They opened their eyes and really surprised.

They are seeing a real hell.

Sasha: So, there is no houses for spirits.

Wren: Yes, there is no houses, we are living in the hell school.

Greyson: This is really amazing to have a school in hell.

Evelyn: Then why humans said, In hell they will fry in the pan??

Carter: Maybe, They spread this rumours to stop many bad things to happen in the earth.

So many murders will be stopped because of this rumours.

Yes, They are right, we also don't know how the hell is?

Greyson: Yes, From the beginning we also didn't believe this is a hell. And we also don't believe in spirits.

Evelyn: Mr. Wren, Sorry for asking this question again, You really don't know about the way to the earth ah???

Wren: Yes, seriously I don't know.

Sasha: Then okay, As soon, we will find a way to our earth. Okay Bye, Mr. Wren We have to go.

Carter: Okay, Let's go.

Wren: Where you guys are going ?

Evelyn: To the lab.

Wren: Do you guys having enough food or water?

Greyson: We don't have enough.....

Wren: Come and stay in the hell school with me.

Evelyn: What??? There will be spirits.

Sasha: We are humans, How can we stay with spirits in the hell school?

Wren: I'm responsible for your lives. Don't worry! Do you guys having any stuffs in that lab?

Evelyn: Yes, we had.

Wren: I forget to tell one thing....

Sasha: What it is?

Wren: Don't call me by my name in the hell school. Call me hell protector.

Carter: Why??

Wren: In the hell school, all will call me Hell Protector. If you call me by my name, Spirits don't like it. It will attack you.

Sasha: Oh, okay we will.

Wren: Go and take your stuffs from that lab.

They all went to the lab and taking all their things in the lab. Greyson don't like it. What he will do? He have to be with them.

Evelyn: Friends, we have to be careful in the hell school.

Sasha: Okay, I'm very excited to see that school.

Carter: Me too. Hell protector is very handsome, I want to see how many people's are there? What they will eat? But still spirits are not visible for us, we have to be careful.

Sasha: Greyson, why you are not talking ?

What's with your face reaction?

Greyson: Ahaaan.... Nothing. I'm good only.

Evelyn: Okay, Let's go.

Carter: What if the spirits started to attack us?

Sasha: Hell Protector will handle it. He is very kind and he said, He is the responsible for our lives.

Wren: Welcome to the Hell School, Let's go.

Wren, Sasha and Carter are going in front and Greyson, Evelyn are coming in back.

Greyson: I don't like him.

Evelyn: Why do you hate him so much?

Greyson: Why, Don't you?

Evelyn: Why? He's cute.

Greyson: What??? Then me.

Wren will hear them.

Wren: Thank you Miss. Evelyn, I heard that a lot.

Greyson: Ahhh... I'm going crazy because of him.

They all are entering the hell school,

All of a sudden, Carter were fainted.