
I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as Naoka and I walked back to my place. 

As soon as we entered the house, I heard Mia's footsteps coming down the stairs. She must have been waiting for us. I whispered to Naoka, "Tell her the news."

She whispered back, "No, you should tell her. She's your sister."

I knew she was right, but I was afraid of how she would react. Would she be sad for us, or would she feel betrayed by her ' friends'? 

Mia reached the living room and looked at us with curiosity. She asked, "What kind of mischief are you two up to?"

Naoka tried to act casual and said, "Well, Eloise has something to tell you."

Mia turned to me and said impatiently, "Stop dawdling and tell me what you want to say. I can handle it."

I took a deep breath and said, "Well..." I hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "The people at the orphanage don't want to help us."

I expected Mia to be shocked or angry, but she just smiled and said, "Oh, it's okay. If that's all you wanted to say, don't worry. It won't hurt my feelings. And for the restaurant, you can rest easy. I've asked Mum for help."

I was confused by her calm response. I asked, "Mom?"

She nodded , "Yes, your teacher, Alana."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "Oh, well, that's fine then." I said.

Naoka smiled and said, "Since the situation seems to have improved, we'll probably have more time to train."

I agreed , "Yes, that's true. The tournament is in two months, so we have to prepare for it."

Naoka suggested, "I propose that we both train together."

I nodded and said, "Yes, but not today. I suggest we start tomorrow if you agree."

Naoka accepted, "Yes, sounds good. See you tomorrow."

I offered to take Naoka home, and Mia, still playful, called out to me, "I'll see you later, pedophile."

I scolded Mia, "Stop calling me a pedophile, Mia. It's really disrespectful."

Mia playfully stuck out her tongue and retreated to her room. Naoka and I left the house together. 

I had just dropped Naoka off at her house after a rather hard day together. As I was walking back to mine, I saw Jade standing outside her house, looking lost and troubled. I felt a pang of guilt and curiosity. We had been friends for a while, but lately I had been acting distant and cold towards her. I wondered what was going on in her mind.

I decided to break the silence and approached her with a friendly smile. "Hey, Jade, what's up?" I asked casually, hoping to start a conversation.

She looked up and saw me. She seemed surprised and nervous. "Oh, hi, Eloise," she said, forcing a smile. "I'm fine, just...thinking."

I sensed that she was hiding something from me. I wanted to know what it was, but I didn't want to push her too hard. I cared about her, and I wanted her to trust me. "Tell me, Jade, how much longer do you plan to remain distant like this?" I asked gently, trying to sound supportive and understanding.

She hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "I'm sorry, Eloise. I know I've been acting weird lately. I owe you an explanation," she said, looking down at her feet.

I nodded and waited patiently. I hoped she would open up to me and tell me what was bothering her. Maybe we could sort things out and go back to being friends.

"The truth is, Eloise, I have feelings for you," she blurted out, looking me in the eyes. "I've liked you for a long time, but I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid of how you would react, and how it would affect our friendship. I tried to ignore my feelings, but they only grew stronger. The more I got to know you, the more I fell for you. You're smart, kind, funny, beautiful...everything I ever wanted. But the thing that made me realize how much I love you was the fear of losing you. When I saw you with Naoka today, I felt so jealous and insecure. I thought you liked her more than me. I know it's silly, but I couldn't help it. That's why I acted so cold and rude to you this morning. I'm sorry, Eloise. I don't want to pressure you into anything. I just want you to know how I feel. Your feelings matter most to me."

I was stunned by her confession. I didn't expect her to reveal her love for me. I felt a mix of emotions: shock, confusion, flattery, gratitude, doubt, fear. I didn't know what to say or do. I liked Jade as a friend, but I had never thought of her as more than that. I wasn't sure if I felt the same way about her.

I appreciated her honesty and courage, but I also worried about the consequences. What if I accepted her and ruined our friendship? What if I gave her a chance and it didn't work out? I needed time to think, but I didn't want to leave her hanging.

Before I could say anything, she leaned in and kissed me. I was caught off guard, but I didn't resist. I felt her soft lips on mine, her warm breath on my face, her gentle hand on my cheek. I kissed her back, following her lead. I felt a surge of emotion, a spark of attraction, a hint of curiosity. Maybe I did have feelings for her. Maybe we could be more than friends. Maybe we could make it work.

But then I pulled away. I realized that I was moving too fast, that I was acting on impulse, that I was not ready for this. I needed to slow down, to sort out my feelings, to be sure of what I wanted.

She looked at me with a puzzled and hurt expression. "Why did you stop the kiss?" she asked, sounding disappointed and hopeful at the same time.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. I looked into her eyes and spoke softly. "Jade, I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you, but I think we should take things slow, you know? Let's try to get to know each other better, not like a couple, but like...something in between. I'm not saying no to you, but I'm not saying yes either. I need some time to figure out my feelings. I hope you understand."

She nodded slowly, trying to hide her sadness. "I understand, Eloise. I respect your decision. I'm willing to wait for you, as long as you need. I just want you to be happy," she said, smiling weakly.

I smiled back, feeling a wave of relief and gratitude. She was so sweet and understanding. She deserved the best. I hoped I wouldn't let her down.

"I should head home, it's kinda late," I said, it was verry dark here.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," she said, giving me a hug.

"See you tomorrow," I said, returning the hug.

I walked away, feeling a mix of emotions. I was confused, but also curious. I was scared, but also excited. I was unsure, but also hopeful. I didn't know what the future would bring, but I was willing to find out.