Wind is blowing mildly and They are charming by the hell. They are keeping their legs one step inside the gate of hell school.

All of a sudden, Some spirits were started to attack them.

One great and most scariest voice said them to Stop.

Wren: Stop itttt. They are our guests.

Then that spirits went back and they didn't show up to them. Wren only saw them.

Because of that spirits attacked, Carter was fainted.

Greyson: Carter, Are you okay?? Hell Protector do something.

Evelyn: Let's get him inside the school.

Sasha: Hell Protector, please do something.

Wren: Don't need to worry, It is just an faint. He will be alright now.

Wren splashed some water on Carter's face.

Well, Carter is alright now. He opened his eyes.

Carter: What happened to me?? where I am?

Sasha: Are you okay? I will check him. Carter, what is 1+1?

Carter: 449.

Evelyn: What ??? Did he lost his memories?

Greyson: No, he is fine.

Sasha: Why he said 1 + 1 is 449?

Greyson: It is a slang for dummy. He is teasing you.

Sasha: Yaaa! Carter, How dare you can tease me?

Evelyn: Okay, Let's go and see the hell school.

Sasha: Okay Let's go, I'm very exciting.

Evelyn: Greyson, Carter come.

Greyson: Aaa... coming, coming.

Hell school is having a great room more than 1000 classrooms are there and spirits don't sleep and they always sit in the class room.

Evelyn:Hell Protector, Is hell school having any rules for spirits like we had in our earth ?

Sasha: What you are talking Evelyn? How hell school will have a rules like we had?

Wren: Hell school is having many rules and that are strict than your schools in earth.

They are talking about the hell school.

In that time, Evelyn and Hell Protector Wren are talking and mingling very well.

Wren: Ms. Evelyn, I won't forget you, you are the first person and first girl, who makes me smile and you are the first girl who got my attention too.

Evelyn: Ohhh... I see.

Carter: Greyson, Don't care them.

Greyson: So what? I don't give a damn.

Sasha: Okay cool, I know it's suck.

Greyson: Enough, Hell Protector tell us rules of the hell school. How did you divide the spirits?

Wren: Sure, First I want to show your rooms. I specially arranged two rooms for you guys.

Carter: From the start, you are with us, how you arranged this rooms

Wren: I'm a hell protector, Why I couldn't make it?

Sasha: Maybe, you will.

Evelyn: Rooms are really nice and comfortable for us to stay. Thank you for this arrangements Hell Protector.

Carter: Rules of the hell school???? Hurry and tell us Hell Protector.

Hell Protector really arranged a nice rooms for the humans to stay. That rooms are very comfortable for them.

Wren Kabono is a nice person and he started to say the rules of the hell school. Sometimes, he will be serious.

Wren: In the Hell School, We are having separate classes for spirits....

Someone came and said harshly...

Stop it.....