8. I can afford it!

Lili looked at the big hand holding her wrist, it was a manly hand, and she can only imagine how it would feel like if said hand were to pleasure her. Ahhhhh, the fingers were long and thick too. Unlike her husband's that although were elegant, were thinner. Then, she turned to face him.

From afar, she already knew that he's handsome, but on closer inspection, he was even more so. He has high cheekbones and red lips. Despite being a general, his skin was light colored, his nose was thin and high, and his eyebrows, well, the CN novels call it swordlike. Wah!!!! He's so handsome. She almost forgot their situation and just wanted to jump him already!

Then he spoke. "Miss, I think that giving this large amount would lead to no good."

Lili remembered the line of Wanruo when she was about to give alms though the amount is much smaller. Although it leaves a sour taste in her mouth, she reminded herself to keep up with the script for higher success rate.

"Why not? People like you don't understand the hardship of people from lower origins! I want to give it to him, and I can afford it. So please, mind your own business." She said, though deep inside, she was hurting because she actually wanted to thank him for, she also didn't want to part with her gold teal. She wasn't even sure when she will get to have one again!

In the novel, the general talked to Wanruo more to dissuade her, and so they went on a debate growing hot and cold, but in the end, they came to understand one another. However, what happened next was out of script!

"Suit yourself." Lu Wei replied as he stood up and walked away.

'huh!? How could this be? Am I not attractive enough? Baby come back! I retract my lines! Please!' Lili screamed in her mind. 'Maybe because I'm the villainess that's why I should not imitate Wanruo's lines? Ugh!!!! Should have known it from the start!'

Lili stood up to follow the general leaving the beggar there who screamed, "Miss!!!" she turned to look back, 'ah useless! But ok, you're poor I will give you some money.' This time, she put the gold teal back in her pouch and gave him some copper coins.

The beggar can only cry afraid that if he causes a scene, the general will punish him.

Lu Wei walked away thinking, 'I just told her a sincere advice and look how ungrateful she was. Might as well leave her be, besides, she said so herself, she can afford it anyway.'

"Please wait!!!!" Lili exclaimed as she tried to chase Lu Wei.

Lu Wei furrowed his brows, 'What does she need?' he wondered. So, he stopped walking.

Lili grabbed his arm, "Sir, I'm sorry for earlier. I did not think that I would offend you. I thought about it, and I understand why you said what you said. So, I listened and just gave him copper coins. Uh, thank you. Now since I saved some money, do you mind if I treat you for lunch?" Lili spouted. 'uh, I don't know what I'm saying, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.'

Lu Wei looked at the hand holding his arm.

Lili let go of him while thinking, 'what? You can touch my wrist, but I can't touch your arm? Tsk tsk', but of course, she did not let it show on her face. Instead, she looked up to show him her seductive, friendly, innocent face she practiced on the mirror.

"There's no need. I can afford it anyway." he replied, getting back at her with her line.

'Smart comeback!' Lili wanted to praise, but of course she said another line in response. "Then, can you also afford to pay for my meal? Can I join you instead?"

Lu Wei did not know if she was being serious or sarcastic. "Please refrain from that kind of attitude. It's not good for a lady like yourself. Please, excuse me."

'What the????' Lili thought. But she's not going to give up!

"Please kind sir, I'm not a lady… I need your help! I used that ploy just to get your attention. Please General Lu Wei!", she can't think of anything else to say, so might as well create a story for this 2D character to become a sucker for.

Lu Wei looked back. 'She knew him?' seeing her pitiful appearance and crying face, he decided to just give her the chance. It was after all, his duty as a general to help and protect the people of their kingdom.

"What do you need my help for?" he finally asked.

Lili thought, 'gotcha!', "Can we talk somewhere more private?"

Lu Wei's looked at his soldiers and signaled with his eyes for them to leave them.

Lihua was looking at the princess dumbfounded but it's not like she can do anything about it. The princess has always been willful.
