And the 6 Candidates Are...

"Let's start!!!" I say and we begin looking through the 20 candidates that are left. After searching for some time, each of us pull out at least 1 person we felt should go and put them in a different pile.

We did these 2 more times leaving only 8 people left.

"Phew. 8 people left then!" Fran says. And I look at them and my eyes open wide.

"Wait! I know 6 of these guys! These are the 6 guys I've been hearing about for the past couple of months on my "daily radio station rich person broadcasting!!!" I say excitingly and everyone looks at me. "What? They talk about rich people in our country and around the world and I've heard their names and somehow, they're all here! The name was just something I called it myself"

"So, do you think this is a sign?" Harriet says.

"Hm, maybe. Do you like the other 2 guys?" I ask.

"Which are?" Victoria says. I laugh at myself.

"Sorry. Grey Harrison, Charles Edward, Rudy Gifford, Katsuki Tanaka, Leo Fonseca, and Isaac Monash are the guys I was talking about so the other 2." They all look through them and say...

"I think your 6 guys are the best options." I smile.

"Look at this. How the tides have seriously turned. Guess it's time to call each of them then." The girls start clapping while also looking extremely tired. So before leaving the room I do a group hug.

"Thanks, girls for helping me this entire month," I say.

"That's what friends are for!!" Fran says.

I leave the room and head for outside her house.

"Hello, this is Elizabeth Carnell. I am calling to let you know that you are one of the final 6 candidates for the marriage candidacy and when I announce at a press conference again that I've chosen the 6 candidates, you'll hear the instructions of what to do after. Thanks for applying and for going through so much to do this for me. Just be on the lookout for that press conference!" I leave this message as a voicemail to each of the 6 candidates, not looking for any reply before heading back inside.

"So Harriet, your designing went well? I heard from my butler that the 6 rooms look nicely prepared and the house looks well done too." She smiles.

"Yes, I had soooo much fun doing that for you. Would you pay me to do that again?" She smiles cutely at me.

"Sure. You can even bring my niece and nephew over for me to see them again. I haven't seen your kids in ages!! They're probably missing their aunty." I say thinking about their cute faces. She laughs before saying,

"Sure. They talk about you a lot. Especially when you're on TV." I pump my fist in the air.

"I'm the best aunty right?" And both Fran and Victoria glare at me.

"Excuse me? No!! Nina and Theo love me more!!!" Fran says enthusiastically.

"What no!!! They love me and my boyfriend more! Isn't that right honey?!!" Victoria says looking behind her at her boyfriend who is clearly snoozing away before sighing. "Whatever... we just are!!" We all laugh before it's time to part ways and I head home.


I lie on my bed looking at my phone when it says I got a message from Leo Fonseca. I stare at it before reading it.

Leo: Hey beautiful, it's been a while. 😘

Me: Uhhh, hi?

Leo: I saw where you left the message that I'm part of the final 6 candidates

Me: Yep. But I forgot, who are you again?

Leo: Come on Eliza! Our grandfathers have been friends for years and we're both in the business field. Both CEOs of our family's businesses? 😲

I think back before realizing as a kid, I used to visit the Fonseca family a lot because grandfather was good friends with Leo's grandfather.

Me: Ohhhhh. It HAS been a while. How've you been? It's ironic that you're in my candidacy. Why?

Leo: First, I've been good. Second, my parents have been talking about it for some time that I need to get married and they themselves saw your announcement and wanted me to try. I think that you should just give up on the candidacy thing and we should just get married. Our families are close anyway.

Me: 🙄... ... goodbye Leo.

Leo: What? Eliza!! Hey!!

Leo: Come on!! I know you're seeing this!!!

Leo: He-

I put my phone turned face down on my bed before just silently laying there.

"Good luck to me," I say quietly.

I wake up the next day and go to work as normal and while I'm there, I tell my publicity department head again to help me get a press conference and he just shakes his head and walks away.

Around 2 o'clock again I decide for my press conference.

"Hi again! This time I wanted to let you guys know that I finally have the final 6 candidates chosen. Those who were picked know who they are so congratulations. Those who weren't, thank you for your participation even though you didn't make it to the end round. Thanks again. Finally, to those who are part of the 6, the meeting place is like I said, here, at my mansion at your own leisure up until around 2 weeks time, then it starts getting a little "too late." Besides that, to those who are wondering who, once they are all gathered here and I talk them through the rules and regulations, we'll bring them out for you to see, if they agree to. Thanks and have a nice day!"

"Ms! Ms! You had almost 500 people call originally and make it through round 1, how did you reach 6 in a month?" A reporter asks.

"Ah, that? I'm a very specific and picky woman when it comes to my taste in men so, based on their answers to the test(s) that came after, I then cut them from there. And also, please, refrain from asking questions like that here because those who didn't make it will feel even worse. Thank you for your time though."

I walk inside and close the door. I walk around to the different rooms Harriet set up and I realized that they were set up based on the person now. One was like living in Africa, one was like living in Japan, and the other England. Even though Charles Edward goes there quite often, he lives here so having a room British theme might be too much?

Besides that, my house looked more inviting instead of just a bunch of empty walls. As I'm walking back to my room, the butler looks like he is actually happy as he walks around and looks at what Harriet did. I smirk before making it into my room.