Prince Vegeta was having a bad feeling. He didn't know what the cause of it was. He hoped his little brother was safe. Before he could dwell on anything else. A portal opened up in front of him. Out stepped the older version of himself. " You're looking weak, bit that to be expected. You're still depended on frizza. I come to offer you a chance to be the strongest in the universe. If you accept in a week's time, you'll be more powerful than Frieza. What do you say younger self are you in?" The younger Vegeta just smiled. "Come Nappa, we have Training to do." They both follow the older Vegeta through the portal. At the same time, Frieza was also given the same choice. So was his older brother and father. Fu looked on as all this was going on. He was glad he was able to change the timeline again. Fu Have felt the need to strengthen the enemies of the Saiyan empire. So it could be more entertaining for him to watch this timeline and to get more energy from it.

Back on planet Earth, a celebration of the new alliance is going on. The Earthlings were happy to have a strong protector and the possibilities of going into space. The Saiyans were happy to find women who could reproduce with them. So far, the ten Inhabitant planets they have conquered so far had no luck.

Training of Prince Vegeta

"Just call me Vegeta Prime. You'll be training in here until you reach Super Saiyan. Every day is a year in this place. So we have five years for you to get up to speed. The jar with green beans in it are called senzu beans. They can help you recover from any wound as long as you're not dead. From now on we'll start training under a hundred times normal gravity. I will upgrade it to 500 times. Now I hope you said your prayers. Cuz training starts now."

Prince Vegeta was listening to his older self. Trying to process all this in his head. Just before he could ask any questions. Two ki blast came at him and Napa. Hitting them both and putting them in critical condition."Now if you want to live crawl. Take a senzu beans and eat it. We don't have all day. So hurry up." Vegeta and Napa both were pissed off. One for being so weak, and two for being caught on guard. It took them a few minutes to make it to the jar. All the while Vegeta Prime stood there and watched them. After they both ate the bean they're power level shut up. Now being in full health again they charged Vegeta Prime. Only for both of them getting knocked back down again. Followed by two more key blasts. "Will do this three more times then I'm turning the gravity on. So hurry up."

Back on Earth

Aikon was getting to know Bulma and her family. He found they were very laid back about his lifestyle. They even offered their older daughter to him also. Meanwhile the twins were having a field day with all the things they found in Dr. Gero lab. Some things will be taken and reprogram. To better help the empire, but they found information that would help them make more of their race. It turns out the good doctor knew how to clone. The people of Earth as well as the Saiyans were getting things ready for the wedding.

Meanwhile FU was having other plans for the wedding. He knew that Prince Vegeta and Napa. Would be ready to crash the party. He could not wait to see the look on all of their faces when that happens. The energy alone from this timeline was enough for him to revive the ancient god. FU was having too much fun to do that though. He had seen enough timelines where he had done it and been defeated. He has something else in mind. By using the time energy he's collected. He was going to make a new main timeline. That way the time Patrol would never be able to defeat him. He just needed more energy.

Frost Demon in training area

Frieza, his brother Cooler, and his father king cold. We're standing in the middle of a frozen field. The temperature was so cold even they were starting to shake. They could not understand why the code was affecting them so bad. " Welcome my so-called descendants. You are all too weak, but we'll fix that. If you survive that is. Now prepare yourself for the fight of your life."

Before they can say anything they were attacked from all sides. While they were fighting they noticed they were fighting other Frost demons. This put them as a shock. Cooler immediately went to his fifth form. Not caring if his brother or father seen it. Now is not the time for hiding one strength. He had to go all out or die. Frieza also put some self to his final form. Seeing his older brother have a new form. Made him push himself even harder. He was always told he was a genius and had more Talent than his older brother. So far it didn't seem that way.

King cold was in a pickle. For the first time in many years he had to transform again. Breaking Free from his shell helped but still he was almost mortally wounded. He would have to push himself harder to evolve again if he was to survive. Looking at his sons he was impressed. Knowing that he would have to push himself much harder to surpass them.

Cooler was having the time of his life. Never before had he been pushed so far. He was not even worried about his father or his brother. By pushing himself and proving himself he would be the supreme ruler of the universe when he returned. Whether his father her brother made it out alive was not his concerning. Becoming the best he can be was all he can think about. That and rubbing it the face of his father and his brother would be so satisfying.

Galactic Patrol

The last two weeks the galactic policeman have been in and uproar. With the Resurgence of the Saiyans things are not looking too good for them. So far the new Saiyans have not attacked him. In a few cases they actually help them capture some space pirates. Especially now they got a message from the planet Earth. That the Emperor of the Saiyans race is marrying one of the Earthlings. It just so happens that her sister has been hanging around with a galactic patrolman. Now both of them are standing in front of the galactic King.