Cj's Mission

Three days had passed since the incident in Kyoto. News about what happened on top of the Alien Studio Building had been kept to a minimum. The only thing revealed to the public was that an assassin was murdered. Details regarding Nagisa and the others were kept a secret thanks to the Ministry of Defense's involvement.

Originally, everyone was supposed to head home once the mission was completed. Nakamura changed the plan suddenly on the day when everyone was going to head home.

"Hold It, Everyone!"

"We're in Kyoto people, are we going to leave without at least enjoying ourselves a little!?" she complained.

"We can do that back home can't we?" Maehara asked, uncomfortable with the idea.

"No! No! We just killed the Reaper. Surely we are deserving of some kind of reward" Nakamura shouted in response. Her true motive revealed itself, all she wanted was to be rewarded for her efforts. Killing the Reaper is no small feat, she most likely assumed the government would compensate her in some way.

...But they didn't...

Now she feels like she's heading home empty-handed.

"Listen, we came here not to be rewarded by the government remember? Our purpose here was to put a stop to the assassin killing our friends. That was all, us gathering like this is an award on its own" said Kanzaki with a gentle smile.

"Aww come on people, just three days. Let's just spend three more days in Kyoto, that's all I ask"

"I'm out," said Itona before exiting the van.

Itona had a business to run, so he didn't see the need to indulge in Nakamura's change of plans. Terasaka's killer has been dealt with, he sees no reason to waste any more time not working.

Once he left Nagisa bowed his head in apology.

"Sorry, I'm leaving as well. I'm worried about Kaede's health. She needs my company more than ever now" As he uttered those words, he left the van to catch up with Itona. Kayano has been very paranoid about Nagisa leaving her side, the last thing the poor guy wanted was to be yelled over it.

When those two left the van, the eight who remained inside agreed with Nakamura's statement.

"We can spend two more days in Kyoto. I have some business here so what do you guys think?"

"No problem dude, we'll celebrate here and that celebrate again in Karma's Estate. It's a win-win" Maehara chuckled.

Karma did the liberty of calling the rest of his former classmates who were waiting for them at his house. He made them aware of their plans to stay in Kyoto for two more days.

Three hours later after that decision was made, they formed pairs then traveled around the city. Maehara and Isogai were at the gym, Nakamura and Kanzaki were out shopping for new clothes, and Justice and Karma decided to spend the day at a comic book store while Okano and Hayami went to get their nails done. Everyone's activity was being monitored simultaneously by one man.

This man was given an important task regarding the former Class 3E students. He was to convince ten talented individuals from that group to join a Special Squad meant to capture/kill monsters. Monsters like Koro Sensei and The Reaper. While he was in the middle of observing his targets inside his apartment, his phone began to ring.

"Hmm, it's Uncle Kurasuma," he said with a sigh.

The second he answered the phone, Mr. Kurasuma launched questions at the man.

"Cj, how are things going? You manage to convince any of them yet?"

"No, I haven't tried to convince anyone so far. I'm just observing them for right now"

Cj had made contact with Nagisa and his group to help kill The Reaper, but that's all he did. He failed to convince anyone to join the Special Squad. The Squad's purpose is to eliminate monsters who are secretly roaming Japan, murdering the innocent.

"What are you waiting for, The destruction of the moon again!? Get to work!" Mr. Kurasuma shouted before hanging up the call.

"Jeez, why was I given such a tedious task" Cj murmured to himself. Judging from what he observed so far, the former students of Class 3E are all living happily. They have no reason to be interested in joining a Squad meant to take lives.

"Well, orders are orders....for now anyways" From the list of targets, two of them already left Kyoto early this morning. He scanned through everyone several times before he picked his first target.

"Rinka Hayami is probably a good place to start. If I can convince her, a great chance I can convince everybody" Cj told himself.

On his monitor screen, Hayami had just finished getting her nails polished with Okano. After the two women separated, Hayami headed to R.A. CAFE.

Cj headed there as well, with one goal in mind. To persuade her to join his Special Squad.

When Cj entered the cafe, he saw Hayami sitting by herself at the very back. He quickly took the seat before her and then greeted her. "Hey Hayami, remember me?"

"Cj, what are you doing here?" Hayami asked surprised. On the table were three cups of green tea, and one of them was half empty. Cj did not know where to start. Should he ask Hayami how her day has been so far? Or should he address what is on the table?

"Well, why are you here?" she asked growing impatient. She glared at him, yearning for her alone time again.

"Three teas, why do you have three teas on the table!? When you finish the first one, the other two will just get cold won't it?" Cj asked curiously.

"I am not the one who ordered this. I only asked for one tea, and two other people around this table ordered tea as well. They left before they even started drinking"

Cj knew Hayami was lying through her teeth. He has been watching her every move until the waiter approached her. He did not know what she ordered for certain, but there wasn't anyone who was around the table with her at any given time before Cj. There were other factors too, Cj looked into her background before meeting her. What she had been through after graduating junior high?

"I see, this is a calming ritual isn't it?"

Hayami's eyes widened in shock upon hearing that. It looks as if Cj was correct.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"Well, your lie wasn't convincing at all"

"I also have a similar habit. Whenever I order coffee, I ask for two of them instead of one. I know I can only manage one but I do buy two every time. There's something about the future you and I are scared of, we're similar in that regard"

A Calming Ritual is a process about what will work for you and your life depending on your age and personality. It can be anything, as long as it calms the mind. This ritual is used when someone is under a lot of stress and pressure, most adults mistake calming rituals for typical activities such as watching movies, reading a book, or playing games. Things that let them escape reality for a brief period. That is not the case most times, the bizarre action one takes to calm down, an action that works 100% of the time is what's considered Calming Ritual.

Right now, Hayami is under plenty of stress on a daily basis and Cj knows why. Two years ago, Hayami got into a car accident which resulted in temporary disability in her arms.

It was late at night, the street was empty and hardly any cars were driving on the road. Hayami was on her way back home when she heard the sound of a cat. By sheer coincidence, she saw an injured kitty laying in the middle of the road. Her instinct sprung into action upon seeing the injured animal. As she ran out on the road to pick up the kitty, a van suddenly appeared at top speed. The van ran her over and killed the cat in the process. For the past thirteen months, Hayami couldn't use her arms properly. The doctor states that her deltoid muscles were badly torn.

With hard work and perseverance, she managed to undergo the surgery needed to treat her arms. After one month of having her arms immobilized in a sling, she began to lift objects with her hands again.

Though she is treated, the injuries from that car accident still haunt her. There are times when she feels her arms giving up on her without warning. She can tell her arms are not fully healed and never will be. At any moment, her arms could give up on her again. This fear caused her to panic and that's how her habit of ordering three teas came to be.

Tea is the perfect weight for Hayami to test her hands with daily, if she can confidently lift three cups of tea without trouble. She knows her hand is in good shape for the day, if not she will make sure not to exert herself. If a day passed when her Calming Ritual was not performed, she would be mentally drained for the entire day.

"You know everything, I can see it written all over your face," said Hayami finishing her first cup of tea. She immediately picked up her second and then told Cj "I don't take long to finish a cup, so the tea never gets cold"

Cj did not deny her claim. "Yeah, I did research on your past before coming here so I understand your situation. I dare say, it was reckless of you to pick up a sniper rifle when you know your arms aren't in the best of shape"


"What do you mean 'and' ? You could have gotten seriously hurt" Cj told her.

"I did it knowing the consequences. I lift that rifle to prevent any more of my friends from dying and I would do it again in a heartbeat" Hayami's words struck a core in Cj. This is what he wanted to hear, the determination he could take advantage of.

"You don't say, There are other monsters similar to the Reaper ya know. They are going to hunt down your friends until you all are dead. What will you do?" Cj told her a lot in just two sentences.

It took a while for Hayami to process everything. Other monsters exist other than Koro-sensei and The Reaper, those monsters' targets are the former student of Class 3E.

Hayami gulped down the second cup of tea still in thought. "Hmm, if the opportunity arises, I will shoot them dead".

Cj clapped at her response. "Good, that's what I love to hear. I feel the same way. I know your arms are a ticking time bomb but I would like to make use of them nevertheless. Please join my squad".


Cj leaned over to Hayama then whispered in her ear. "Ministry of Defense has been tracking the monster's whereabouts. They are all currently located in Japan sharing the same purpose, to kill you and your friends. Help me save your friends, that's all I ask"

Hayami picked up her third and last cup. Before she drank it, tears fell down her cheeks. "Why are my friends being targeted?" she asked Cj.

"Wish I knew"

"Until I know that answer, I will become a temporary member of your squad then" She was still crying as she spoke.

Cj succeeded in convincing the first target to join the Ministry of Defense Special Squad, the squad has yet to be given a unique name. This is Cj's biggest chance to convince everyone, they recently experienced combat with The Reaper and gangsters. There's no better time to recruit his targets before they return to their everyday lives.

After getting Hayami's seal of approval, Cj proceeded to his next target. Before the day end, he wishes to convince at least four people.

As soon as Cj left the cafe, he bumped into Okano who was still hanging around these parts. "You were just speaking to Hayami weren't you Cj?" she immediately questioned.

"Yes, this is perfect timing. I was just about to look for you" Cj replied.


Just when their conversation seemed to be heading somewhere, two guys interrupted. They stood beside Okano, and one of them was patting her on the head. Hiroto Maehara and Yuma Isogai appeared at the scene.

"Yo, it's Cj!" Maehara greeted.

"Good afternoon," said Isogai.

This was good, now Cj has the opportunity to convince three of his targets simultaneously. Hayami was still inside the cafe, looking at everyone through the glass window.

"Can I talk to the three of you inside the cafe? It's important" Cj told them.

"Sure man, I can see Hayami in there too"

"She's who I came to get actually" Okano added.

The four of them entered the cafe and gathered around Hayami's table. Her alone time had vanished once again thanks to Cj.

"Why did you people have to come here? There are plenty of other seats"

"Cold, you know you love our company" Maehara tried to tease.

"I figured you could help me convince them Hayami. I am about to ask them the same thing I ask of you" Cj told Hayami. She nodded in response, indicating that she would help.

"Alright, what do you three think about joining the Ministry of Defense's Special Squad?" Cj whispered.


"No way!"

"I'm too busy for that"

"Think I'll pass, sorry"

None of the three considered the proposal. This forced Cj to reveal the big secret he was trying his best to save for later. He took a photo out of his pocket and then rest it on the table for all to see.

The photo of The Reaper, or so it looks at first glance. The truth is, the photo is of a creature similar to The Reaper, a purple creature on three legs with four sharp and pointy tentacles.

"Who's that!? I thought we were finished with that monster" Okano said frustrated.

"Don't tell me, are they still mass-producing these tentacle-like creatures somewhere?" Isogai asked catching on pretty quickly.

"Yeah, that's the gist of it. The origin of these creatures is unknown at the moment. All we know is that you guys are their targets for the time being. So, willing to give me a hand? It can be temporary involvement if you like. If we successfully eliminate every tentacle creature, you'll be handsomely rewarded...I think"

"You think!" Maehara repeated upsettingly.

"Hmm, with this piece of info in mind. I have to take part in this, if you're speaking the truth that means my friends are still in danger. The mission to Kyoto was just the beginning" said Isogai.

After Isogai agreed to join the Special Squad, Maehara felt obligated to do the same. Okano crossed her fingers and then joined as well.

"Wow, I sure hope this doesn't disrupt my gym classes" Okano sighed.

"It definitely will" Cj replied.

Later on that day, Cj met up with Karma and Justice. They had just left the comic book store with loads of bags in their hands. They might as well buy the entire store judging from the books they bought.

On their way to the van, Cj invited them into his car for a private chat. Karma kept a strong grip on his bag of comics, remembering how Cj was also a fan of comic books.

"Be at ease, I won't steal any of your books"

"Of course, you'd say that" Karma giggled in reply.

"So, what do you need us for?" Justice asked nervously.

This time, Cj cut straight to the chase by showing them the photo of a tentacle monster. Upon seeing the photo, Justice, and Karma stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"PHOTOSHOP!" they both shouted in unison.

"Get real! This photo is the real deal" Cj replied annoyed.

"Show us proof then".

"I am wasting time here, tell you what.....umm, if you join my special squad then I'll give you anything you want," Cj told them. Upon prior research on Karma Akabane, he already knew negotiation would go in smoke if he is not willing to reward him something immediately. He is already a rich man, no amount of reward money is enough to persuade him, and if Cj told Karma everything in exact detail. There's a chance he will just act on his own and not join the Ministry of Defense since he is loaded with cash. Cj is saving plenty of time by skipping several steps.

"You're funny, there's nothing you have that I want" Karma smirked.

"You sure? You two were in that comic store for a long time. I imagine you were searching for a certain volume. In a new release for Ghost Rebellion Ark 3, some madman bought out the entire stock in Japan. He's a pretty cruel son of a bitch don't you think" said Cj with an evil smirk similar to Karma.

"Hmm, I'll simply travel overseas then" Karma replied.

"I understand, by the time you make it over there I am sure everyone will buy them out. They are limited after all hehehehe. Wonder which psycho bought all the copies?"


"Hahahaha, call me whatever you like. I have the volume you were searching for today. Now, join my squad and I'll hand the two of you a copy" Cj told them.

Without too much thought, Karma agreed to Cj's claims. Justice however was reluctant.

"What the heck! I'm in too"

The next day, Cj woke up feeling confident about himself. The mission he was given felt hopeless at first, but that's only because he did not attempt it until yesterday. Getting his target's cooperation was easier than he had imagined. The only people remaining were Kanzaki, Nagisa, Itona, and Nakamura. This was the final day before everyone leaves Kyoto, he needs to hurry.

He asked for Isogai's help to gather Nakamura and Kanzaki in his apartment room. Around 10 am, Isogai brought the two women to meet Cj.

"Good morning you two, how have you been?"

"Ok, I'm pretty bored already" replied Nakamura.

"Good morning Cj, Isogai already told us about the situation on our way here"

"Really! Then that saves me plenty of time" said Cj relieved.

"I'll join temporarily, only to kill these tentacle creatures. Afterward, I'm leaving" said Kanzaki.

"Protecting my friends is a must, getting cash for it is just a delightful bonus" Nakamura added.

Since they were in Cj's apartment, he showed them more photos to further prove the existence of the monsters.

Two hours later over in Tokyo, Nagisa was in the middle of feeding his wife Kaede pudding. They were still staying over at Karma's estate.

"You full yet Kaede?"

"Yup, thanks honey". Kataoka entered their room glaring at Nagisa. He was under strict orders not to feed Kaede any sweets for the day. She has been eating way too much lately.

"Consider her health before you act Nagisa, she's not eating for only herself anymore. Understand!"

Nagisa went to his knees and apologize.

"Hahaha, leave poor Nagisa alone. He did nothing wrong you know. Comforting me in my time of need is the right thing to do"

"There are many ways to comfort someone that's not making them unhealthy" Kataoka replied.

After Kataoka left the room, Kaede rested on her bed. "Our family will be filled with happiness and warmth won't it?"

Kaede had asked Nagisa this question for the fourth time today. It got old real fast. "I promise, I won't leave you for the final time. The question is getting repetitive"

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just...my nightmares haven't gone away yet. I still have a bad feeling, that you'll leave me and our child. I don't know what to think of myself, to be having these negative dreams over and over....I-I" Kaede's eyes were filled with tears. She wept herself to sleep while Nagisa held her right hand tightly. The moment she fell asleep, Nagisa's phone started to ring.



"I understand, I'll help in any way I can"


"Just one thing though, it will only be temporary. I am not interested in being the government's pet".

When the call ended, Nagisa couldn't help but stare at his sleeping wife. "Sorry hun, I did something grave behind your back. I hope you can forgive me".

As for the final target Itona, he accepted Cj's offer after an one-hour negotiation. Itona forced Cj to make him deposit 300000 yen into his business account every month for his cooperation. Cj's mission was now complete, with this team of ten he will be tasked to eliminate the tentacle monsters covertly.

"I look forward to working with everyone"