10. Birthday dinner

Lili got back home annoyed. She thought that after she confessed, Lu Wei will somehow become flustered. However, instead, he just looked at her and asked, 'have we even met before?', then left the room. In fairness to him though, at least he did settle the bill.

Lili shook her head. Anyway, she will get her chance again, she was sure he will go back to Haochi one of these days, and she would only have to guilt trip him by saying that he did not help her, and her husband abused her, or whatever she could think of then.

As she has nothing left to do and her husband was not joining her, she started sewing her birthday suit. 'Ha! Zhang Zuo would definitely not know what hit him! Hahaha!'


The next day, it was time for the bride's homecoming. True to his word, Zhang Zuo was present to go with her.

The homecoming was good for her. Everyone in their home, well, at least those who matters, loves and spoils her. She can totally understand why novel Lili became the way she was. Anyway, in contrast to how they treated her, Zhang Zuo was looked down upon. Her father, the duke, even said in front of his face that if Lili feels wronged, she can just divorce him and come home.

Zhang Zuo wanted to say 'Well, her hand was forced on me, so you can take her back anytime if you like. However, his lover was Wanruo, and the duke was still her father.

Lili of course tried to defend Zhang Zuo to gain some brownie points from him, she said that he's the best husband and treats her so well. That everyone in the marquess manor are good people, and that they treat her as good as she's being treated at home. Well, it was true, they all were good to her, her only lie was her tale about Zhang Zuo.

Zhang Zuo could only blush hearing what Lili said about him because he knew how untrue her words were. Still, he felt good that she defended him in front of her family.

At the end of the day, they went home together in one carriage.

Zhang Zuo thought better of Lili, made him decide that he should at least be more friendly to her before they get their divorce.

Lili on the other hand was behaving really well in front of Zhang Zuo that day. she did not act outrageously and observed propriety. Of course, all those were for the sake of her plans on her 'birthday'. She needs to get his guards down so that her plan would be a success.


Finally, it was the eve of her birthday. As she instructed, the servants laid the dishes on the table earlier than usual. Then, when they left, she brought out the aphrodisiac she asked Lihua buy.

It was a small bottle with translucent liquid inside, she remembered that the instruction was pour 3 drops to the food or drink the man will consume. However, she wanted it to be full proof, so instead, she poured a spoonful of that on Zhang Zuo's cup. Hehe, surely, he won't taste it mixed in his tea!

Then, she waited. After a while, the servant announced that Zhang Zuo has arrived.

Lili stood up from her seat to welcome him.

"Husband you're here! Please, come sit down."

Zhang Zuo looked at her strange attire. "What are you wearing?" he asked.

Lili smiled, she still have a thin red robe wrapped around her body, doesn't show much skin but inside, she's wearing just the see through lace negligee.

"It's my birthday so I wore this red robe!" she answered.

Zhang Zuo did not think much of it and sat on the chair she led him to.

Lili was too excited. She did not want to dally, so she quickly poured tea in the cup where there was aphrodisiac already. Then, she picked it up to give Zhang Zuo.

"Zhang Zuo, please accept this cup as a sign of my love." She said as she served him the cup with two hands.

Zhang Zuo did not find her behavior strange as she has always been weird for him. He accepted the cup.

Lili looked at him expectantly.

Zhang Zuo sipped a little, but then, he felt it strange and quickly knew that his wife placed something in that tea. Was it poison? His eyes widened to look at her.

Lili smiled at him.

"What did you mix to the tea?"

Lili pretended to give him a guilty innocent face, "I'm so sorry husband. My auntie said that I must be one with you in all sense of the word so that we will be husband and wife. I just love you so much... I will make it up to you tonight... " then, she started to disrobe.

Zhang Zuo then realized that what she placed was aphrodisiac. He looked at her and saw that she was already wearing nothing but a thin looking fabric which leaves nothing to the imagination.

"Lili! What are you doing!" He can't believe what's happening. He just drank a little so the aphrodisiac should not be too effective. However, to be honest, he did find Lili attractive from the start. So, when Lili reached for his manhood, he was already hard as rock.

He quickly stood from the chair so he can leave.

Lili took that as her chance to pull his pants along with his undergarment down. Then, in front of her standing was Zhang Zuo with his erection.

'Oh my! His thing is definitely bigger than any dildo I ever used! This is amazing!!!!!' she thought.
