
Alice's mother, however, had other plans. "No, you will listen to me, young lady, and follow me," she said firmly, leading Maria into the house.

Maria's protests fell on deaf ears as she found herself being swept into Alice's home. The house itself was a grand castle, standing tall and imposing. Maria couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension as she crossed the threshold, unsure of what awaited her inside.

Alice's mother took Maria by the hand and led her deeper into the castle, guiding her towards the kitchen with the bags in her arms. The castle's interior was just as impressive as its exterior, with elegant tapestries adorning the walls and polished marble floors underfoot. Maria couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she ventured further into the heart of the castle, feeling like an intruder in this grandeur.

Maria hesitated, feeling uncertain about intruding on their family's space. She mustered up the courage to voice her concerns. "But I don't want to disturb you, and where am I going to sleep?" Maria asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Alice's mother reassured her, "Don't worry, tonight you will sleep with Alice." Her tone left no room for argument.

Alice interjected, attempting to protest, "But mother..."

Alice's mother interrupted firmly, "No, now take her to your room so she can use the bathroom in your room, and then we'll have our dinner together."

Alice reluctantly obeyed her mother's instructions. She turned to Maria and gestured for her to follow. "Come on, let me show you where the bathroom is."

As Alice led Maria through the castle's winding corridors to her room, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. This unexpected turn of events had brought a new person into her life, and she wanted to make Maria feel comfortable and welcomed into her space.

Once inside the room, Alice spoke gently, "Well, take your shower, and I'll wait for you. Then we can go eat."

Maria expressed her gratitude, apologizing for the inconvenience. Alice waved off her concerns, assuring her that it was not a problem.

While Maria took her shower, Alice patiently waited, her mind racing with thoughts of their growing connection. She wondered about the girl who had stumbled into her life and the possibilities that lay ahead.

Alice's mother knocked on the door before entering. "I can come in, Alice?"

Alice confirmed, "Yes, mom."

Alice's mother brought a bundle of clothes with her. "This girl is not the one you told me about, and you said you were in love."

Alice's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Yes, mom, but she told me that she wants to be just friends with me."

Alice's mother smiled knowingly. "Well, I came to drop off some clothes. It's your father's shirt. I think it will fit her great. I'll leave you with your 'friend'." She made air quotes with her fingers and chuckled.

A few minutes later, Maria emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her waist. Alice observed her carefully, taking in her presence.

"Here, my mother brought me some clothes for you," Alice said, handing Maria the clothes. Maria accepted them gratefully, turning around to put on the shirt. It was then that Alice noticed a scar on Maria's back, prompting her curiosity.

"Maria, how did you get that scar?" Alice asked, gently touching the mark.

Maria paused, her expression pained. She sat down, gathering her thoughts before she began to share her story.

"Actually, it happened when I was a little girl. I was four years old, and everything was normal. I was playing with my father and mother, and then suddenly, there was an explosion that destroyed the houses around us. My father carried me to safety and asked me to stay hidden. He went out to fight the dragon that caused the explosion. My mother joined him, and they fought alongside the villagers." Maria's voice trembled with emotion.

Alice embraced Maria, offering her support and comfort. Tears streamed down Maria's face as she continued her narrative.

"The dragon attacked my mother, and I couldn't bear to see her hurt. I came out of hiding to go to her, but the dragon turned its attention towards me. My father sacrificed himself to protect me, but the dragon still managed to harm my back. I lost consciousness, and when I woke up, the villagers were taking care of me. That's all I remember," Maria concluded, her voice filled with sorrow.

Alice held Maria tightly, sharing in her pain and offering solace. After a moment, Maria composed herself and mentioned the need to finish getting dressed.

"Don't worry about all this. I still need to get dressed," Maria said, attempting to change the topic.

Alice noticed the prolonged embrace and blushed, realizing they had held each other for a longer time than expected.

"Yes, let's get ready. We still have dinner," Alice replied, trying to hide her embarrassment.

After Maria finished dressing, they made their way downstairs to join Alice's family for dinner. The dining area was adorned with a long, elegant table and an array of delicious dishes. Alice's family warmly welcomed Maria, making her feel like a part of their family.

Alice's mother couldn't resist a playful remark as they entered the dining area. "You took your time; are you sure you were just having a shower?" Alice's mother teased, giving them a mischievous look.

Alice blushed furiously and covered her face with her hands. Alice's father, on the other hand, found the situation amusing and joined in the laughter.

"Let them be young. They need to enjoy themselves," he chuckled.

Alice tried to divert the attention, urging them to start dinner, and the evening continued with joy and lightheartedness. The delicious food, the laughter, and the warmth of Alice's family created a sense of belonging for Maria, who hadn't experienced such familial love in a long time.

As the night grew late, Alice declared it was time to sleep, asking Maria if she was coming. Maria agreed, a genuine smile gracing her face. Together, they made their way to Alice's room.

Once inside, Alice couldn't help but notice the happiness radiating from Maria.

"You look really happy. I'd love to know why," Alice commented, her voice filled with curiosity.

Maria's smile widened. "It's been a long time since I had dinner with a family. You're really lucky."

Alice playfully threw a pillow at Maria, sparking a friendly pillow fight between the two. Laughter filled the room as they playfully battled, neither emerging as the victor. In that moment, any worries or uncertainties melted away, replaced by a sense of companionship and joy.

After the exhilarating pillow fight, Maria suggested it was time to sleep, mentioning that she would take the sofa. Alice protested, refusing to let Maria sleep on the uncomfortable furniture.

"No, you won't sleep on the sofa, Maria. You will sleep on the bed with me," Alice declared, determined to ensure her friend's comfort.

They debated for a moment until Maria relented, agreeing to share the bed. Alice blushed, realizing the implication of their sleeping arrangements. The thought of having Maria by her side throughout the night brought both excitement and nervousness.

"Usually, I always sleep alone, and I've always dreamt of sleeping with someone. Your presence makes me really happy," Alice confessed, her voice filled with vulnerability.

Maria smiled warmly. "Well, let's sleep then. Good night, Alice."

"Good night, Maria," Alice whispered back, their voices filled with a newfound closeness and understanding.