
"Tell me, do you know who Lucy is?" Grandma inquired, her voice carrying an air of authority.

The guard, visibly taken aback by Grandma's firmness, stammered nervously in response, "No, sorry. I genuinely have no knowledge of this person, Your Majesty."

Without hesitation, Grandma summoned a ball of vibrant purple flames, showcasing her formidable power. She then took hold of a piece of metal, effortlessly dropping it into the flames, causing it to disintegrate into nearly ash-like remnants.

"Are you absolutely certain?" Grandma pressed, her piercing gaze instilling fear in the guard.

Feeling desperate to save himself from Grandma's wrath, the guard pleaded, "I will tell you everything, but please spare my life."

Demanding the truth, Grandma's insistence paid off as the guard confessed, revealing Queen Clara's involvement in the matter. "Queen Clara ordered me to gather information about Lucy. I followed her instructions, and upon discovering Lucy's whereabouts, Queen Clara instructed me to bring her to a specific location. Clara shot her, and we fled, leaving Lucy's lifeless body behind."

Satisfied with the guard's confession, Grandma now possessed the evidence she needed to move forward. She warned the guard against any attempts to escape, vowing to hunt him down and exact vengeance if he dared to try.

As the morning dawned, Grandma reflected on the gravity of her findings. It was clear that she needed to formulate a new plan to ensure justice for Eloise's attacker. The situation grew increasingly precarious, and Grandma meticulously pondered her next strategic move.

Grandmother, her visage reflecting both authority and menace, leaned in closer to the guard, her voice laced with a venomous warning as she spoke, "Well, that is all the information I required. Now, I expect you to testify. However, you will have to wait a little longer for that. And let me advise you against attempting an escape, for rest assured, I will find you and end you. Do you understand? I sincerely hope so."

The guard, his throat dry with fear, trembled as he managed to croak out a response, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Meanwhile, Alana's thoughts were consumed with worry for Eloise. Concern etched upon her face when Eloise failed to appear for their training session. Determined to check on her friend, Alana resolved to pay a visit to Eloise's house, accompanied by her faithful companion, Amber.

"I noticed Eloise's absence during our training yesterday. I believe I should go to her house to ensure she is alright," Alana pondered aloud, her brow furrowing with concern.

Amber, perceptive to her master's unease, chimed in, "Master, today is our scheduled training."

Turning to Amber, Alana's expression hardened with determination. "There is something I must attend to first, and then we can proceed with our training, Amber. So, be prepared."

"Yes, Master," Amber responded, understanding Alana's deep-seated worry for Eloise. "Eloise has been absent from training for two days now. While I am not overly concerned, I do hope she is safe."

Knocking on Eloise's door, Alana was greeted by Lucy, who opened it wearing a curious expression. Alana greeted her with a warm smile. "Hello, Lucy."

"Good morning, Alana. What brings you here so early?" Lucy inquired, a hint of surprise evident in her voice.

Alana's concern for Eloise shone through as she replied, "Well, Eloise missed our training session yesterday, and I became worried about her well-being."

Lucy's face softened with understanding. "Oh, Eloise embarked on a mission yesterday, and she has yet to return. I believe she will likely be back today."

Relief washed over Alana, easing her troubled mind. "Thank you. That's reassuring to hear."

Lucy gestured for Alana to enter the house. "If you'd like, you can come inside. I was just about to have breakfast."

Grateful for the invitation, Alana nodded. "Yes, I would appreciate that."

Stepping into the house, Alana was greeted by the inviting aroma of a warm breakfast that permeated the air. The two friends sat down together, sharing a meal and engaging in lively conversation.

Amidst their breakfast discussion, Alana suddenly recalled a question she had forgotten to ask Lucy. Leaning forward, her eyes filled with genuine concern, she inquired, "By the way, Lucy, I forgot to ask earlier, what were you doing in the city the other day?"

Lucy paused, her expression growing slightly solemn. "I was searching for employment as the end of the month has been particularly challenging this time."

Alana's voice carried a reassuring tone. "If you need financial assistance, you can always turn to me, you know."

Lucy gently shook her head. "No, Alana, I wouldn't want to take advantage of your kindness. I prefer to work hard and earn my own money."

Just then, Grandmother made a dramatic entrance into the house, her commanding presence capturing their attention. She observed the two 'lover' with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "You know, the two of you look like an old married couple."

Alana couldn't resist playing along, her voice filled with mock protest. "Grandma, you're teasing me. I would argue that we resemble a young married couple." A proud smile graced her face.

Lucy chuckled softly, joining in the banter. "You two certainly have that dynamic." She sighed affectionately.

Grandmother interrupted their playful exchange with an intriguing announcement. "Well, I have some exciting news for you, my dear old couple."

Both Alana and Lucy turned their attention to Grandmother, their curiosity piqued. "Do tell," they said in unison.

Grandmother paused, allowing the suspense to build before delivering her revelation. "You two can get married."