The Reaper

"Well things are moving smoothly"

Karma sighed with relief after seeing everyone's performance. He might not need to step in at all. Little did he know, someone snuck behind him ready to strike.

"Smoothly huh, you're gonna die".

Upon hear the stranger's voice behind him, Karma only had on thing to say. "Damn it". The man had a knife in his hand and was going to stab karma. It was so sudden, karma didn't have time to dodge. When the knife started to pierce his skin, the man was shot in the head by a sniper. Immediately he knew who was responsible.

"Thanks for that Hayami" said Karma through his transmitter.

"No prob, I am the sniper after all, that's my job, no one can sneak up on you while I'm in the area and better yet Isogai ditched bodyguard costume and is watching over me if anyone attacks" said Hayami.


Meanwhile Cj was torturing the poor fake actor. "Hey, where's your leader ?" he asked.

"Kill me! I'm not telling you anything" said the actor.

Cj the took the knife out of his hand and stab a whole through it once more. "Aaaaahhh!!" the man screamed. "Now tell me, where is your leader?" asked Cj. "Nooooo!" the man screamed. Cj then took out pepper spray and paint. He started to Mix pepper spray with paint and rubbed it on the man's face. The man screamed in agony and said no once again. Cj was really pissed off that the man is holding up for so long.

" I quit I'm just gonna kill you and leave" said Cj disappointed with his victim. Cj took out his gun and aimed directly at him with cold eyes. Just now it finally dawned on the victim, he won't ever see the light of day again if Cj pulls the trigger.

"Fine I'll tell you. he's on top of the Alien Studio building" said the man begging for his life. "It's about damn time" Cj replied.


Cj aimed his gun at the man and shot his victim in the head twice. "That bastard, I thought he was going to let him be for now" said karma still hiding in the bushes. Cj then told everyone where the leader is through their communication transmitter. "Nagisa, you're the closest one to Alien Studio. Go and capture their leader, I know you can handle it, plus Itona will be on his way to back you up" said Karma. "Fine, if I must". The joy in Nagisa's voice could be heard by everyone. He made it so obvious that he wanted to catch the leader more than anyone else. He is really happy that he's the one who's gonna fight the leader. "I'll be sure to avenge you Yada, oh and of course, Terasaka and Okajima".

Nagisa ran to Alien Studio. It took him 7 minutes to arrive. Cj instructed him to head on top of the roof. "Careful Nagisa, your overconfidence could lead to your death" Karma warns his dear friend. "I understand that all too well. I'm about to be a father you know", Nagisa took a fine time to brag about that fact. "Precisely why I am warning you. Engage only when you're sure of victory. Wait for Itona to be safe" Karma added. In response to Karma's worry, Nagisa turned off his transmitter when he made it on the final floor.

Arriving at the door handle leading to the roof, Nagisa felt that something was wrong. If the leader of assassins truly is on top of this roof then that means Nagisa made it here too easy. "Is this a trap?I better play safe".

Nagisa took a couple steps back and threw a small impact Grenade to explode the door right open. The door handle felt suspicious, he acted upon his instincts and opened the door a flashy way. The bomb was created by Itona for this type of situation. "Good job Itona" Nagisa commended.

Confirming his suspicion, Nagisa heard a loud voice laughing. "Hahahahaha, you're smart guy! If you even had turned that handle you would have been electricuted with 7000 volts in which you would've died".

The man laughing on the roof had short white hair, his face was very familiar. Nagisa was too shocked to even speak after recognizing that face.

"It's your friendly neighborhood The Reaper" the man introduced. The leader of assassins killing former Class 3E students is non other than a former foe.

"What!? I thought Koro Sensei killed you just before he died" Nagisa said confused.

"No talk, if you manage to capture me, I'll say a thing or two" said the reaper. Nagisa didn't stand a chance against him in junior high, he didn't even last 10 seconds. Now Nagisa hasn't trained for ten years so most likely he's still in a disadvantage. Nagisa took out his gun deciding he should attack from a distance, if he even lay a finger on Nagisa, he'll most likely be dead.

Nagisa shot him but the reaper impressively dodged the bullet. Though he dodged the bullet, Nagisa was still surprised at the Reaper's speed. It is way slower than ten years ago. When the reaper moves, it should be impossible to follow him with the human eye but Nagisa just did.

"Huh? Hey you used to could have move at Mach 23 which was faster than koro sensei, why you moving so slow now" Nagisa couldn't help but dodge. The reaper ignored his question then hold Nagisa by the head. Though he is remarkably slower now, he still faster than Nagisa could ever reach. The Reaper squeezed him to the point Nagisa screamed.


He screamed so loud even Itona could hear him. Fortunately, he was just downstairs running up. It is only a matter of time till he reaches on the roof. When Itona made it he saw a creature identical to the Reaper squeezing Nagisa's head like a marshmallow. Itona jump kicked the reaper in the face with no regards if Nagisa was hurt. The reaper lost his balance giving Nagisa sweep the Reaper off his feet. Once he fell on his face, Nagisa and Itona quickly backed away gaining as much distance as possible. If Itona had moved his kick slightly to the left, Nagisa's face would have gotten the blow instead of The Reaper.

"Be more careful Itona. You could have hurt me" Nagisa complained. "Sorry but, you should rather be hurt by me than squeezed to death by him right?". Nagisa could not complain against that truthful statement. The two held down the reaper but he was too strong. They were gradually getting overwhelmed. Nagisa's biggest fear right now is if they let him go, the Reaper will use the stunn clap. Itona then took out his knife and stabbed his head.


His head is as hard as a rock. Nagisa then shot his head causing the Reaper to stop moving. "Is he dead?" asked Itona. "Let's go see".

They got off of the reaper and turned around his body. The reaper's eyes was wide open and smiling. "Fooled yah!" the Reaper grinned. Nagisa and Itona quickly gained some distance and open fire. They shot at the reaper relentlessly. The Reaper was not fast enough to dodge them all. "Damn he's slow" Itona said surprised.

He's taking bullets in the head and all over but he's still standing. Any other suggestions?" Nagisa asked. The reaper jumped up in the air and was about to use stunn clap. At that moment Itona also jumped in the air and open fire once more. Itona threw grenades he made at the reaper but they didn't do that much damage. Itona and The Reaper went toe to toe for about a minute. The reaper ran up to itona with unbelievable speed and bit him. His teeth was sinked in Itona's right hand. "AAAAAHHH!!"

The Reaper then stabbed a hole in his neck with his bare hands alone. Itona was finished, he fell on the ground but still draws breath. The reaper took Itona's gun from him and aimed directly at his forehead. "Damn it, so that's how it is, I'm sorry Terasaka".


"No! It's too early to give up. As long as you can breathe, you have a wide option of probabilities and possibilities, like for example wait on yiur friend to save you" Nagisa lectures. While Itona received a harsh beating, Nagisa had the chance to prepare a surprise. Itona was shocked when he saw Nagisa with a rocket launcher. Same goes for The Reaper, the odds of him surviving a launcher must be slim.

"You're bluffing!" The Reaper starts to get nervous. Nagisa could tell by his sudden change of breathing pattern and trembling. "You focused too much on Itona which gave me enough time for this, so I must thank u" while saying those words Nagisa smiled blissfully at his foe. Itona and Nagisa made eye contact and at that moment Itona wasn't all that worried anymore. Itona felt something hooked up on him with a rope. The ropes coming from a helicopter that is at a far range. Nakamura was the one holding the rope. She then dragged the rope and took Itona off the roof. Since Itona was paralyzed he didn't move all that much. He was just being dragged up in the air by a helicopter. "That Nagisa he sure is something. He had faith you would survive the Reaper for a couple minutes" Nakamura compliments.

"To think that he made Itona take all the beating just for me to get a helicopter. Then he hid a rocket launcher somewhere on the 4th floor and took it. Its almost like he already planned this" Nakamura smiled. To Itona, the most impressive trait Nagisa displayed was his disappearance. Neither him or The Reaper realized when he left the fight or did we remember him at any point in time. "When did Nagisa leave me by myself? I never noticed until now" Itona stated.

"You're joking. Didn't you deliberately take the beating for Nagisa to leave?" Nakamura asked with doubt.

"No he just vanished at some point under our noses" he answered. Itona and Nakamura were reminded of how terrifying Nagisa can be as an assassin.

"What the hell!" the Reaper turned around and saw Itona being sent in a helicopter. "It's just you and me" Nagisa smirked. The tables swiftly turned, can the Reaper dodge this attack?

"Ah come-on man, koro sensei wouldn't be happy if you kill me now would he?" the reaper said trying hos bedt to persuade. "Koro Sensei left us a book for each of us, it contains a life guide. In every book he wrote he made it clear to everyone that we should defend ourselves and look out for each other. That's exactly what I'm doing by killing you" Nagisa said getting pissed.

Nagisa shoots the Rocket Launcher. The reaper couldn't dodge and took a direct hit. The reaper's body and organs scattered all over the place nothing of him was left. "This time I make sure you are dead" Nagisa hopes. The Rocket launcher caused a explosion to other buildings and massive damage. At that moment he remembered. "Hey Nagisa I'm proud of you. Nagisa, I don't want you to kill me out of rage, just take a deep breath and strike" words of Koro Sensei filled his mind the moment he claimed his second kill. Nagisa drew up all his tears and strike koro sensei in his heart. "Don't kill out of anger huh, I guess I took that lesson to heart". He smiled while looking at the destruction he has made. Everyone was looking at what happened to the roof of Alien Studio. The police came and Karma started to talk to them. Little citizen was hurt so they weren't in much trouble as long as the charges were covered. Nagisa was walking downstairs exhausted. Luckily he saw Kanzaki and she was willing to help him walk.


"Hey Nagisa".

"Yes Kikiko?". Kanzaki was a bit shocked to hear Nagisa calling her by her first name. Kanzaki blushed a bit. Nagisa noticed it and said "Sorry, was that a bit awkward for you, me calling you Kikiko".

"No it's fine you may call me Kikiko from now on" said kanzaki happily. "Ok thanks" replied Nagisa.


"Umm Nagisa" Kanzaki said with a low tone.

"Yes Kikiko?".

"Um I think I lo.. I , never mind" kanzaki turned her face away from Nagisa for him not to see her red cheeks. The two were the first to make it in the van. Hayami came a few minutes after. Eventually everyone made it including Cj, who seems to be sticking around for now. The police understands what happened and didn't lock up Nagisa and the others in prison. Mr Kurasuma paid for all the damages. Later on in about 8:15 pm. Karma video called Kataoka and told her that the mission was a success. The leader is dispose of so everyone should be alright.

"You are safe now, tell everyone that" Karma said with a pleased tone. The last one to arrive in the van was Itona, he had to pay a visit to the hospital first accompanied by Nakamura. "I still can't believe that the leader of those assassins was The Reaper" said Itona.

"Yeah I know right, we were totally lucky, for some reason he wasn't moving at Mach 23" replied Nagisa. "Well I really think we should celebrate than talking about that" said Okano.

"Yeah she's right, we successfully beat the crap out of those guys on our first try"said Maehara.

"I'll go get the drinks"Justice wholeheartedly agrees. Six hours of drinking and playing games everyone went to bed except for Nagisa and Kanzaki. Nagisa saw Kanzaki getting up out of the van and went outside. Nagisa followed her. "Hey what are you doing out here this late?" asked Nagisa. "Oh I'm just taking some fresh air" replied Kanzaki with her usual smile. "Oh, I'll join you then". The second Nagisa walked beside Kanzaki, he noticed a change within her.

"Kikiko, I can tell by your heartbeat that you're nervous and hiding something from me this entire time, now's a good opportunity to tell me"

"You realized, I should've known"

" What is it you wanna tell me?" asked Nagisa.

"I'm in love with you, ever since you and I was in college I just gradually fall for u before I knew it I had feelings for you, I know you are married now and I'm not trying to drift you and Kayono apart. Does this make me a bad person?"


"These feelings, damn it all. I am trying my best to bury them but i can't". Soon she begun to cry her eyes out. Nagisa wrapped his arms around her, uncertain of what to say. He wants to turn her down in a way she won't be too depressed.

"No you are not a bad girl. Thank you for being honest and I'm sorry I can't return those feelings to you. Kayano is my soulmate but if it makes you feel any better. I'm fond of you than most girls" said Nagisa scratching his hair.

The atmosphere became awkward so Kanzaki sighed "It's okay, I'm just glad I got that weight off my chest".

"Me too"