move. Just because Isogai and the others don't know if they're apart the German people but Maehara killed them all with his AK74. "Hey, Why did u kill them?" Kanzaki asked. "Well they obviously looked like the enemy and they have guns about to shoot us" Maehara replied. "Remember guys we're supposed to keep one of them alive" said Isogai. "Everything seems to be moving smoothly" said Karma still hiding waiting to see if anyone will go gang up on Cj. "Smoothly huh, you gonna die a voice" said behind red head. Karma turned around and saw a man which is about to stab him. "Damn it" Karma said.