7. Shopping in town

After the morning ritual and greetings to the family elders, Lili was back in her room with nothing to do. Thinking that she should start with her preparations for the night of her 'birthday' she called Lihua to instruct her to ask the servants to prepare the carriage so that she can go to town.

In the carriage, Lili looked at the buzzling town. It was like a scene out of those ancient Chinese series she watched. 'If I didn't know that this was merely a novel, I would think that people here were real.' She thought.

Anyway, arriving at the fabric shop, she went down to check if they have lace which she was looking for.

"Miss beautiful, we have different products here, and…" the woman tried to sales talk.

Lili smiled, she like being called beautiful, "I am looking for fabric with thin material. They call it lace." She explained so that she won't have to look much.

"What is that lace? Sorry, we do not know what that is, but we have wonderful products…"

"Do you have imported ones?" Lili tried. Maybe they just didn't know what that was called.

The woman nodded, "Yes, please follow me and let me show you."

Lili followed the woman and saw that they did have lace. She ordered a bolt while thinking, 'ah! Negligee here I come! You 2D males are so going to salivate! Hahaha!'

When she was done with her mission regarding lace, she started to look around more, and selected other fabrics, she especially liked the silk that was so smooth. She can already imagine the 'clothes' she will wear to show her husband.

Their next stop was the apothecary. As said, she will make Zhang Ruo hers that night, and what better way to get him than buying her insurance? Thinking that she doesn't want to be seen buying one, she ordered Lihua to buy it alone.

When Lihua got back inside to show her the product, she grinned.

Lili thought that it would be a shame to go back home already, so she decided to shop more. She continued to shop, buying jewelry and other trinkets. Then when it was lunch time, she decided to eat in the most famous restaurant in town, Haochi, which she read about in the novel.

The staff seeing an elegant carriage arriving was very quick to welcome them.

Lili was assisted by Lihua as she alighted. After she got her feet planted on the ground, she heard galloping horses, so she turned to see who were arriving.

As the group neared, she saw that the man at the forefront on top of a horse was very handsome and it seems that he has a different aura to him. Perhaps, he's one of the male leads?

Sifting through novel Lili's memories, she realized that she has never met the man before, but she's quite positive that this scene seems familiar.

Then she recalled, 'ah! when I read the novel, Wanruo met Lu Wei in front of this restaurant too! She did not talk to him but made an impression because of her generous heart where she gave alms to the beggar outside the restaurant!'

"Ma'am, shall I guide you inside?" the staff who seemed to be the receptionist asked.

Lili did not answer and looked around first. 'oh! Would you look at that! There's a beggar conveniently sitting in front of the restaurant! Ha! Sorry Wanruo! I will steal this scene and give an angelic persona impression in front of Lu Wei!'

Noticing that the horses came to a halt, Lili began to move, ignoring the receptionist.

Lili approached the beggar while Lihua followed the princess despite her uncharacteristic behavior.

At the background, she heard the receptionist welcome the newly arrived men. "General, welcome back to Haochi restaurant!"

Lili smirked. It was indeed Lu Wei.

Lu Wei went down his horse handed the reins to one of the soldiers. He was about to enter the restaurant when he noticed an elegantly dressed lady approaching a beggar. As a general, it was his duty to protect the people of the kingdom, thus he kept watch, just in case the lady taunts the beggar or if the beggar attacks the lady.

Lili bent her knees and although the beggar was stinky, she tried to talk to him, "Mr., why are you here all alone outside? Are you okay?" she asked in a normal volume voice. She knew Lu Wei can hear her though, he was a general, so his ears were sharp.

The beggar looked up and saw the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Thinking that someone finally felt pity for him, he began thinking of ways to scam money from her. "Kind lady, my family has all abandoned me. I have nowhere to go, nothing to eat. I have been outside this restaurant begging for scraps for days and no one has even given me even leftovers. I'm so hungry. Please, help me."

Lili pretended to be sympathetic by nodding her head and wiping the corner of her eyes like she was crying. "Mr., I do not have much, but… Lihua, hand me my money pouch."

Lihua did not want to because she can tell that the old man was a scammer, but the princess ordered her, so she gave the princess her money pouch.

Lili opened it and took out a gold teal. It's almost painful to hand it over, but remembering that this was her investment for Lu Wei, she decided to let it go more freely. 'Dang! My allowance! I don't have much money now, but well, maybe I can start my business for real later?'

The beggar's eyes widened, was the lady an angel sent down from the heavens!? He opened both his hands to wait for her to drop it on his palms.

Lili was about to, but suddenly, a man's hand wrapped around her wrist.
