9. Sob story

Lili and Lu Wei were finally alone in a private room.

Lili looked at Lu Wei who was seriously waiting for her to begin speaking. She could not stop herself any longer, she began laughing, but knowing that he won't like that, she turned the laugh to a pretend cry instead, now she sounded like she's wailing.

Lu Wei looked at her in concern. Then, thinking that she needed it, he pulled his handkerchief from the sleeve of his Zhongshan suit and handed it to her.

Lili took it from his offered hand and took a sniff. 'Ah, although a general, this man looks neat and even his handkerchief smells nice. Must be nice to be a 2D character.'

"Have you calmed down?" Lu Wei asked.

"Yes, General Lu Wei, thank you for giving me this chance…."

"So, why did you find me and what do you need my help for?"

Lili knew that Lu Wei was the most righteous of the 4 MLs. She knew that when he figures that she's been lying to his face, then he would never forgive her. However, he won't really go psychotic on her and just maybe ignore her after. The reason she thought that way was that, amongst the MLs, he's the only one who didn't do anything to Lili even when he knew that Lili bullied Wanruo.

So, she decided that she will string him along during this time before the hunting event. Maybe she can make him fall in love in 1 month and have snu snu with him along the way.

"General, it's like this. I am but a young maiden, my parents owed this man a lot of money so in the end, he forcefully took me away. Now, to clear our family's debt, he demands that I do things to him I can't even imagine. I don't know what to do anymore…"

Lu Wei furrowed his brows. "Then where did your gold teal come from?"

Lili wanted to face palm. 'Shit.', ok continue with the lies. "I mean, I already paid him because he forced himself on me. Now, he wants to keep me as his toy. I don't want to, I'm not willing. But he forces me to, and then he makes me do things, things that any girl like me should never do."

Lu Wei thought that that's something that happens to some sadly, but looking at the girl in front of him, he doubts that she's being mistreated. She looks healthy, and her clothes were of the finest materials. She doesn't even seem like she has a bruise on her body. Was she making a joke out of him? He shook his head. He just wasted his time.

"How so? What does he make you do?" he asked for the sake of asking.

Lili wanted to smirk. "I can not say… but…" she thought about it, she wants to seduce him now, but the problem was, her story was that she's no longer a virgin. If she does that with him and were to have that done with Zhang Zuo the day after tomorrow, it won't be good. Her first must be with Zhang Zuo to make him fall in love with her, while Lu Wei can be her second coz he already thinks that she's no longer a virgin. 'Hmm… how should I go about this?' she asked herself.

She looked at Lu wei who was seriously listening to what she's saying. 'He's so hot. Maybe I can give him a preview and make it seem like I'm still innocent. Hehehe'

Lu Wei shook his head, "If you do not say, I won't be able to help.", he's done with whatever this lady was playing as.

"I, I can't say, because I don't know what it's called. But I can show you if you would let me, General Lu Wei…"

Lu Wei thought that since he's there, then might as well. "alright."

'Well, well, well… hehehe' Lili thought as she stood from her chair. She approached Lu Wei. Then she placed her hands on his broad shoulders.

Lu Wei was surprised. What if she's an assassin or a spy? But based on her body structure, he doubts that she's one. That's why he was okay to be with her alone, aside from the fact that he's confident with his own skills. "What are you doing?" he asked.

Lili started massaging his broad shoulders. "I'm showing you what he makes me do. Please General, let me finish so you can judge if this is wrong."

Lu Wei thought that she was just demonstrating so he let her.

Lili wanted to rejoice. This ML although righteous sure was gullible. She leaned forward so that her boobs were now pressed on his back. When he did not react, she reached forward to touch his manhood.

Lu Wei felt flustered when she pressed her body on him but since he already agreed, he let her. But then, he saw her hand reaching forward and instantly knew what she will be touching next. Thus, he grabbed her arm before she can touch him. Then, he pulled her so that she was in front of him.

Lili was surprised when he pulled her wrist a little roughly, now they were standing face to face, and she can see him frowning.

"What is your purpose for getting me here? Are you a spy sent to seduce me?" Lu Wei demanded.

"Huh? But I don't… I'm just showing you what the man makes me do…" Lili denied. Well, technically, she was indeed sent to seduce him if he was Samael, but she's doing this of her own volition too.

"I think that's enough. I'm sorry but I can't help you. I should go."

'What!??????? NO!!!!!!!!!', Lili started sobbing, "General, I know I'm just a dirty girl. Alright, I will be more honest now…. My name is Lili, and I have been forced by my Auntie to marry a man I do not wish to marry because… because… the man I have always had in my heart is you! General Lu Wei! I love you!"

'Dang! Now, how about that!? Now, come here Lu Wei and let's get some action!' she thought.
