The fight today was exhausting, but what realy worries me is what I saw when I was inside that Shadow. I did a bit of research and Helios was said to be a world that was similar to a parallel universe. Whatever that was, I'm worried. A war... Sacred Swords... what are they? Better get some rest for now. As I opened the door to my dormitory room, a letter was on the floor, for me? It's from the Student Council... what!? I have to transfer rooms? Apparently due to me forming an Geschwister Contract I have to transfer rooms. It's room 45, in Building C. This is room 302 in Building D, the rooms for Geschwisters are separate from other Dormitories.

Packing my things I got ready, after getting everything I left the room and went to Building C and went up the elevator to the second floor and knocked at the door of room 45 and it seems Ray was already here. "Yo, come on in." Ray said with a smile. I suppose I wouldn't mind living with him.

"Thanks." I answered him, it seems he just moved in too, his bags are still unopened. This place is bigger than my previous room, more spacious. There's a kitchen, a bathroom and it seems the beds can be switched from bunk beds to one two person bed. It was getting pretty late and both of us were exhuasted. "Ray, what do you want to eat for dinner?"

"I'll eat anything, but if possible something not too spicy." He said as he unpacked his things. "Licht, I'll take a bath first okay?"

"Sure." I said as I prepared the ingredients, since were in a bit of a rush, I decided to make curry.

As I was cooking, I realized something. I haven't cooked for someone in over seven years. My brother and parents died seven years ago when our nation was devoured by Shadows. At that time I was only eleven and I was all alone. Thankfully, the World Alliance helped the few survivors of our nation out. But, I'll never forget my hatred for the Shadows.

As I set the table, Ray was changing in the bedroom. After setting the table, I told him I was going to take a bath and as I bathed in the hot water, I noticed the scar from that day hasn't faded in the least. A large scar on my chest, which was left by a Panther-type Shadow's class which attcked me. I barely managed to escape it but I had lost contact with my family that day. The last thung I ever said to my brother was... 'Don't cry, I'll always, always protect you.' I can't forgive myself or the Shadows.

After my bath I changed into a white jacket wuth gray sleeves and black pants and socks since it's a cold night. I sat down at the table but for some reason, Ray wasn't here. "Ray? Where are, let's eat before it gets cold." I called out to him.

"S-sorry." He answered, he usually doesn't seem so timid. I went to the bedroom where he was and saw that he was hiding underneath his bedsheets.

"Ray? Something wrong?" I asked him.

"M-y... glasses... w-where... are they?" He asked, I looked around a bit and found them inside the drawers, I gave it to jim after that. "Thanks man."

"So, what was that exaclty?" I asked him. "I've never that side yet."

"Ahahaha, whenever I take of my glasses, my other self comes out. He is more timid than me." He answered me as we sat at the dining table. "Anyways, thanks for the food."

We decuded to do a bunk bed and as I rested on the top bunk, I recalled what the man I met in wherever Helios was said. Sacred Swords... a war even worse than the World War III... I'll look it up in the Research Department tomorrow.

The next day, when I woke up, Ray had already cooked breakfast. "Morning." He greeted me with a smile as he was in his school uniform.

"Good morning." I answered him.

I took a bath and changed into my uniform, as we ate breakfast, he was reading something on his smartphone. "Is there skmething wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that our class schedules are perfectly matched." He smiled. "It seems that Geschwisters can attend the same classes now as long as their in the same Department."

"I see..." I answered him and I checked my smartphone as well. Something catches my attention, an article about A Ninth Sword. "Ray, how many Swords are there?"

"There were originally twelve seats." He answered and I got a strange feeling. "Something wrong?"

I told him what I saw and everything I learned while I was in Helios. Not hiding anything, if anyone can help me, it's him, my older brother. "I see, I don't know what to say.But I think I might have a slight idea ss to what the Sacred Swords are." He answered me.

"What are they?" I asked him.

"Back when the first Shadows appeared, they said Twelve Heroes fought against them, they were the first to develop abilities as well." He said. "The Sacred Sword's Light... Helios Core is believed to be a pure light, untainted and unwavering before the darkness, but because they are the purest form of light, they say they are greater than other Helios Core."

"What should I do?" I asked him.

"Nothing, for now, let me handle it." He said and left the table. "We'd better hurry up or we'll be late."

As we walked to our Department, we noticed some students pointing at us. But we ignored them, as we walked we ran into Jade. "Good morning Jade." I greeted him.

"Are you sure you should be walking around?" He asked me. "You were pretty beat up yesterday, will both of you be fine?"

"Yeah, you worry too much." Ray said. "See you in class."

During one of our lectures, I learned that there is a Special Ability that allows a Light to freeze time for a few minutes. It's called Freeze, but apparently there are only few who can use said skill. Among the ones who can use it, No. 4, The Witch Lia is the most skilled. After class when it was lunch time, we were eating with Jade when Ray told me that I should form my own Division. "But that's a little..." I was reluctant.

"Don't worry, you already have two members." He smile. "Me and Jade."

"Ehh!?" I exclaimed.

"I agree, you should form your own Division." Jade said. "I'll help find members for you."

"It will be good for your combat time." Ray said. "I'll be here to support you, so go ahead and find people you can rely on."

"O-okay!" I answered.

That said, who should I recruit, there were a few freshmen students that caught my attention but... what should I do? I was walking outside in circles as a girl approached me. "Excuse me, you're Licht Silvers-san right?" A girl with blue hair which was tied into two braid down her shoulder asked me.

"Yes, and you are?" I aksed her.

"I'm with the Journalist Department, I'd like to ask you a few questions." She said, she was rather timid isn't she.

"Okay." I answered as we sat down on the bench. "What can I help you with?"

"Is it true that you made a Geschwister Contract wuth Ray Tauri-san?" She asked.

"Yes." I answered her.

After a couple questions she was done, just then I thought of something. "Excuse, but can I ask for your help?" I asked her.

"I-it's fine but, I doubt I can help you... I'm weak and useless." She said.

"That isn't true, I was hoping you could help me scout out a few Division members." I told her. "If you would like, would you join my Division? We could use someone who is as keen and sharp as you."

"Would you really need someone like me in your Division?" She asked.

"Yeah, we need someone with keen sense like her, she's a good find." Jade said suddenly placing his elbow on my shoulder.

"J-J-J-Jade-san!" She exclaimed as her nose began to bleed. "Are you perhaps a member?"

"That's right." He answered. "Hmm... aren't you Mizuki Yamamoto, the girl who carries the Special Ability, Analysis?"

"Analysis?" I asked him.

"Just by looking at a person she can tell what they might do and tendecies as well as their personalities and such." He said. "Nice catch."

"Umm, is it really fine for me to join?" She asked me.

"Of course." I answered. "Welcome Mizuki."

"T-thank you!" She answered.

I think we'll get along well, but there's still a long way to go before I can gather twelve members.