
"I'm home, Eloise," she exclaimed, stepping through the front door with a sense of comfort and relief. The familiar scent of her childhood home enveloped her, filling her senses with nostalgia and warmth. The sound of her grandmother's voice echoed through the hallway, drawing her attention.

"Grandma, you're here, and I have something to tell you," she called out, a bubbling excitement coursing through her veins. A sense of joy welled up within her, knowing that she had found a new mentor, someone who could guide her in the world of magic.

Her grandmother turned towards her, curiosity etched on her face. "Who are you?" she asked, her eyes narrowing as she observed the young woman standing beside Eloise.

"Well, my name is Alana, and I would just like Eloise to become my disciple so I could help her with her magic," Alana explained, her voice laced with hope and anticipation. She couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness, hoping that Eloise's grandmother would grant her the opportunity to share her knowledge.

Grandmother hesitated, her expression guarded. "How can I trust you? I don't even know you. Please leave this house," she said, causing a pang of disappointment to shoot through Alana's heart.

"But you must trust me. I assure you I would not do anything bad to her," Alana responded, her voice pleading and sincere.

Eloise stepped forward, interjecting with a mix of desperation and determination. "Come on, Grandma, please accept. I assure you that everything will be fine," she pleaded, though a hint of doubt lingered in the back of her mind. How could she trust this woman whom she barely knew?

"Well, since you insist, I accept," the grandmother finally relented, surprising Eloise. A surge of gratitude washed over her, and she couldn't resist throwing herself into her grandmother's arms, feeling a warm embrace that conveyed love and acceptance.

"Thank you, Grandma," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and relief. The weight on her shoulders seemed to lift, replaced by a newfound sense of hope.

"Well, training will start next week after school," Alana declared, her tone firm and resolute, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in Eloise's magical journey.

"Bye, Lana. See you next week," Eloise bid farewell as Alana left, her steps filled with anticipation and curiosity. A few minutes later, her mother returned to the house, their reunion marked by an embrace that radiated warmth and love.

"I'm back, Eloise," her mother greeted her, squeezing her tightly in a hug.

"Mom, I have two pieces of good news for you," Eloise exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement, eager to share her recent triumphs.

"Tell me everything, Eloise. You look so happy," her mother encouraged, a beaming smile adorning her face.

"I'm accepted to my dream school, and now I have found a new master," Eloise revealed, her words filled with a sense of triumph and contentment.

"That's great for you, honey," her mother replied, her voice tinged with pride and joy.

"Mom, I'm going out. I'll be back later, and don't wait for me to eat because I already ate earlier," Eloise announced, her voice filled with a sense of urgency and eagerness to embark on her next adventure.

"Wait, Eloise—" her mother began, but it was too late. Eloise had already disappeared, her footsteps echoing as she hastened toward a secluded corner of the nearby forest. It was a place she frequented, a sacred haven where her secrets and aspirations thrived.

The forest welcomed Eloise with open arms, the gentle rustling of leaves creating a symphony that seemed to dance alongside her steps. She navigated the winding paths until she arrived at the side of a majestic dragon, Orobarian.

"Hi, Orobarian," she greeted the creature, her voice carrying a mix of reverence and familiarity.

"It's been a long time, my little Eloise. I feel like you come to see me less and less often," Orobarian responded, his deep voice resonating through the air.

"I'm sorry, I've been really busy. But I have some good news for you: I've managed to get into my dream school," Eloise shared, her words tinged with excitement and a touch of concern. She knew that juggling her studies and training would be a daunting task.

"That's great! Now, we'll start the usual training," Orobarian announced, his voice filled with pride and encouragement. He instructed Eloise to head towards a nearby river and submerge herself at the bottom. He challenged her to conjure an anti-dragon spell that would emerge from the water—a feat that seemed impossible for her fire-based magic.

"But it's too complicated. I have fire magic; it won't work," Eloise expressed her doubts, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Trust me, and you will see that you will succeed," Orobarian reassured her, his voice carrying a sense of wisdom and certainty. He believed in her abilities, even when she doubted herself.

Eloise spent the entire afternoon attempting to master the technique, her determination driving her forward. After numerous attempts, she finally succeeded, unleashing a powerful anti-dragon spell that emerged triumphantly from the water. Exhaustion washed over her, her magic reserves depleted.

"It's okay, today's training is over. You look exhausted. Rest for a while, and then you can go home," Orobarian gently suggested, his tone filled with concern and care.

"Yes," Eloise responded, her voice reflecting gratitude and relief. She found a cozy spot to rest, allowing her body to recuperate from the exertion. She closed her eyes, drifting into a peaceful slumber that reinvigorated her weary soul.

When she awoke, she apologized for falling asleep. Orobarian brushed off her worries, assuring her that it was not a big deal. He acknowledged her progress and affirmed her potential to surpass him one day, teasing that their next meeting would involve a final training session—a battle between mentor and student.

"Yes, the next time I come, we'll fight. But first, I forgot to tell you that I've found a new master," Eloise disclosed, hoping that Orobarian wouldn't be angry or disappointed by her decision.

"Don't worry; it's not serious. I'll wait for you so I can fight you," Orobarian replied, his tone filled with understanding and acceptance. Eloise embraced the dragon, cherishing the bond they shared, before heading back home to share her eventful day with her mother.

"I'm home, Mom. I'm going to have a shower, then eat, and then sleep," Eloise announced, her voice exuding weariness and contentment.

"Yes, go and have dinner. It's ready," her mother responded, her words carrying a sense of warmth and care.

The weekend passed quickly, and Monday arrived—the first day of high school. Eloise's mother woke her up, a sense of urgency in her voice as she reminded her that time was slipping away.

"Wake up, Eloise. You're going to be late. It's already 8:30, and you start at 8:45," her mother shouted,

rousing her from her slumber. Eloise sprang into action, rushing to take a shower, get dressed, and grab a slice of bread before venturing out the door.

Surprisingly, she managed to arrive on time, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness. As she entered the school premises, a sense of bewilderment washed over her. She had no idea where her class was located, her gaze scanning the corridors in search of answers.

Lost and uncertain, Eloise was approached by a kind-hearted girl named Maria. Maria noticed her confusion and offered to help, guiding her towards the principal's welcome ceremony.

"Thank you, but who are you?" Eloise inquired, her voice filled with gratitude and curiosity. Maria stood before her, a vision of beauty with her flowing blue hair and captivating green eyes. Despite the age difference, Maria exuded a sense of maturity and kindness.

"I'm Maria, and I'm in my second year. And you?" Maria introduced herself, her voice warm and inviting.

"My name is Eloise," she replied, grateful for Maria's assistance. Together, they reached a gathering area and settled down to wait for the principal's speech, anticipation coursing through Eloise's veins.

The principal's words echoed through the air, resonating with a mix of encouragement and expectation. Eloise found herself momentarily lulled by the soothing sound of Maria's voice as she began to doze off, her head finding a soft resting place on Maria's ample bosom.

Awakening from her brief slumber, Eloise found herself briefly embarrassed. Yet, she couldn't help but find solace in the tender support Maria had unknowingly provided.

"Now, I'll let a representative of the council of ten introduce you to the council," the principal's voice broke through her thoughts, redirecting her attention.

Jade Aiko, the 10th member of the council, approached Eloise, who was still groggy from being abruptly awakened. Eloise, slightly irritated, questioned Jade's actions and why she had hit her.

"You have a lot of nerve, falling asleep during my speech," Jade retorted, her tone filled with sternness.

Eloise, now fully awake, was taken aback by Jade's attitude. She felt a surge of anger rise within her. "What are you doing? Why are you hitting me?" Eloise questioned, her voice tinged with annoyance.

"You have no shame," Jade responded sharply, not mincing her words. "At least now you know whose chest you were sleeping on."

Maria, ever the peacemaker, interjected, trying to defuse the situation. "Jade, you're always so strict. You're not funny at all. That's probably why you're still single," Maria teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Jade, unaffected by Maria's comment, remained firm in her approach. "Maria, you're setting a bad example, especially as the number two on the board. You're embarrassing us," Jade chastised.

Eloise felt caught in the middle of the confrontation, unsure of how to react. "You're annoying me, Jade. Let me be. And her breasts were soft," Eloise blurted out, instantly regretting her choice of words. She worried that her remark had made her appear like a pervert.

"Eloise, I don't think we're going to like each other very much. I'd like to challenge you since you seem to have a lot of ego. I'll bring you down a notch," Jade declared, her tone filled with determination.

"Well, why not? It'll be better than hearing you talk," Eloise responded, provokingly, her own ego getting the best of her. She couldn't resist the opportunity to prove herself.

Maria, trying to find a compromise, suggested she would be the referee for their fight. The principal, intrigued by the prospect, agreed, stating that he would view their battle as a demonstration of the council's power.

The three of them walked toward an arena, with Eloise on one side and Jade on the other. Maria laid out the ground rules, emphasizing a fair fight without cheating.

"I'm going to beat you so you can learn your lesson," Jade taunted, her confidence apparent.

Eloise, aware of Jade's water-based abilities and her own mastery of fire, felt a surge of determination. She recalled her training sessions with Orobarian, where she learned that her fire magic could be stronger than water.

"You're a water user, and I'm a fire user. We haven't even started yet, and I already know I'm going to win," Jade boasted, her confidence bordering on arrogance.

Eloise, eager to prove Jade wrong, conjured a small fireball, deliberately sending it next to Jade. The resulting explosion destroyed a significant portion of the ground beneath her.

Approaching Jade with a sense of triumph, Eloise was stopped by Maria, who called for the fight to end to prevent any injuries. Jade fainted, and Eloise, feeling guilty for her actions, decided to take her to the infirmary.

Upon arriving at the infirmary, Eloise faced the nurse's inquiry about Jade's condition. She explained that they had been fighting, and Jade had fainted as a result.

The nurse assured Eloise that it was okay and asked her to leave. Feeling a mix of relief and concern, Eloise returned to her class and explained her tardiness to the teacher.

Apologizing for being late, Eloise quickly took her seat, which happened to be next to a girl adorned in elegant attire, complete with a crown. The girl had black hair and brown eyes.

"May I sit here?" Eloise asked politely, hoping to make a good impression.

"Of course! I saw your fight; you must be really strong," the girl replied, expressing her admiration.

"Thank you. What is your name?" Eloise inquired, intrigued by the girl's royal appearance.

"My name is Alice Akiyama," she responded. Eloise couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Akiyama—like the royal family of humans.

"Yes, but don't worry. I would really like to get to know you better," Alice reassured, sensing Eloise's surprise.

"And I would like that too," Eloise replied politely, not wanting to offend the princess.

After class, Eloise decided to visit the nurse's office to check on Jade's condition. When she arrived, she found Jade in tears, but she couldn't discern the reason. Eloise instinctively reached out and embraced her, trying to provide comfort.

"Hey, you don't need to cry. Just calm down," Eloise said soothingly, attempting to console Jade. Jade held onto Eloise tightly, expressing gratitude for her kindness.

"Thank you. Nobody has ever been so kind to me," Jade confessed, her voice filled with vulnerability.

"Sometimes, all someone needs is a shoulder to lean on. I'll be here if you need me," Eloise assured Jade, hoping to offer support. However, Jade's mood shifted, and she pushed Eloise away before leaving abruptly.

"She's a complicated person. She opens up, and then she rejects others," Eloise thought to herself, feeling confused and a little hurt by Jade's actions.

Maria, who happened to witness the interaction, approached Eloise, offering some insight. "Well, that's Jade for you. She doesn't confide in anyone. She always keeps everything to herself. But with time, you'll see that she's a very good person," Maria explained, trying to shed light on Jade's behavior.

"If you say so. But what are you doing here?" Eloise asked, redirecting the conversation.

"I just wanted to see you. You pique my interest," Maria responded, her gaze lingering on Eloise. Eloise felt a wave of discomfort at Maria's intense gaze and the kiss on her cheek.

"What are you doing? You're acting really strange. I'm leaving this time," Eloise said, embarrassed by the situation. She quickly distanced herself from Maria and made her way elsewhere.

Deciding to focus on her training, Eloise headed to meet Alana, looking forward to the familiar routine. As she arrived at the training location, someone questioned her presence.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" the person asked, challenging Eloise's presence.

To be continued...

Sorry if the chapter are long tell me if you want them more shorter.